Target (Y/n)

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"I'll beat that jerk next time!" Natsu said. "I wonder how Gajeel would've spared against him." Wendy said. "Maybe we can ask him when he comes crawling out of his hiding spot." Elfman said. "We've got visitors." Max said. "Oh, costumers!" Mira said. "Isn't that girl from Edolas?" Wendy asked as she pointed at Coco. "Yeah, Queen Chagot, right?" Natsu asked. "No, she's a cat." Wendy said. "Coco? Long time no see. But how'd you get to Earth Land from Edolas?" Lucy asked. "Sugar Boy, these tools totes think we're like old chumps of theirs." Mary said. "Hhm. Well I'd have to say that sounds like their problem, Mary Hughes." Sugar boy said. "Let's finish this up before they invite us to stay for dinner." Coco said. "Mary Hughes?" Natsu asked. "And Sugar boy?" You asked. "The weirdos we fought at The Royal City's amusement park?" Natsu asked. "Now that you mention it there is a resemblance." 

Lucy said. Natsu pointed at Mary. "What's with the lady clothes, pervert? Are you trying to fool me or something?" He asked. "I just met him and I wanna kill him." Mary said. "Something's very wrong here." Wendy said. "If you folks aren't here to hire us." Max said. "Then you can march right back where you came from!" Laki said. Mary chuckled. "We ain't taking orders from slobs with no style, darling." Sugar boy said. "Say wha?!" Natsu asked. "I'm only saying this once, so listen. I demand you give me (Y/n) (L/n) like, now." Mary said. You gasped. "How forward. My heart skipped a beat." Michelle said. "Oh wow. I've never seen a real proposal in person." Happy said. "It's not like that!" You said. "Can it, fur ball!" Mary said. "There's no point hiding her from us." Coco said. "We like, totes know the spoiled little twerp's a member of your guild." Mary said. "Why dontcha make it easy on everyone and shimmy on over here, baby?" Sugar boy asked. "What's going on here?" Levy asked. "Why are these rude people looking for you?" Lucy asked. "Believe me, I wish I knew why." You said. "You got some guts showing up outta the blue and disrespecting us like this." Wakaba said. "I'm the master of Fairy Tail, your request is denied, so I suggest you get outta here. We're not known for our patience when it comes to cocky punks." Macao said. "Especially when those punks are shouting orders. Rubs us the wrong way, you know?" Max said. "Like we'd run from kids, old men and their cats." Mary said. "All of those churches that have been burned down the past few weeks, it's you. You're behind them." Kinana said. Mary scoffed. "Makes since to me." Carla said. "Even without proof, the timing is too convenient. They must be the culprits." Lily said. "Spicy. They're trying to serve up some guilt, Uh huh." Sugar boy said.

"Well I'm not biting it." Coco said. "Keep on playing the blame game if it'll help ya sleep at night" Mary said. "Now hand over (L/n) before we decide to get nasty with you!" Mary said. "We're gonna rock your world! I'd like to start with this little diddy! Uh huh! Little hound dogs don't be cruel! Anyplace is paradise when I'm with you!" Sugarboy sung. "Good grief" Macao said. "He needs to be put down" Max said. "Next up on the request line. A little less conversation a little more pain and screaming!" Sugarboy sung as green piles of slime came out from his body. "What the?!" Levy asked. "My lunch is coming back up" Lucy said. "Looks tasty to me" Michelle said. The Fairy Tail wizards screamed as the slime spread. "Disgusting!" You said. "What is this stuff?" Max asked. "Slime?" Laki asked. Elfman ran over to the green slime and tried to grab it but began to fall into it. "Hey! Stupid sludge! Why don't you fight me like a real man?" Elfman asked. "Let go of him now!" Lisanna said. "Elfman hold on!" Mira called. "No! Stay back! It'll grab you too!" Elfman said. Lisanna and Mira screamed as the slime grabbed them and sucked the two of them in. "Yummy! Wizards taste so spicy!" Sugarboy said. "I can't move" Mira said. "I know we're in trouble but I can't help remember when we used to snuggle like this as little kids" Lisanna said. "This isn't a time to reminisce sis!" Elfman said.

"What's it doing to them?" Wendy asked. "It appears to have a will of it's own" Lilly said. "Well whatever it is, don't let it touch you run away!" Carla said. Coco sprinted in front of Macao. "You're the guild master, correct? Unless you want them to get hurt you'll hand over (Y/n)!" She said. Coco began to kick him multiple times. "Beating up kids isn't my style!" Macao said. "Who the heck are you calling a kid?" Coco sprinted away as Wakaba attacked her. "This isn't the time to get soft on us, Macao! These guys are the enemy!" He said. "I told you to call me master!" Macao said. "Sorry, old timer. But attacks like that can't hit me." Coco said. "Nimble little minx doncha think?" Wakaba asked. Macao sweat dropped. "Don't act so impressed." He said. Romeo tried to hit her with fire, but she quickly dodged. "Get back here!" He said. Wakaba and Macao grabbed him. "Stop it!" Macao said. "Yeah, you're gonna knock it down, kid!" Wakaba said. Suddenly the green slime grabbed them. "Oh no! The slime just got them too!" Laki said. "Crap. They got us stuck playing defense back here." Max said. "What's with that stuff? It keeps getting bigger!" Levy said as she, you, Lucy and Michelle ran away from the green slime. "Natsu get your butt over here and roast this thing!" Lucy said. 

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