Dear Kaby

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The two wizards laid injured on the ground. "Where we beaten by a Fairy Tail wizard?" One of them asked. "Hey bro. Tell me when the room stops spinning kay?" The other one asked. "That'll teach you. Now then I'd better go and find Lucy" you said. "These Merchant fairies are toast" you said as you walked away from the two wizards on the floor.


"Enemy of literature?" Everlue asked as he grabbed Lucy's hands tightly behind her back. "My massive collection of books and art only prove I'm culture's greatest friend" he said. "But that ugly maid collection proves you don't know squat about beauty" Lucy said. "How dare you mock them. They are the very definition of beauty" Everlue said as he grabbed her hands even tighter and twisted them as he tried to get the book back. Lucy grunted in pain. "What secret does it hold? Let me guess he buried his fortune and there's a treasure map hidden inside" he said. Lucy grunted. "Tell me. Or I'll snap your arm like a toothpick" he said. Lucy grunted again and turned around to face him. Then Lucy stuck her tongue out at him. "Boyo. Now is not the time to get sassy" he said as he twisted her hands even more and she fell to the ground in pain. "Listen. I myself commissioned this book's very creation. Therefore any secret it holds is rightfully my property!" Everlue said. You then kicked Everlue straight in the face and knocked him to the ground. "(Y/n)!" Lucy said happily.

"That was so cool!" Lucy said. Happy was flying behind you and his wings disappeared and he fell into the water. "Huh?" Lucy asked as she watched the exceed. "What's this? A flying cat?" Everlue asked as he looked at Happy. "The name's Happy!" Happy said. "I wouldn't stay in there if I was you" you said as you looked at the cat. "But the water feels so good" Happy said. Lucy face palmed. "That's sewer water Happy" she said. Lucy held out one of her gate keys. "Looks like the tables have turned. But if you let me keep the book I'll think about going easy on you" Lucy said. "Although I'm tempted to to give you a good smack" Lucy said. "Oh. A celestial wizard. But for a reader you seem to be a bit deficient in your turns of phrase. The tables have turned implies that the weaker party has rallied to claim victory but there's no way you and that girl could ever defeat me and my diver magic" Everlue said. "Boyoyoyoyo" he said as he went under the ground. "So he does that using magic?" Happy asked. "I had no idea Everlue was a wizard too" Happy said. "Do you not smell yourself?" Lucy asked. Everlue then appeared not far from Lucy under the ground and tried to snatch the book from her but Lucy quickly held the book out of reach. Lucy flew into the air as Everlue came out from under the ground.

"Look I know the whole story now. It's a horrible adventure novel about a trashy little character named Duke Everlue!" Lucy said as she landed back on her feet. "Are you serious?" You asked. "I don't know that I'd call the protagonist trashy but yes the story itself is crap!" Everlue said as he went back under the ground. "And to think it was written by the great Kemu Zaleon" Everlue said. Lucy gasped as he appeared above her. "Inexcusable!" Everlue said. Lucy jumped into the air and dodged his attack before it could hit her. Everlue jumped into the air again. "I can't believe your arrogance! You forced him to write it!" Lucy said. "Arrogant? Moi? The word doesn't begin to apply. To tell my story's an honor. No matter what the circumstances" Everlue said. "Then why'd you have to blackmail him into it?!" Lucy asked. "Blackmail?" Happy asked. "What's the big deal? He just needed some extra encouragement to take the job" Everlue said. "Oh really?" You asked with sarcasm. "Any fool would have jumped at the chance to have me as their muse. But he had the audacity to say no so I give him the added inspiration in the form of an ultimatum. Write the novel or his family would be stripped of their citizenship" Everlue said. You gasped. "But then none of them would be able to join any of the guilds and make a living!" You said.

"Do you really have the power to do that?" Happy asked. "I have the power to do anything!" Everlue said. You, Lucy and Happy ran as Everlue smashed the ground into pieces as he went through the ground with his magic and jumped out from the ground and into the air. "I got him to write it didn't I?" Everlue asked. You growled at him as you and Lucy glared at Everlue. "But I didn't like his attitude. So I decided he'd do best writing from a prison cell. Boyoyo!" Everlue said. "He went on and on about being a brilliant novelist who would never give into threats but in the end I got what I wanted!" Everlue said. Then he lunged toward you, Lucy and Happy. "I can't believe you'd go that far just to boost your own stupid ego!" Lucy said. "He was in solitary confinement for three years!" Lucy said. "Don't you know how hard that must've been?" Lucy asked. "Three whole years?" You asked. You and Lucy gasped as he appeared in front of you. "Perhaps it took him that long to appreciate me. Boyoyoyo" Everlue said. "You're wrong! More like he couldn't bear to spread your lies!" Lucy said. "But he had to satisfy your vanity. He knew that if he didn't write your character as a heroic champion of justice then his family would suffer!" Lucy said. "Tell me. How exactly do you know all this?" Everlue asked.

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