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"How could you?!" Sho asked as he ran through the halls in anger. "You lied to me Jellal. You lied to all of us. I won't let you get away with this!" He shouted. "Calm down, Sho" you said. "He's gotta pay for what he did!" He said. "You're going to need my help to fight him. Please Sho, let me go! Let me out of this card and I'll fight with you!" You begged. "I can't do that. I'm sorry but it's for your own good. You're safe in there" Sho said. "Please Sho!" You said. Sho's eyes widened and he froze when he saw someone in front of him. A woman with high red shoes holding and playing a guitar was slowly waking towards him. Sho glared at her and held up three cards protectively. "I am the one they call Ikaruga. Who might you be?" The woman asked. "Get out of my way, lady. Don't make me hurt you!" He said. "Dear me, why must I be burdened by such a boorish man?" She asked sarcastically.

Sho glared at her. "I warned you!" He said, then he threw 3 cards into the air. A blue magic circle appeared and glowing cards came flying towards her. She slashed through them, and the cards all ripped. "How'd you do that?" Sho asked in shock. "My katana is able to cut through anything with extreme precision" she said. "Well that sword of yours won't scare me!" Sho said. Suddenly Sho was hit and froze, dropping all of his cards in the process. "No. I- I can't move" he said as he fell to the ground. "I've just severed your nerves without cutting your clothing or flesh. Don't challenge my mugetsu style" she said. "Let me out of here!" You cried. "I can't" Sho said. "Well, well. What do we have here? I wondered where you were hiding, (Y/n)" she said. "You've got to release me Sho! Please! She's too powerful for you to take on by yourself!" You said as your card was falling.

"Don't worry about me. All that matters is you're safe" he said as he laid on the ground. "I cast a shielding spell on that card she can't harm you from the outside" he explained. "Is that so?" She asked as she grabbed her katana. "Let's test that theory, shall we?" She asked. "You're spell won't hold up against her. That's no ordinary sword she's wielding. It's magical!" You tried to warn him. "You're safe. I promise" he said. She slashed your card. "Trust me" he smiled. Then he gasped as the card cracked and fell to the ground. "She can cut across the dimensional rift?" Sho asked. You summoned a sword of your own and used it to try and break free from the card you were inside of. Sho screamed as beams of magic shot towards him and he was thrown against the wall. "Sister!" Sho cried. A golden light surrounded you as you broke free from the card.

"I knew your attacks would weaken Sho's sealing spell, allowing me to cut right through it to freedom" you said. "You said you're name's Ikaruga?" You asked. She smirked. "That's right" she said. Then a beam of magic hit you and you screamed as you fell to the ground. "Sister no" Sho said. She smirked. "You seem surprised. A skilled wizard like yourself should have seen that coming" Ikaruga said. "Can you feel it's gaze? From the depths of the night mist? The monooke~" she sang. "You're single minded focus on Jellal has rendered you a fledging novice. Completely unaware to my katana flashing about you" Ikaruga said. You sent her a death glare. She smirked. "Yes, there's the look I've been waiting for" she said. Sho shook with fear. 'I've never seen (Y/N) like this' he thought to himself. "You may be skilled, but you don't stand a chance against me" she taunted. You glared at her.

"You're my enemy and I will defeat you!" You said. A golden light surrounded your body. She smirked. "I'd like to see you try" she said. "Sky Dragon: roar!" You shouted. A tornado of air went towards her. She easily dodged it and slashed her sword at you. You moved out of the way just in time. She smirked. "So, you're a dragon slayer, very interesting" she said. You smirked. "Oh I'm much more than that!" You said. "Ice Dragon: Wing Attack!" You shouted, striking her with an ice whirlwind which she blocked with her sword. "Water Dragon: Crushing Fang!" You shouted, she quickly dodged that attack as well. But you didn't give up. "Earth Dragon: Stone Crush!" You shouted, as you punched the ground causing earth to rise up around her. She slashed you with her sword and you flew back.

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