Chapter 60

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Uhm... This is awkward.

"Hello, sir," I politely greeted the man. "May I ask what happened here?"

"Oh it was awful!" he immediately began.

"A strange man wearing a hood came into my shop, asking about my products. I showed him around, but he was hoping to find some higher quality pieces so I left this room for just a second to go retrieve them from the back! As soon as I left the room and came back holding all of my rarest jewels, he leaped over the counter and knocked me out! When I woke up, I was tied to a chair upstairs, and the man was rifling around for more jewelry, but luckily you all arrived and managed to startle him, and he flinched so hard he knocked a vase over, which allowed you to be alerted to his presence, and managed to stop him-"

Does this man ever breathe!?

"That's enough!" Lionel put an end to the man's long speech. "What is your name?"

"My name is Erik. Was there anything you were interested in buying today? I could go and retrieve my items from upstairs if you need anything."

I get the feeling that Erik talks a lot. Too much. Also, leaving his counter unattended was what got him robbed in the first place. Does he do that often? Is that what got him targeted?

"I'm not interested in buying anything right now, but I do want to sell a few pieces of jewelry," I replied, gesturing towards the few that I had already placed on the countertop.

"Yes, yes, of course. Let me get my equipment from the back to take a look!"

Lionel turned to me and whispered, "Do you know how much these pieces should be worth? Don't let him try to scam you."

"It's okay, as long as I get enough money to pay off the blacksmith and the tailor I'll be happy," I whispered back.

Lionel shrugged at my response and we both waited for Erik to return.

He came back holding a briefcase, and as he set up his equipment to inspect the gems, he said, "Please just wait a moment as I take a look."

I let myself get lost in daydreaming a little bit, and while Erik was doing his thing, Commander Landon returned, thankfully not gone for long.

"The quality of these stones are very good! And the craftsmanship is incredible as well... Where did you get these amazing pieces, young lady!?" Erik enthusiastically asked me.

"Well, they were gifted to me."

I can't remember who though. Probably Lady Catherine, based on how heavy they are. No way anyone would expect a child to drape a 10 pound necklace over their shoulders.

"For these three necklaces, I can offer you quite a lot. How does 750 silvers apiece sound?" Erik stared at me in eager anticipation.

I pretended to consider the price, but I was actually trying to figure out how much 750 silvers was roughly worth in terms of dollars.

I need to get more familiar with this world's currency system. I wish the author just used dollars instead... That would be way easier.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

Seems to be a decent amount of money. Oh well, if it's not enough, I can just offer Henry and Alex a piece of jewelry each.

"Alright then! We have a deal. Thank you for your business, please just wait here while I get all the papers..." 

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