Maidens Of The Sky

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"I cant believe this" Hibki said. "Man. They're way stronger than we thought" Gray said. "What's the matter Brain? You gonna cast the spell or what?" Racer asked. "Do you know them?" Cobra asked. "No doubt about it. That's (Y/n) and Wendy. The Maidens Of The Sky" Brain said. The Oración Seis looked at you and Wendy in shock. "What? Maidens Of The Sky?" Gray asked. "(Y/n) and Wendy" Hibki said. "What does that mean?" Wendy asked as she hid behind the rock and covered her head. "I was gonna ask you" Happy said. Wendy hugged you tightly. "To think we simply stumbled upon them here. We made quite a find my friends. Grab them!" Brain said. A giant green hand of magic appeared from Brain's staff and grabbed you and Wendy. You and Wendy screamed. "(Y/n)! Wendy!" Carla and Happy shouted. Carla ran after you and Wendy. "Unhand them now!" Carla said. "Help us!" You said.

"I'll save you! As soon as I'm able to catch up!" Happy said. "Striking well we're down? That isn't fair" Natsu said. "All is fair in money and war! Oh yeah!" Hoteye said as he reached his hand out and flew them into the air by making giant piles of earth. "Carla!" Wendy cried. "Grab my paw!" Carla said. You reached out to grab her but accidentally grabbed Happy instead. "Whoa! Uh oh!" Happy said. "You've got the wrong cat!" Carla said. You and Wendy screamed as you disappeared into the staff. "Natsu!" Happy cried as he disappeared with you and Wendy. "(Y/n)! Wendy!" Carla shouted. "Happy!" Natsu said. "I have no use for the rest of you. Be gone!" Brain said. "Dark Rondo!" He said as green magic came out from his staff and surrounded everyone. "Lucy!" Hibki said as he jumped over her and tried to protect her. "I've got you!" Lyon said as he grabbed Sherry. "Yes. Hold me in your loving arms" she said. "Iron rock wall!" Jura said as he saved them from the attack by blocking it off. "Just in the nick of time" he said. "That was awesome!" Sherry said. Gray smiled. "You're the best wizard ever" Eve said. "I'll second that. We owe you one" Hibki said. "Yeah. We were almost goners. Thanks a million" Lucy said. Natsu stood up. "Okay. Let's take them down" he said. "Huh?" Natsu asked. "They're long gone by now" Gray said. "Why'd we let them get away?" Natsu asked. "Oh (Y/n) and Wendy" Carla said worriedly.

Time Skip

You, Wendy and Happy grunted as you were thrown onto the hard floor. Brain chuckled. "Hey! Don't be so rough! They're just girls you know!" Happy said. "Happy" Wendy said. Brain grabbed Happy by the face. "Let him go!" You said. Brain threw Happy onto the ground. "You're not hurt too bad are you?" Wendy asked. "No. Don't worry about me little lady. I'm gonna do my best to find us a way out of here. Promise" Happy said. "Thank you" Wendy said as she hugged him. "What's the deal? I don't get why these girls are so important" Racer said. "Do they have something to do with Nirvana?" Cobra asked. "They don't seem all that special to me" Angel said. "Are they worth money? You're gonna sell them to the highest bidder right?" Hoteye asked. "Oh yeah!" He said. "You realize that cash isn't the answer to everything?" Cobra asked.

"Well I think it is because money can buy everything. Even love, oh yeah" Hoteye said. "Oh give me a break" Cobra said. "They use what's called Sky Magic. It gives them the power to heal others" Brain said. "How's that even possible?" Racer asked. "Isn't it a lost magic?" Angel asked. "One of many practices forgotten long ago" Cobra said. "Oh yeah. I can practically smell the money" Hoteye said. Cobra chuckled. "What good are healers to us? Wait... you don't mean..." Cobra said. "They are they key. With their power we shall revive him!" Brain said. "Who are you talking about?" Happy asked. "Look, if you're asking us to help you, forget it! We'd never do anything for jerks like you!" Wendy said. "Yes you two will. There's no doubt" Brain said. You and Wendy glared at him. "Once you find out who it is you'll be more than happy to help" he said. You gasped.

Brain turned to Racer. "Racer, bring him to me at once" he said. "Will do boss, but it's so far it'll take me an hour to get there and back" Racer said. "No matter" Brain said. "I see, once he's revived we'll be able to find Nirvana in no time. You're doing your name proud sir" Cobra said. "Cobra, Hoteye, Angel, I want you to continue the search for Nirvana" Brain said. "But why? It's a waste of time. We should begin the search after he's been revived" Angel said. "Come on! You guys just tell us who you're trying to bring back!" Happy said. "I would prefer to err on the side of caution. Midnight and I will remain here. Something tells me he won't make very good company" Brain said. "All right you guys. I guess we'd better get going" Cobra said.

"You boys want to race me? Whoever's the first to find Nirvana wins a prize" Angel said. "In the amount of one million jewel! Oh yeah! Count me in!" Hoteye said. Angel sweat dropped. "Don't you think a million's a bit much?" She asked. "Be honest with me. You don't have any idea what these creeps are talking about do you?" Happy asked. "Um, well no not really" you said. "What does Nirvana do? Please tell us that much" Wendy said. Brain looked at you and Wendy. "It's incredibly powerful. It swaps light for darkness" he said. "But I don't understand" you said. "Me either. It doesn't make any sense" Happy said.

Time Skip

"Sorry it took so long" Racer said as he placed a giant coffin on the ground. "Thing's so heavy it was hard for me to build up any speed. I've always thought I was fast but after that trip I'm starting to doubt myself" he said. "Let me assure you Racer, there is no one who can come even close to matching your speed" Brain said. "What is that?" Wendy asked. "It's a coffin" Happy said. "It's time Wendy and (Y/n), are you ready to use your healing magic to resurrect the man inside?" Brain asked. "No! we told you, we don't wanna do it and you can't make us!" You said. "Yeah you heard the lady!" Happy said. "I'm sorry. Perhaps I forgot to mention you two have no choice in the matter!" Brain said. The coffin then began to slowly open itself. You and Wendy gasped. "Whoa! What the!" Happy said.

The coffin opened all the way and yours and Wendy's eyes widened as you both gasped in shock. "Allow me to introduce you to Jellal. A brilliant wizard who once infiltrated The Magic Council" Brain said. Happy stepped back in fear. "It's not him. It can't be" he said. "But it is. Once he's revived he will lead us to Nirvana" Brain said. "Revive him?! But how?! What do you even mean by that? Like bringing him back from the dead?" Happy asked. "It's really him" Wendy said. Happy gasped. "How do you know Jellal?!" He asked. "Overexposure to ether nano caused him to go into a catatonic state. Though he's been rendered unconscious he's still far from dead" Brain said. Then he looked at you and Wendy. "You are the only wizards capable of reviving him. Isn't that the least the two of you could do after all he's done for you two?" He asked. Happy gasped.

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