The Right To Love + Let's Hold Hands

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"Is this a freakin joke?!" Natsu, Gray, Gajeel and Elfman asked. "Nope. No joke. Now deal with it!" Makarov said. "After everything that's happened I don't have any other choice but to cancel this year's trial." Makarov said. "But we can still complete! C'mon!" Gray said. "Yeah! We've been through worse so let us finish!" Natsu said. "I ain't leaving this island till I'm S Class!" Gajeel said. "Did the chicken man scramble your brains? Or did you just forget your not in the running?" Elfman asked Gajeel. "I don't want to cancel it, but try putting yourself in my shoes." Makarov said. "First, a Council member manipulated our memories and sunk in, then, Grimoire Heart interrupted everything." You said. "Yeah. When you consider all that it really can't be helped." Levy said.
"C'mon! Are you gonna take this crap lying down?!" Gajeel asked. "If your partner's decided not to complete, you should respect her wishes." Lily said. "Argh! I wanted to become S Class, dang it!" Gray said. "Oh don't worry. Next time you'll win it for sure my beloved." Juvia said. Elfman sighed. "I suppose a real man knows when to call it quits." He said. "Hey! What's with all the whining huh? You guys all sound like a bunch of freakin toddlers! If you babies wanna throw in the towel then that's fine by me! Cuz that means I'm the winner by default! Go ahead and make me S Class! I'm the last one standing right?! They forfeit!" Natsu said. "Natsu blew a gasket. Watch out." Happy said. "Fine then. If the boy won't listen to reason. All right, Natsu. I'll make an exception and let you take the final test. If you can defeat me then I'll promote you right here and now." Makarov waved his hand. "So let's do this thing! You're looking at the newest S Class member! I am not gonna hold back, Gramps!" Natsu said. "I'm all fired up now-" the boys yelped as Makarov crashed Natsu into a tree with a giant hand. "I was so close." Natsu said. Laxus was pulling Lisanna's face. "Why are you doing that?" She asked. Laxus blinked. "You're real. Well I'm glad that's settled. So what's death like?" Laxus asked as he pat her on the head. "I wasn't dead! How rude!" Lisanna said. "You've had your fun Laxus, now don't pester the girl." Evergreen said. "His perception is much sharper. He must have been training hard. We should learn from him." Freed said. "So, what do you think?" Bickslow asked his blocks. "Learn from Laxus!" They said. "I told you I'm real so stop pulling on my face before I scratch your eyes out!" Lisanna said. Wendy watched from behind a tree. "He seems like a pretty decent guy. But I'm still scared of him. Weird, huh?" Wendy said. "What? Oh don't be silly, child. He's fine." Carla said. You walked up to her. "Don't believe the rumors you hear about Laxus. Deep down, he's a really nice guy." You said. "Ya think so?" Wendy asked. "He's just, a little bit of a slacker. That's all." You said. "Really? I guess I should meet him and see what he's like for myself." Wendy said.

"Will somebody feed Lucy so her stomach will stop rumbling for a while?" Gajeel asked. "The Lucy in Edolas had a big appetite but this is crazy!" Lisanna said. "You shouldn't listen to Gajeel. He's just being his usual "big time jerk" self." Levy said. Gajeel chuckled. "Oh dear, I hope that there's still enough food left to tide her over 'till we get back home." Mira said. You sweat dropped. "Come on, Mira. It was obviously a joke." You said. "Yeah. Well all kidding aside, what the heck was that noise? Whoa. Now it sounds like there's some kind of animal in the heat panting." Gray asked. You sweat dropped. "Uh, Gray? It could possibly be the sound of your chair." You said.  "My chair? Is it squeaking or something?" Gray gasped when he saw Juvia. "What the?! What are you doing?!" He asked. "You won't spank me so serving as your chair should be a fitting punishment for my failure." Juvia said. Gray quickly got up. "I almost smacked you for scaring me but I'm afraid you'd get the wrong idea!" Gray said. Mira gave Wendy a cup of water. "Here you go. I bet you're pretty thirsty." She said. "You don't have to do all that when you're not feeling well." Wendy said. Mira smiled. "It's fine. Helping out makes me feel better." She said. "Working through the pain, just like a real man." Elfman said. "I don't think so!" Carla said. Suddenly Evergreen smacked him. "Please tell me that you didn't mean to do that." Elfman said. "Oh I meant it alright. And if I here you say "real man" in the next five minutes you're gonna be turned to stone!" Evergreen said as she continued to smack him. "Why do you care?!" Elfman asked. "It's driving me crazy!" Evergreen said. "Oh yeah?! Well that's an awfully short trip for ya, you know!" Elfman said. Evergreen smacked him again. "A real man would never talk that way to a lady!" She said. "You two shouldn't fight so close to your wedding day." You joked. "That was a lie!" Elfman and Evergreen said.

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