Eternal Magic

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You, Lyon and Ur were walking through the damage town that had been destroyed by the demon Deliora. Everything was ruined. "I've heard of Deliora's destructive power, but I never expected this" Ur said as she looked around the destroyed town. Gray groaned as he tried to escape from the piles of house equipment he was trapped under. "Lyon! (Y/n! Get over here! We have a survivor!" Ur shouted. You gasped and ran alongside Lyon over to the injured Gray. "Hey! Are you alright?!" You asked. Gray woke up and saw you and Lyon standing above him with worried expressions.

~Time Skip~

Gray placed a flower near his parents grave. "Deliora, you're gonna pay for this..." he said. You cried as tears escaped your eyes and you placed a hand on one of his shoulders to comfort Gray. "I'll stop you, I swear it" Gray said as tears fell from his eyes. You cried too and hugged Gray tightly. Gray blushed a bit, and accepted the hug, hugging you back just as tightly as you hugged him. Ur and Lyon watched the two of you from behind. Ur smiled watching you two hug.

~Time Skip~

You panted heavily as you walked with Gray, Lyon and Ur up a snowy mountain. "Are you gonna be able to keep up, (Y/n)? I warned you. Training with me can be tough" Ur said. You took a moment to catch your breath and smiled at her. "Yeah. But I'll do whatever it takes" you said. Gray nodded in agreement. "I have to become stronger than Deliora, 'cause some day, I'm gonna beat him!" Gray declared. "Yeah, right" Lyon said as he sweat dropped. "Okay. Let's get started" Ur said. "Ready when you are!" You said cheerfully. Ur then stripped in front of the three of you. Awkward. You gasped in surprise. "Whoa! What are you doing?!" You asked. "The first step is to strip" Ur said. "Are you kidding me?!" Gray asked. "You're crazy if you think I'm stripping in the snow!" You said. "Back us up, Lyon!" Gray said. Only to see Lyon standing in his underwear. "Now you're naked too?!" You asked. Lyon winked at you. "Just hurry up and do it, kid" he said. Lyon smirked. "Come on, you wanna learn magic right?" He asked.

 "I can't believe you're making us do this!" Gray shouted. "It better not be some kind of joke!" You said. You sighed and took off your shirt. Gray took off his clothes as well. Ur winked. "That a boy Gray, if you really want to control the cold, then you'll have to become one with it" she said. "You'll get used to it soon" she said. Of course, you were already used to it, considering that ice magic was one kind of magic that you had practiced with your dragon Starlight, the cold was something you were used to now. "I already have" Lyon said. "You're shivering just as much as I am" Gray said. You smiled and giggled.  "Let's go, kids" Ur said as she started running. "I thought you were gonna teach me magic!" Gray said as he, you and Lyon ran after her. "Just run! I don't wanna do this beginner stuff again either!" Lyon said. "Come on, let's go guys!" You said as you ran ahead of them. You three ran behind Ur until you found a spot to practice magic. Ur began teaching Gray the stance you had to get in for one of the spells. You decided to help Ur teach them, and stood in the same stance in between Ur and Gray. Then Lyon made a giant ape out of ice. Gray screamed. Lyon chuckled until he was hit on the hand by Ur because he had only used one hand to cast the spell instead of using two of his hands like he was supposed to.

~Time Skip~

"Who's the dark haired boy?" A friend of Ur's asked as she was shopping for some more food. You, Gray and Lyon stood not far off, watching Ur as she talked to her friend while she was shopping. "You pick up another student?" She asked. "Yeah, his name's Gray. He seems to get along quite well with (Y/n). He's also a rebel and doesn't wanna do what he's told" Ur said. The last one's name is Lyon, right? I bet when those three grow up they're gonna be quite the lookers" she said. "You think so?" Ur asked as she was having an apple. "Yeah, in fact, would you mind saving the little girl for me?" She asked as she winked at Ur. "Hmm, if you want any of those three headaches, you're welcome to them" Ur said. "You know, you're not gonna have much luck with the men in town if they think you've got kids" she said. Ur gave her money for the food she was buying. "I don't need romantic advice" she said. "You're not getting any younger, Ur" the owner said. "And you deserve to be happy. Promise you'll give it a little thought?" She asked. "Yeah, sure" Ur said. "Tell me something. How long do you think it's gonna take us to become stronger than Ur?" Lyon asked. "Probably a while" you said as you looked at Lyon. "What about you Gray? What do you think?" Lyon asked. "How the heck should I know?" Gray asked. Lyon smiled. "She's the best wizard around. But my dream is to someday be even better than she is" Lyon said.

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