Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra

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"So any idea what this place is?" Gray asked. "You mean aside from ruins on the back of a giant monster? No clue." Lucy said. "I thought Nirvana was some kind of powerful magic, not a bunch of broken down buildings and rubble." You said. "If it's a city, what happened to the people?" Lucy asked. "An excellent question oh yeah ." Richard said. You, Gray and Lucy gasped. "This is the mystical city of Nirvana." Richard said. "And seeing you here puts the odds in our favor." Jura said. "That's the guy from Lyons guild." Gray said. "One of The Oración Seis." Lucy said. "What the heck?" You, Gray and Lucy asked. "There's no need to worry. Hoteye is now our faithful ally." Jura said. "He is?" You asked. "All of you need is love, oh yeah!" Richard said. "No way!" You, Gray and Lucy said. "Isn't this the guy who did nothing but scream "money this" and "money that" before?" You whispered.

"Yeah, I think so. Baldy must have beaten some sense into him, huh?" Gray said. "We were about to duke it out and he had a change of heart." Jura said. "Ah, we just went through the same thing with Sherry. Expect she definitely changed for the worse." Gray said. "Yeah, Lady Love pretty much went psycho on us there for a bit." Lucy said. "What? Is she okay? Where is she?" Jura asked. "It's okay Jura, she's safe with Lyon." You smiled. "As I was saying this city is where the ancient Nirvits once resided and prospered. Oh yeah." Richard said. "I've never heard of The Nirvits." You said. "I can't say I'm surprised since there's no record of them. They lived 400 years ago at a time when the world was engulfed in war. The Nirvits tried to remain neutral. But the bloodshed was such that they became compelled to intervene. They created a type of magic that would restore balance to the world. Oh yeah." Richard said.

"Don't tell me, that magic was..." Lucy said. "Nirvana. A powerful spell capable of switching light and darkness. "So confident were they of their creation, they named it after their homeland. A word synonymous with peace. Oh yeah." Richard said. "So this city of ruins..." Gray said. "Is actually Nirvana itself?" You asked. "Man, talk about irony." Gray said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "Nirvana was given its name in the hope that it would bring peace. Now it's fallen into the hands of someone who will use it for nothing but destruction." Gray said. "Jeez. I'm all for balance, but why couldn't they just make Nirvana turn darkness's into light? Then we wouldn't even be in this mess." You said. "Well it can't be helped now. I doubt the ancients ever considered their creation might one day be used for evil. Criminals can find the dark side of even the most constructive of magics.

"In any case, now that it's been activated, Nirvana poses a clear and present threat to the entire world. We must do everything in our power to destroy it. Oh yeah." Richard said. "Sounds like a plan to me." Gray said. Suddenly a fire starts somewhere on Nirvana. "Now what?" You asked. "They're lighting up." Lucy said. "It must be Brain's work. Oh yeah." Richard said. "Knowing him, he's most likely controlling Nirvana from the royal throne located in the city's heart. Luckily for us, he's unable to use any other magic while doing so. It's the perfect time to strike. Oh yeah." Richard said. "If he's driving this thing, is he taking it anywhere specific?" You asked. "I would wager that he is. Sadly, Brain did not share the particulars of his plan with the rest of us." Richard said. "Not true." Midnight said.

You all gasped. "Father didn't trust the rest of you enough to tell you." Midnight said. "Hello, Midnight." Richard said. "One of the Oración Seis." You said. "That's the creep who's always napping." Lucy said. "You betrayed us. I didn't think you had the guts." Midnight said. "I haven't betrayed anyone." Richard said. "Oh?" Midnight asked. "I've come to realize the errors of Brain's misguided ways." Richard said. "What was that? Why don't you come out here and say that, big guy?" Midnight asked. You, Lucy and Gray gasped, and quickly turned around to see Midnight. "How's he doing that?" Lucy asked. "Hang on. What's all this father stuff about, anyway?" Gray asked. "Some kind of family that slays together?" You asked. "I say he is misguided because he truly believes a person's heart can be changed with magic. But only love has the power to make even the weakest of hearts become strong. Oh yeah." Richard said. "Hmm..." Midnight said.

Suddenly there was a giant explosion, and all of you landed on top of each other. "Whoa. Anyone know what just happened?" Gray asked. "Hoteye liquefied the ground beneath us so we wouldn't be hit." You said. "It happened so fast I barely saw it." Jura said. "There's no time to waste. Get to the royal throne as quickly as possible. I'll stay behind and take care of Midnight. But you needn't worry about me." Richard said. All members of The Oración Seis are equal in power." Richard said. "You really think you're a match for me?" Midnight asked. "Earth magic: Liquid Ground!" Richard pointed his fingers toward Midnight. The ground began to turn into liquid and go toward Midnight. Midnight lifted his right hand and blocked the attack. "Who'd have thought The Oración Seis would turn on each other?" Gray asked.  "Dark guilds aren't exactly all about peace and harmony." You said. "Be careful, Hoteye." Jura said. "I will. Now go, quickly. Also I would prefer you didn't call me that anymore. The name's Richard. Oh yeah." Richard said. "Thank you, Richard." Jura said. "We're not supposed to reveal our true name to the enemy. That's a new low. Even for you. Oh yeah." Midnight said. "I have no interest in hiding behind a code name now that I've opened my heart to love prepare yourself." Richard then attacks Midnight.

Time Skip

You saw a giant explosion. "Whoa, what was that?" Gray asked. "Maybe one of our allies needs help" Jura said. "An over the top explosion?" Lucy asked. "Bet ya I know who caused it." You said. "Natsu makes it easy for us to find him." Lucy said. "No kidding." Gray said.

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