The Man Without an Emblem + Realm Of The Abyss

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"How pathetic. Every one of you but (Y/n) got beat so bad you look like a bunch of tattered rags." Laxus said. "What are you doing here, Laxus?" Erza asked. "I came to pay my respects to the first guild master. I used to be a member of Fairy Tail too, y'know." Laxus said. You smiled. "I was just planning to stop by Mavis' grave. So this is a big surprise. I certainly didn't except to run into the second guild master. I've got an idea, since you're already here, how about I dig a grave for you, too?" Laxus asked, as lightning surrounded him. "My, what a shame. To think that poor Makarov would be burdened by such a pretentious grandson." Hades said. Magic surrounded the two of them. Laxus looked at you. "Let's do this, (Y/n)." Laxus said. "Right." You said. Laxus went behind him and punched him back. Lucy smiled. You then attacked with your water dragon slash attack. "Good." Hades said. "I'm impressed with your magic power. Not to mention your courage. I didn't realize the boy had more than one pawn of Gildarts' caliber." Hades said. Laxus chuckled. "Ya know, that reminds me of something the geezer used to say. Whenever you face a tough enemy it doesn't matter how strong they are. Standing up to them is what's most important. Ain't that right, Natsu?" Laxus said. "Yeah. You bet." Natsu said. "Utter nonsense. That's nothing more than a weakling's excuse. Think the two of you are strong enough to face me? Then let's see what you've got!" Hades said. "If you insist." Laxus said. "Roar!" Laxus said as he let out a lightning dragon roar. You also attacked Hades with an ice dragon roar. Hades dodged both attacks, and swung his chain toward a giant orb. The orb fell off and rolled down the stairs. "I really wish I could walk right now!" Lucy said."Oh crap! Ah!" Lucy quickly ducked as the orb rolled over her.

Laxus was about to strike with a lightning iron fist attack, but Hades put his hand out and pushed Laxus back. You then hit Hades with an Earth Dragon Iron Fist attack. Hades then moved his hands. Suddenly big purple circles appeared above both you and Laxus. You gasped. "An Amaterasu spell?" You asked. "Now die!" Hades said. You quickly protected yourself from the attack, but Laxus wasn't so lucky. "Laxus!" You shouted. You also watched in worry as it pushed back your other friends. "Those hit by the Amaterasu Formula lose all strength in their limbs and become immobilized. Simply blocking it consumes so much magic power it can be fatal." You then appeared behind Hades and kicked him down. "They're awesome!" Gray said. 'I had no idea (Y/n) and Laxus were this powerful.' Erza thought. Laxus stood back up. "To think. That was only one leg. I still have my other one and both my hands. Not to mention I still got (Y/n) here. She's the strongest member of Fairy Tail. And as long as I have her help, you're going down." Laxus said. "You sure talk big. Although I can't blame you. There's an air of confidence that comes with youth. But it's not indicative of your skills. You two can't beat me!" Hades said as he charged toward Laxus. "Just watch us!" Laxus said. Both of them attacked at the same time and there was a giant explosion. Laxus grunted as he fell down. "Well, will you look what we have here? I knew you were full of bravado but I didn't expect you to fall to your knees so soon." Hades said. "Laxus!" You said. "Come on. Please get up." Erza said. "He was hit by that spell after all." Lucy said.. Laxus chuckled. "I've traveled almost everywhere, all over this world of ours. But this is the first time I've ever met such a monster. I've got a long way to go." Laxus said. "What are you saying?!" Natsu asked. "You've gotta pull yourself together, man!" Gray said. "I'm glad I could help you come to that realization. Laxus was it? But this is the end. Prepare to die!" Hades said as he sent a giant black and purple spell toward you. Laxus quickly jumped in front of you and took the hit. You gasped. "Laxus!" You said. "Don't cry, (Y/n). I know you can do it." Laxus said as he fell down. "Laxus!" Erza said. You surrounded yourself with intense magical power as you glared at Hades. "You're gonna pay for what you've done." You said.

You charged at Hades and punched him into a wall. Then you attacked with a Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist. Then you used White Dragon Holy Ray. Hades appeared and tied your hands together with his chains. "Haha. Try beating me with your hands tied!" Hades taunted. You quickly made them disappear. Hades gasped. "Infinity Dragon: Roar!" You sent a giant golden light toward Hades. Everyone else screamed as they were pushed back from your attack. Your attack was so big it stretched out of the building and into the forest where the other guild members were battling. Erza smiled at you as everyone else watched in shock. Hades looked like he had passed out on the floor. "Another one bites the dust." Gray said. "We won!" Wendy said. Hades suddenly woke up. "You may have knocked me down but I'm not out." He said. You all gasped. "Well done, Makarov. You've raised some truly remarkable children despite your flawed philosophy. I can't remember the last time someone left me tattered and tore after a good brawl." Hades stood up. Wendy gasped. "How is he standing?" Gray asked. "I appreciate the entertainment but I must get back to work. I'll be obliterating you now." Hades lifted his hand. "Believe me. You'll wish I'd done so sooner." Hades said. "What kind of monster could survive such a powerful attack?" Erza asked. "Devil's eye, open." Hades opined his other eye which was red. Lucy gasped as magic surrounded him. "You will now witness something you've never seen before.

The abyss of sorcery. From here extends an endless realm that surpasses your feeble imaginations." Hades said. "Do you feel that?" Gray asked. "It's not real. No it can't be." Wendy cried. "I've never sensed this much magic power in one place before." Erza said. "And it's getting bigger by the second!" Lucy said. "I am the harbinger of Fairy Tail's last breath." Hades said. "The abyss of sorcery?" Gray asked. "Yes. Its power is overwhelming." Erza said. "In order to walk the path of sorcery one must stink into its abyss of eternal darkness. Within that darkness lies primordial magic that shines like the heavens. The purest of magic power! Can you feel it? The primordial magic is so close its palpable. Yet it's so far in the depths it may as well be out of reach. Within those depths is a lost world, the grand magic world! But you will be ostracized. Only the strong will be allowed to live. And you lack the resolve necessary to reach into the abyss." Hades said. "Things are about to get way worse." Gray said. "Chapter four. Verse twelve from the book of Zeref. Arcane magic: Nemesis!" Hades said. Suddenly giant purple monsters began to appear. "No! He's creating some kind of monsters from the debris!" Gray said. "With the magic power of the abyss at my command, I can create nightmares from the tiniest speck of dust. Devilish dancers and heavenly arbiters. Such is the supremacy of Arcane magic!" Hades said. You looked and saw all of your friends trembling with fear. "Don't worry. We've got everything we need to beat this guy right here with us. Today we learned just how weak we really are. So what do we do next? I'll tell you. We grow stronger! On our own we might be too afraid to stand up to him, but right now we have our friends by our side. I still have courage because you're all here with me. There's no reason to be afraid! When we're together we can accomplish anything!" You said. "Still holding onto the light? You fools! Your future is nothing but darkness!" Hades said. 'Our friends are by our side.' Erza said. "There's no reason to be afraid.' Gray thought. 'You've given me hope, (Y/n).' Lucy thought. "Even if we have no magic power left.' Wendy thought as she stood up. 'We'll keep fighting until our last breath. Because that's the Fairy Tail way!' Erza thought. "Let's go!" You said as all of you charged at the monsters.

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