Chapter 104

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Over the next few days, I went out often with Lionel to visit shops in town and try to find different vegetables and ingredients that I would be needing for a few recipes I wanted to make.

The first visit to town had me stepping into a small store, jam-packed with jars of spices and herbs. The second I stepped through the door, my nose was attacked by the heavy smell and I started coughing, trying to clear my lungs. Lionel's eyes also started watering, and he plugged his nose with one hand.

"Should we leave?" he asked, as I looked around for labels on the jars.

"I need some stuff from this shop. Selina said it would be here," I explained, squinting my eyes in the dim lighting.

"It's hurting my eyes," Lionel whispered. "Let's do this quickly."

I quickly searched for the right spices and peppers I needed and paid for them. The old man who took my money was a bit hard of hearing, which wasted some time.

The second that Lionel and I stepped into the fresh air, we took deep breaths, finally out of the stuffy store.

"I thought I was going to suffocate in there!" Lionel complained as we continued around town.

"Me too. The store owner needs to keep a window open or something! I don't think the inside of the store has felt a breeze in years."

"Where are we going next?"

"I don't know, Selina said she wasn't sure what kind of store in Audora would hold the fruits and veggies I need, so I guess we could just walk around first to try and find something."

In reality, I was sure that we wouldn't be able to find these goods without specially ordering them, but I wanted an excuse to shop around for some other items.

"Alright, let's go in that direction then," Lionel turned, heading towards the food stalls.

I quickened my pace to catch up, walking next to him and looking around the stalls, trying to find something that caught my eye.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much to buy. Most of the fruits and vegetables sold in the stalls were already grown in the garden at home. Buying more of them here would just be a waste of money.

Instead, I dragged Lionel over to another part of the town, where vendors were selling accessories and fabrics. 

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