Song Of The Stars

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"Listen! We're not here to play. We're here to train!" Carla scolded. "Let's get to it!" Happy said. "It's hard to take you seriously when you're dressed like that." Droy said. Jet chuckled. "There's plenty of time for training. But it's important to balance work and pleasure. We'll play hard! Eat hard! Sleep hard!" Erza said. You sweat dropped. "Erza, I didn't hear work hard anywhere in there." You said. Gray and Natsu suddenly ran forward knocking over Jet and Droy in the process. "The ocean!" Natsu said. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Gray said. "Swimming contest!" They said as they swam in the ocean. "Sand castle contest!" Then they began building sand castles. "Eating contest!" They then went to a restaurant. "Sun tan contest!" Last they both laid down on a towel on the sand. You, Jet and Droy sweat dropped watching them. "That was fun." Natsu said. "I'm ready for a nap." Gray said. "Geez. Is everything a completion with these two? You asked. "Look at "em, they're kickin' back and relaxin." Jet said.  "Well, it's only the first day so I guess we can let 'em enjoy it." Droy said. "My beloved Gray looks so handsome with a tan!" Juvia said. Meanwhile Wendy was working on studying her new sky spells. "Okay. Aw, man. This is gonna be super tough. Natsu was underwater and let out a big fire dragon roar. "Whoa, Natsu's really incredible! I'm amazed that he can still do his Fire Dragon Roar with all the water pressure down there." Happy said. Natsu swam to the top. "That was awesome!" Happy said. "You ain't seen nothin' yet, buddy! I'm just gettin' started here!" Natsu declared.

"Just watch! I'm gonna up my power even more!" Natsu went underwater again and did another roar. Gray watched on a rock near the water. "Better train or he'll show me up." Gray said. Meanwhile Lucy was training with one of her celestial spirits on how to sustain her magic power. "To do that, you must first strengthen your mind, thereby enhancing the vessel which holds your magic power. Feel the land. The wind. The air. Focus on that sensation. You must control your breathing and try to become one with nature." Capricorn said. Lucy took a deep breath and wind began to swirl around her. "There you go. That's it, Lady Lucy. Nice work." Capricorn encouraged. Lucy tried to focus but it became harder for her. "Keep going. you need to release more magic power." He said. Lucy began grunting and then fell backward panting. "That's tough." She said. "This takes me back to times I spent with Lady Layla. I assisted her with her training as well." He said. "Say, have you ever heard of "primordial magic"?" Lucy asked. "It's the magic from which all others were created. The origin." He said. "I remember Hades saying that he wanted to get his hands on it." Lucy said. "I guess my mom must've left out some stuff when she told me about it. She never mentioned (Y/n)  or the Grand Magic World. In fact, she didn't bring up anything scary at all." She said. "What are you trying to say?" Capricorn asked. "It's hard to explain, but if the "primordial magic" my mom told me about when I was little is real, then it's not something that Hades would ever be able to get his hands on. 'Cause it's not something tangible. From what I understand, it seems easy to get but it's actually very hard to obtain. And it's contradictory because even though it's more powerful than anything in this world, it can also be incredibly weak. My mother once told me, that all forms of magic began with the power of love. So, that's why I think "primordial magic" actually refers to "love" Lucy said. Capricorn smiled. "I like the way you think, Lady Lucy." He said. "If only Hades had been able to see it that way, too. Maybe he could've avoided the depths of darkness." Lucy said. Meanwhile Gray was busy training while you gave Wendy some wind reader glasses to help her study faster. Juvia was also busy training as she made giant blocks of water and Erza was training with her swords as she chopped a cliff into the ocean. Natsu and Happy were racing each other. "Gotta get stronger!" Natsu claimed. "Aye, sir!" Happy said. Natsu ran ahead. "Stronger and stronger!" He said. "Aye-aye, Sir!" Happy said. "Anybody who looks down on our guild is gonna regret it! 'Cause we're still number one!" Natsu said. "Aye!" Happy said. "I'm gonna show those good for nothin' jerks the power of Fairy Tail!" Natsu shouted. "Heck yeah! You show 'em!" Happy shouted.

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