The Cursed Island

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"Wow this brings back memories. It seems like only yesterday when we met here for the first time" Lucy said. "It practically was yesterday. You don't have to get all mushy" Natsu said. "Yeah. You sound like an old lady" Happy said. Lucy glared at the blue cat who covered his mouth and looked away. "Well let's go find a boat that'll take us to Galuna" you said. "Are you crazy?! Forget the boat! Why can't we all just swim for it?" Natsu asked. "And you think we're the ones who are crazy?" Lucy asked.

Time Skip

"Galuna island? No way. Not for a million jewel" someone said. "Around here it's bad luck to even mention that name" said another. "Sorry kids but I don't think anyone here would be willing to help you" someone else said. "That island's cursed so unless you got a death wish I'd stay far away" someone said. "Don't know why you'd want to go there but no sailor worth his salt's gonna take you to Guluna. Not even pirates will go near that place" a boat driver said. "Are you serious?" Lucy asked. "It looks like we're gonna be swimming after all" Natsu said. "Sure does!" Happy said. "We're not swimming Natsu!" You said. "I found you" Gray said as he sunk up behind you. You all gasped and turned around. "It's Gray!" Lucy said. "What are you doing here?" Natsu asked. "Gramps found out about your harebrained scheme and sent me to bring you back" Gray said. "Why?! We're not in danger yet!" Natsu said. "If you come back now you might avoid being kicked out of the guild. Maybe" Gray said. "Kicked out?!" You asked. "I don't care. I'm going on this S Class quest" Natsu said. "Man you're way out of your league here. Just come home" Gray said. "When Erza finds out about this she's gonna be so angry" Gray said. "Uh oh" you all said. Happy flew behind Gray. "Please Gray you got to save me. I told them this was a bad idea but they forced me to come along" Happy said. "You are such a lair!" Lucy said. "I've got to prove my power to (Y/n) so like it or not I'm doing this" Natsu said. "Master ordered me to bring you home. I'll drag you back to Fairy Tail if I have to!" Gray said. "Don't make me hurt you buddy!" Gray said as ice covered his left hand. "I'd like to see you try!" Natsu said as one of his hands generated flames. "Hmm, magic? Excuse me, but are you wizards?" The boat owner asked. "Have you come to lift the curse on the island?" He asked. "Yeah!" Natsu said. "Well maybe" you said. "Not gonna happen!" Gray said. "Get in" he said as he pointed to his boat. "What?" Lucy asked. "Seriously?" Natsu asked. "No way!" Gray said. Natsu smirked and kicked Gray knocking him out. Natsu picked up Gray and placed him on one of his shoulders. "There we go. We're ready when you are sir" Natsu said. "You sure we should bring him with us?" You asked. "We can't let him go back and tell the guild. Because the next person they'll send is Erza" Natsu said. Lucy shivered.

Time Skip

You had casted Troia on Natsu to heal his motion sickness again. "Thanks (Y/n)" Natsu said. You smiled. "No problem" you said. "Okay. Now I'm starting to get scared" Lucy said. "Well look on the bright side at least you're not tied up. This is your fault too, buddy. Why'd you decide to let us on?" Gray asked. "The name is Bobo" he said as he turned around. "If you must know I used to be a citizen of Galuna island" he said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "But I had to flee. I just couldn't take it anymore" Bobo said. "I should warn you. Tragedy befalls anyone who steps foot on the island. There's no avoiding it. That is, unless you're able to lift the curse" he said. He then revealed his giant and purple arm. You all gasped at the sight. "This vile demon's curse" he said. "Whoa, your arm. What happened to it?" Gray asked. "Is that the curse?" You asked. "We're almost there. That's Galuna island" he said. "That's weird. Why is the mountain top glowing like that?" Lucy asked. You gasped when you realized he was no longer there. "What the?! Where'd he go?!" You asked. "Did he fall out?" Gray asked. "It's like he disappeared into thin air" Natsu said. "What's that sound?" Lucy asked. Gray looked behind himself and saw a big wave behind the boat. "Uh, Lucy?" He asked. "Ah! Tsunami!" Happy cried. "Now don't panic! Just hold on!" Gray said. "Happy can't you grab onto the boat and fly?!" You asked. "I'm not strong enough!" He cried. You screamed as you were knocked off the boat and into the ocean.

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