Chapter 88

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It went without saying that all of the knights absolutely loved the popsicles. Those who didn't perform as well could only look on in jealousy as the others enjoyed a nice treat.

I had to promise that I would make more in the future, for all of the knights.

Commander Landon even gave me some suggestions, such as using strawberries (which were his favorite fruit). When hearing this, all the other knights started chiming in with their favorite flavors.


"No, apples are better!"

"I like cherries the best!"

Commander Landon shushed them, making them all run a lap, and in the meantime, Lionel helped me gather all of the forks and molds to bring back to the kitchen for a wash.

Kai and Kira said they would stay behind for the rest of the day.

"We want to watch the knights train too!" they exclaimed.

"Just don't stay out for too long," I said, before following Lionel back to the kitchen.

Lionel watched me rinse all of the forks and dry them with a rag.

"Why do you do the dishes yourself when you have maids to do it for you?"

I shrugged, "I made the food, so I should clean it myself. The maids weren't the ones who ate it."

"But it's their job," Lionel countered. "They get paid to complete these tasks, and they are paid quite a lot too."

"True, but this is something simple," I reasoned. "It will only take me a few minutes to rinse all of these off. If I asked the maids for help, I'd have to find them, and it's just more inconvenient."

"I'm gonna leave first then, to go study."

"Alright, see you later, Lionel."

He nodded, and left the kitchen.

I quickly finished rinsing the molds and left them open on the counter to dry.

Afterwards, I left for my room, stopping to take a look at Kai and Kira, who were still watching the knights.

Commander Landon was guiding them on how to use small wooden swords, teaching them the proper form.

"If you two want to train, join your brothers and Corvalia for training every morning," Commander Landon said. "Although, at your age, you may still be a bit young. You can train in the afternoon instead."

"We'd love to!" the twins responded.

Looks like they are getting along well too. What flavor should I make for the knights next? Maybe I will go with some strawberries for Commander Landon first.

A/N: Last week I reached 100k views, and I'm just so happy. Thanks to all my readers and supporters for following me on this journey! 

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