For all the time we missed each other

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"I can't believe this." You said. "Three months training, wasted!" Natsu said. "Just cause we spent one day in the Celestial Spirit World this sucks. ." Happy said. "Could someone send us back in time for once?" Gray asked. "What are we gonna do? " Lucy asked. "Princess! I may have the answer!" Virgo said. "More blocks! Or maybe you should tighten the ropes?" She asked as she was carrying blocks while her hands were tied behind her. "Just leave." Lucy said. "We've only got five days left until the games! How are we supposed to win?" Droy asked.  "Well, you aren't gonna do it by stuffin' your face!" Jet scolded. "I guess we'll be sittin' on the side-lines While everyone else competes in the games." Levy said. Juvia sighed. "How am I supposed to catch up with Lily when he has a three month lead?" Happy asked. Wendy and Carla gasped. "I didn't know you cared about that!" Carla said. "It's not too late! We still have five days to train! It'll be Hell-on-Earth, so prepare yourselves! You may not survive!" You shouted. "I didn't live this long just to die from a workout!" Gray protested. "Sounds good to me! Do your worst, (Y/n)! I'm ready to feel the burn!" Natsu shouted as flames covered his body. "Yes. that's the spirit, Natsu! We'll start with some running!" You stopped when you realized a bird was on your head dnd looked up.  "A bird?" Lucy asked. "Check it out, there's something around its leg." Gray said. "It's a note. A love letter maybe?" Natsu asked. "You could have just given it to me directly, Gray!" Juvia said. "Yeah, like I  wrote it!" Gray retorted.

"Here we go. "Hey, Fairy Tail. You better come to the broken suspension bridge on the western hill!" Happy read. "Dumb note's not the boss of us!" Natsu said. "No kiddin I don't care for their tone. Not one bit." Gray said. "What should we do?" Wendy asked. "Why ignore it, of course!" Carla said. "in think we should go there." Erza said. "Ya know, this sounds like a trap to me." Levy said. "I agree with Levy. This has "trap written all over it." You said. "We'll just have to see." Erza said. "Sweet! I was really hoping she'd say that." Natsu said. All of you began to make your way there until you came across a broken bridge. "This must be the broken suspension bridge:" Erza said. "Cowards must have taken off." Natsu said. "Why are you always looking for a fight?" Wendy asked. "Maybe it was just a prank." Gray suggested. "Well, now that that's settled, (let's get back to the beach." Lucy said. You all gasped as you began to hear rumbling. "What the?" Jet asked. And before you knew it, the bridge had fixed itself back to normal. "That's a first." Gray said. "The bridge." Levy said. "It fixed itself!" Juvia said. "Alright, what do we do now?" Gray asked. "Obviously we're supposed to cross it." You said. "I still say this is a trap." Levy said. "I wanna go home." Wendy said. "Whoever we're dealing with is on the other side Let's get crossin'!" Natsu said. "Is he volunteering?" Lucy asked. "Sure is. See va!" Gray said before shoving Natsu onto the bridge. Natsu stumbled on. "Don't just shove a guy when he's not ready! I could have fallen!" Natsu shouted. The bridge moved so much that it kicked in his motion sickness. "Are you really getting sick from a freakin' bridge?" Gray asked in disbelief. "Why don't you come give it a try!" Natsu said as he hand a hand to his mouth trying not to throw up. "You lousy bridge! You're not beatin' me that easily!" Natsu said. Natsu then quickly ran to the other side. "Whaddya know?" Lucy asked. "I thought for sure it would collapse the moment someone stepped on it." Lucy said. "We all thought that." You said. "You used me as a lab rat?" Natsu asked as he began ranting. Erza looked at all of you. "Now that we know it's safe to cross, let's stop wasting time. Move it people!" She said.

Time Skip

"I hope they attack us soon." Natsu said. "Me too. A tough opponent will make for great training." You agreed. "You know you're the only ones obsessed with that, right?" Gray asked. You suddenly sensed someone and quickly put your right arm out in front of everyone protectively. Lucy gasped. "Someone's there!" She said. "Keep your guard up!" Juvia said. The three clocked people walked closer. "Hold on. That smell." You said. Everyone gasped. "You came." Jellal said. "Thank you" he said as the three removed their hoods. You gasped. "It's nice to see you again." He said. Everyone gasped. "It's really you." You said. "You haven't changed, (Y/n). I take it word of my prison break reached you some time ago?" He asked. "Yes." You said. "Please know I never intended to escape." Jellal said. "Meldy and I didn't give him much of a choice in the matter." Ultear said. "That was all you, Ultear! Don't lump me into your criminal behavior!" Meldy said. Juvia looked at her in surprise. "Meldy." She said. Meldy looked at her and smiled. "Long time, no see, Juvia!" She greeted. Juvia smiled at her. "Jellal broke out of prison?" Lucy asked. "And with Grimoire Heart, no less." Natsu said. "Chill out. They're not our enemies anymore." Gray said. "Isn't that right?" He asked. "Yes. I committed many sins as a member of Grimoire Heart. So many, I doubt I could ever atone for all of them. So, I've dedicated myself to bringing some measure of peace to the people I've hurt. 'Til the day I die." Ultear said. "You risked so much to rescue him from prison." Wendy said. "Because Jellal's one of them." Ultear said.

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