Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion

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"My bedroom!" You cried as you saw Natsu and Happy had broken in and made a giant mess in your room. "Get the heck out of here you jerks!" You shouted as you kicked Natsu and Happy in the face. "Geez, I just came over to check out your new pad" Natsu said, rubbing his sore face. "Aye" Happy said. "Oh yeah, well what you call checking out I call barging in! And I'm pretty sure the police would call it breaking and entering." You said. "Come on, we were just trying to be friendly" Natsu said. "This is a serious invasion of my privacy." You said. "Nice place you got here" Happy said as he scratched the walls. "Let's try and keep it that way all right?!" You asked. "Hey, what's all this?" Natsu asked as he picked up a pile of papers. You gasped and kicked Natsu in the face. "Nothing!" You cried as you grabbed the papers from him. "So you just kicked me in the face over nothing?" Natsu asked. "Yeah, maybe I would. Now would you please just go home?" You asked. "Oh, but your place is way more exciting" Natsu said. "I hate boys!" You said.

Time skip

"Look, we just moved in and we're not ready for guests so how about you two just drink your tea, say thanks, and get out. You got that?" Lucy asked. "Talk about cold hearted" Natsu said. "Ice cold" Happy said. "Watch it, cat" you said. "Hey, I know. Why don't you show me and Happy all those weird little key guys that you and (Y/n) like to collect" Natsu said. "For your information, they're called Celestial spirits" Lucy said. "How many of these celestial spirits do you have contracts with?" Happy asked. Lucy held up her gate keys. "Six so far. Not to brag or anything but I even have a couple different types of them" Lucy said. "The silver keys are the ones that you can find in the magic shops. I've got Horologium The Clock, Crux The Southern Cross, and Lyra The Harp. But the golden ones are super rare. There are twelve total and they open the gates of The Zodiac. I've got Taurus The Golden Bull, Aquarius The Water Bearer, and that last one is Cancer The Giant Crab" Lucy said. Natsu and Happy gasped. "Giant Crab?" Natsu asked. "Giant Crab legs!" Happy said. Lucy sweat dropped. "I've never met anyone as obsessed with food as these two." Lucy said. "What about you (Y/n)? What kind of celestial spirits do you have?" Natsu asked.

Lucy smiled. "Oh, actually (Y/n) has all of the celestial spirits, including the ones I already have. She even has a special set of gate keys which are called Elemental keys, which have what are called Elemental celestial spirits" Lucy said. Natsu and Happy looked at you in shock. "Okay wait a minute, so, not only does (Y/n) have all types of Dragon Slayer Magic, but she also has her own version of each celestial spirit, along with special celestial spirits known as Elemental celestial spirits?" Natsu asked. Lucy smiled. "Yup. Pretty much" Lucy said. "Wow (Y/n)! That's awesome!" Happy said. You smiled and giggled. "Thanks, Happy" you said. "That reminds me. I need to make a contract with the key I bought in Hargeon" Lucy said. "I don't suppose you fellas are interested in seeing how a celestial wizard makes a contract with a celestial spirit" Lucy said. "I hope it's not some grotty blood pact" Happy whispered. "Well, it sounds like a pain in the butt to me" Natsu whispered back. "Um, I can hear you, so leave my butt out of this" Lucy said. Lucy held up her new gate key. "All right, pay attention" she said. Lucy then held out her gate key. "I call upon thee in the world of the celestial spirits. I beckon you to my side at once. Pass through the gate!" Lucy said.

"Open! Gate Of Canis Minor! Come Nichola!" Lucy said. A golden light appeared and out came a small white creature with black eyes and a long orange nose. Natsu and Happy gasped. "Nice try" they said. "Shut up I meant to do that!" Lucy yelled. Lucy picked up the little spirit and hugged him. "Aw, you are such a Cutie Patootie!" Lucy said while hugging the celestial spirit. "You think so?" You asked. "It doesn't take much magic power to get these little guys through the gate so a lot of wizards actually keep them as pets" Lucy said. "You know this whole pet thing doesn't sit well with me" Happy whispered. "Not with a weird master like Loony here" Natsu whispered. "My name is Lucy. And I can still hear you" Lucy said. "Well, let's get started on our contract" Lucy said. "Are you free Mondays?" Lucy asked. The spirit shook its head. "Tuesdays?" Lucy asked. The spirit nodded. "Wednesdays?" Lucy asked. "Man this is boring" Natsu said. "Mm hmm" Happy agreed. You glared at them. "Great, well, that just about does it" Lucy said. "That was pretty easy" Happy said. "Yup" Natsu said. "It may seem silly to you but it's really important. You see, a celestial wizard's contract relies on the promise that's made between the wizard and the spirit. Which is why we make it a point to always keep our promises. Got it?" You asked. "Oh yeah" Natsu said.

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