The Seven Year Gap

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"I see you're rocking fire magic too, Romeo." Natsu said. "Watch out world, it's getting hot up in here!" Happy said. "Look! I can even make cold flames!" Romeo said as he generated a blue flame on his hand. "That's impressive, Romeo." You said. "And what is this one?" Lily asked as the flame changed to purple. "It's a purple flame that can stick to anything it's cast on. And I got this funky yellow one that smells like dragon farts." Romeo said as a yellow flame generated on his other hand. "You can say that again." You said as you covered your nose. "Pee yew!" Natsu said. Romeo smiled. "You have a strange gift." Lily said. "If you ask me, you've already outclassed your old man." Gajeel said. "Hold up, I've smelled that fire before." Natsu said. "You have?" You asked Natsu.
"Don't tell my dad, but I've secretly been taking magic lessons from Master Totomaru." Romeo said. "Get out! I didn't know he was teaching." Gajeel said. "This is rare. It's nice to see a smile on your face, Gajeel." You said. Gajeel blushed a bit, then looked away. "Sure, whatever." He said. "That sure takes me back. I still need to taste the rest of his colored flames. Sweet! Fire buffet here I come!" Natsu said. Gajeel chuckled. "Sorry, but I don't think he's too keen on seeing you, Natsu." Romeo said. "Wow, shocker." Happy said. "I gotta admit, Macao, I certainly didn't expect you'd be willing to wear the big shoes." Makarov said. "Well, they never quite fit me. Let's just say that I was keeping em warm for you. Now that you're back, I can enjoy a stiff drink." Macao said.

"Oh? And here I was thinking about letting you keep the position." Makarov said. "Are you serious? Maybe I can drink and be master." Macao said. "Don't know if this is the best decision you've made, but I think it's kinda funny." Wakaba said. "Me too." Makarov said. They both chuckled. "You're married?!" Erza asked Alzack and Bisca. She sweat dropped. "Co- congratulations! Wh- when did this happen?" She asked. "About six years ago." Alzack said. "Sure wish all of you guys coulda been there. Poor thing nearly passed out when I proposed. It was adorable." Bisca said. "Did ya have to bring that up?" Alzack asked. Erza began shaking Max. "No! How could you get married without me there?!" She asked. "Would someone stop her?" Max asked. "Looks like Erza blew a fuse." Elfman said. "I can't say I blame her, I'm bummed I couldn't be there too." Mira said. "That's wonderful! Do you have children?" You asked. "We have a daughter." Bisca said. "Yeah. We named her Asca." Alzack said. "Reedus, is this what I think it is?" Wendy asked shaking as she saw a drawing of her older self. "Oui. I tried to imagine what you would've looked like seven years older and that drawing was the end result." He said. "My chest." Wendy said. "Is there a problem?" Reedus asked. Carla saw a drawing of her, Happy and Lily. "Oh my, this is horrifying." She said. "Why am I wearing a loincloth?" Lily asked. "You know, we were gone for a really long time. I wonder if the other exceeds ever got worried about us." Happy said.

"Doubtful. Exceeds have a different sense of time than humans. I find it highly unlikely that our absence was even noticed." Lily said. "Oh yeah?" Happy asked. "I suppose that's comforting." Carla said. Wendy began crying. "This isn't fair. Why does reality keep crushing my dreams like this?" She asked. "Huh? Is there something wrong with the picture? I liked it." Reedus asked. "I must say Kinana, it looks like the past seven years have treated you well." Makarov said. "That's so sweet of you. Thank you, Master." Kinana said. "So tell me, have any of your memories come back yet?" Makarov asked. "No, nothing so far. I wonder why. Although, there have been times when I can here somebody calling to me. "Let me hear your voice." They say, and sometimes, I feel as if I know them. They're so familiar and gentle." She said. Suddenly the doors opened. "Welcome. May I help you?" Kinana asked. "Wonderful. It seems the rumors were true." Jura said. "Who are these bozos?" Elfman asked. "I think I know." You said. "Hello, my lovelies! I'm glad to hear your deaths were exaggerated." Sherry said. Toby howled. "You appear to be in great health." Jura said. "The sentiment's a little redundant when they haven't aged in seven years." Yuka said. "You've barely been back two days and you've already trashed the place." Lyon said. Gray sweat dropped. "No way!" He said. "Whoa, it's Lamia Scale!" Lucy said. "Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale helped us search for Tenrou Island longer than anyone else would." Max said. "We appreciate it." You said. "Well I guess we owe you one, man." Gray said. Lyon smiled. "I'd love to take you up on that, but I've got seven years on you now. And I'm not the kinda guy who takes advantage of children." Lyon said. "Yeah, rub it in." Gray said.

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