(Y/n) The Zero Wizard Saint

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"There he is!" Gray said. "Natsu!" Lucy said. "What happened to you?" You asked. "It's moving. I just can't handle it." Natsu said. "Hey, guys, please help." Happy said. "Are you okay?" You asked worriedly. "Sir cat is still alive." Jura said. "Are you talking about Happy?!" You, Lucy and Gray asked. "You guys got to save Natsu. Brain's taking him away." Happy said. "The six demons have been cut down to a meager three. We've been chopped in half. So in order to stop the bleeding in our once healthy ranks, I will fortify them with this one." Brain said. "Not happening." You glared at Brain. "I always knew this was gonna happen someday. One of these dark guilds was gonna try to pull Natsu over to their side." Gray said. "You must be out of your mind if you think you're ever gonna get that hardhead to cooperate with you." Lucy said.

"Once Nirvana darkens his heart, he will gladly do my bidding. His goals and my own will be intertwined." Brain said. Natsu bit his hand. "In your dreams!" He said. All of you were surprised. "You still have the strength to fight?!" Brain shoved him to the ground. "I am so sick." Natsu said. "The spirit is strong but the stomach weak." Jura said. "Yeah. You can say that again. Kind of gets in the way." Gray said. "Help me. Please help me. I'm begging ya. Beat this guy, and stop this thing." Natsu said. "Oh we're gonna stop it. And not just for your sake." You said. "Yeah." Lucy nods. "Is that so?" Brain asked. "You'll stop Nirvana? Try your best." Brain said. "But you mustn't waste any time. We're quickly approaching our fight target. The Cait Shelter Guild hall." Brain said. You gasped. "That's the one Carla and Wendy belong to. Why them?" Happy said. Brain laughed evilly. "What is your objective?" You demanded. "What could you possibly hope to gain from their loss?" You asked. "The world on its head. In the blink of an eye, this guild of light will be consumed in darkness. Oh the things we shall see. What splendid horrors await us." Brain said. "We won't let you do that to them." Lucy said. "You're not gonna get away with this, scum bag." Gray said. "You still haven't told me. What do you hope to gain?" You asked. Your body began to glow with magic. Gray gasped. Brain laughed. "I don't have to answer to a little girl like you. I hold the reins of light and darkness. "Kneel before me and ask for one thing only. For mercy." Brain smirked. "What an idiot." You said, you stepped forward. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Gray asked. "He's far too delusional to hold a conversation."  You said. "You hear me? I asked you to kneel." "Elemental Dragon: Roar!" There was a big explosion, and Brain was sent back. "Her power, it's incredible." Brain said.

"Get up. Once you've explained why you've set your sights on the Cait Shelter guild, then you can rest." You said. "Whoa, I guess (Y/n) isn't messing around." Gray said. "No, it looks like she's pretty serious." Lucy said. "(Y/n) is the zero wizard saint. She's more powerful than Master Makarov." Happy said.  "How fascinating. I must admit I'm a bit surprised. But it seems to me your strength merits such prestige. "I know for a fact there are numerous guilds closer than Cait Shelter. To go so far out of your way, it betrays a specific intention." You said. Brain activates his staff. "By the time I reach them, you'll be nothing but a fading memory." Brain said. "Dark... rondo!" Brain sends bolts of green magic toward you. You created a powerful shield, which blocked the attack. "Holy-" Gray said. "That move was totally amazing. And a little scary." Lucy said. "It is pointless for you to keep attacking me. I demand an answer for my question, Brain." You said. "Why do my reasons concern you?" Brain asked. Brain sent more green magic toward you. You used another shield to block the attack. "I told you your attacks are pointless." You said. "Are they now?" Brain asked. Brain suddenly teleported. "Got you." He said. "Over there!" Lucy said. "Watch out! He's right behind you!" Gray said. You quickly turned around. "Dark Capriccio!" A beam of darkness is fired from the staff toward you. You create a powerful beam of light, which crashes into the darkness, pushing it back. "You're defense is pointless! The Dark Capriccio pierces through everything it encounters. Suddenly the light became stronger and beat Brain's attack. He was shocked. "What?!" He asked. Then he tries to aim for you again. "Dark Capriccio!" You quickly dodged the attack. "Elemental Dragon: Wing Attack!" You sent Brain flying.

"Dark Capriccio Scream!" Brain sent more green magic toward you. "Elemental Dragon: Talon!" Now you got ready for your final attack. "Elemental Dragon: Crumbling Lotus!" All of the elementals went toward Brain. Before you knew it, he was covered by multiple elements. "She did it! (Y/N) just took down the leader of The Oración Seis!" Gray said. "It's over! We won!" Lucy said. All of you walk over to Brain, who was badly beaten on the ground. "Now, I still need an answer as to why you're attacking Cait Shelter." You said. "Um, (Y/n), do you think we can stop this thing now?" Lucy asked. "That's a great idea. Like right now." Natsu said. "No. I can't believe this." Brain said. "Losing a battle against a little girl. Please hear my words, Midnight. You're our last remaining hope. You must not allow the six remaining prayers to disappear. They are our only hope. Of keeping him at bay." Brain said before he closed his eyes. "Keeping who at bay?" Jura asked. "Hold on. Is it my imagination or did one of those black lines on his face just disappear?" Gray asked. "Gray, I think it's more like you just trying to scare me." Lucy said. "And it's actually starting to work." She said. "Hey, guys!" Wendy said. You gasped. "It's Wendy." Lucy said. "Just as I thought. Only those hooligans would cause such a ruckus." Carla said. "Carla!" Happy said, then he fainted. "We're in trouble. I think this city is moving straight toward my guild for some reason." Wendy said. "Don't worry Wendy, everything is going to be okay." You said.

Wendy looked down at Brain and gasped. "His buddy the snake charmer is lying right over there." Gray said. "Wow." Wendy said. "From what we can gather, this creepy Brain guy is also the one who has been controlling Nirvana." Lucy said. "And now that he's out cold, the city should stop at any moment." Lucy said. "It doesn't sit well with me, he is down, but did you ever find out his reason for targeting our guild?" Carla asked. "No. I think it's just 'cause that's the kind of thing villains do." Gray said. "I still have some concerns." You said. "Yes, but the worst is over." Jura said. "No. I don't think so." Natsu said. "Guys, please. Stop this thing." Natsu said. "Oh, you poor guy. Have you been poisoned too?" Wendy asked. You, Lucy and Gray shook your heads. "So what's your problem, Tomcat?" Carla asked. "Don't tell me that you're too weak to stand?" Carla asked. "Yes, ma'am." Happy said. "Now I'm totally confused." Gray said. "No joke, me too." Lucy said. "You would think there'd be some kind of control panel or something up here." You said. "Right? So how are we supposed to stop this thing?" Lucy asked. "Man this sucks, I was almost positive that once we beat Brain this hunk of junk would stop moving." Gray said. "I was too." You said. "Now he's out cold so we can't ask him about it." Lucy said. "What'll we do? I cast a spell to counteract the venom, but he's still sick." Wendy said. "Natsu and vehicles don't seem to mix all too well." Happy said. "That is so pathetic." Carla said. "I really don't think my stomach wants to be inside me anymore." Natsu said. "It's motion sickness?" Wendy asked. "Yup." You said. "In that case... I'll cast a spell that restores his sense of balance." Wendy said. Wendy's hands glow and she puts them on his head. "Troia." Wendy said. "Hey, wait, (Y/n) don't you have that spell too?" Lucy asked. "Oops. I totally forgot." You said.

Lucy sighed. "(Y/n), we could've healed him hours ago..." Lucy whined. "Sorry..." you said sheepishly. Natsu began to cheer. "Yeah! I'm back! Oh, I feel a million times better!" Natsu said jumping. "I'm glad. I thought that might work." Wendy said. "Oh, you're a lifesaver, Wendy!" Natsu said. "You gotta teach me that spell sometime!" Natsu said. "Uh, Natsu. It's Sky magic. You won't be able to learn that spell." You said. "Wow! I don't feel like I'm riding on anything now! Hey, Lucy, summon one of your train or boat spirits for me." Natsu said. "I don't have those! Look, buddy, this is not the time to play! We're still in big trouble!" Lucy yelled. "We gotta figure out how to stop this thing." You said. "And there's obviously nothing up here that'll help us do that." Gray said. "I don't get it. I thought this is where Hoteye- I mean Richard said Brain was controlling it?" Lucy asked. "Was he lying?" Lucy asked.

"I don't think so. I don't think Richard would lie about something like that." You said. "There is a much more pertinent question at hand." Carla said. "Or should I say, a different way the question of how to stop it should be phrased?" Carla asked. "There are now visible controls, the royal throne is empty, and the one presumed to be piloting it has been defeated. So perhaps instead we should ask why is it still functioning the same as it was before?" Carla asked. "Do you think he might've put it on autopilot?" Gray asked uneasy. "If that's the case, it could be programmed to fire too." He said. "My poor guild is in trouble." Wendy sobbed. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to save them." You said. "I won't let this thing hurt your friends. I owe it to both of you." You said. "I'll stop it. I promise." You said.

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