Daybreak on Tenrou Island

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Everyone gasped as you landed a punch on Hades' face. "No! That's impossible! My Arcane magic had no affect on you!" Hades said. "How could that be? My magic lies within-" Hades grabbed his face. "They couldn't have." He said. You quickly punched him back. "What have you done to my heart?" Hades asked. Suddenly his monsters began to fall apart. "Look at that. All of the monsters are starting to crumble!" Erza said. "They're disintegrating!" Gray said. "If they destroy it, I will lose all of my magic power!" Hades said as you punched him back again. Wendy gasped as she saw the tree growing. "Wow." She said. "Is everything okay, Wendy?" Lucy asked. "You kidding me?" Gray asked. "The Tenrou Tree." Wendy said. "How'd it get back to normal?" Lucy asked. Suddenly all of your guild marks began to glow. "What's happening?" Lucy asked. "Are emblems are glowing!" Wendy said.

"Our magic power, it's back!" Erza said. "Well it's about time!" Gray said. "This is what you get for hurting our master, you jerk!" You said. You punched him in the face again. Then Laxus appeared and attacked Hades too. "Attack! C'mon Fairy Tail!" Laxus said. "This might be our last chance so let's make it count!" Erza said. "We gotta blast this geezer with everything we have!" Gray said. Hades put his hand up. "If you come any closer you shall feel my wrath!" Hades said as he shot a giant blast toward all of you. "We don't have a contract yet, but... Open! Gate of the sea goat! Capricorn!" Lucy said. Suddenly Capricorn appeared. "At your service, my lady. Do you need assistance?" Capricorn asked. "Take him down!" Lucy said. "How dare you!" Hades said. Capricorn began to attack him. "I have rid myself of Sir Zorido! I am now lady Lucy's celestial spirit. "Capricorn!" He said as he kicked him. Wendy appeared from behind Hades. "I wanna get a hit in, too!" She said. "Sky Dragon: Wing Attack!" She hit Hades with her sky attack, which sent him rolling toward Gray.

"Ice Make: Ice Bringer!" Gray created two swords out of ice, and attacked him. "Requip! Heaven's Wheel!" Erza said as she changed into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. "Pentagram Sword!" "Fire Dragon: Roar!" Natsu attacked Hades as well. Then you went for him. "Grimoire Law!" Hades said as he created a giant purple orb. "Advanced dragon slayer secret art!" You said. 'No. I'm not going to make it.' Hades thought. "Infinity Dragon: Lightning Beam!" You said. A bright beam of light appeared and attacked Hades. He had now lost consciousness. Everyone smiled as they realized they won the battle as the sun came out. You smiled. "We did it, Gramps. We showed em who's boss.

We put everything on the line. And we showed em the power of our guild." You said. Laxus smiled. Natsu cheered. "Yeah! Fairy Tail is the greatest!" He said. "I'm glad that's over." Gray said. "Yeah." Erza agreed as she changed into her normal armor. "So I guess this means we won, huh?" Wendy asked. "Here you might want this." You said as you gave Natsu his scarf. "It is a little chilly." He said. Wendy laughed. "Please, Help us!" Carla said. "You gotta save me, Natsu!" Happy said as they ran forward. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Who's that behind em?" Lucy asked. A big group of people were running toward them. "Talk about bad timing." Gray said. "Oh no! I'm completely drained of magic power right now!" Erza said.

"Me too." Wendy said. "I'm afraid that I don't have any power left either." Lily said. "They all look so angry don't they?!" Happy asked. "Well yes, but can you blame them?" Carla asked. "Stay right where you are!" Makarov said. All of you looked to see Makarov and everyone else behind him. "Hey, Gramps!" Natsu said. "Everyone's here!" You said. "Master is better and so is Gajeel!" Wendy said. "Good to see you guys." Gray said. "Indeed. The Tenrou Tree has been turned to normal. And so has it's blessing." Erza said. "There's more of them?!" "Isn't that Makarov?" "Whoa. Look over there!" One said as he pointed to Hades. "Master Hades!" "He's been defeated!" "I order you to get off this island immediately!" Makarov said. The masked people began running away.

"Yes, sir! Right away!" "Fire a signal flare!" "Sorry for all the trouble!" Everyone began to celebrate. "Something bothering you, (Y/n)?" Freed asked. "Kind of. Where's Juvia?" You asked. "We don't know since she never returned to base camp." Freed said. "I'm proud of you for coming back. Is that what you expected me to say?! How dare you sent foot on Tenrou Island after I kicked you out of the guild. What were you thinking?!" Makarov asked. Laxus turned away. "Geez. You're gonna have a heart attack, old man." Laxus said. "Please try to calm down, Master." Levy said. "That's a big head." Lily said. "Shush, Lily!" Levy said. Freed, Evergreen and Bickslow looked in shock. "That's Laxus?" Freed asked.

All three of them hugged Laxus. "You came back to us!" Bickslow said. "We thought we'd never see you again!" Evergreen said. "Get off!" Laxus said. "Even when he's hurt, Master's strict as ever. That's a real man for ya." Elfman said. "I guess so. He'll have a change of heart. Watch." Mira said. "Now, let's get back to the trail!" Natsu said. "Are you kidding me?!" Happy asked. "The second round was interrupted by Grimoire Heart so it doesn't count! I say we simplify things and just have an all out battle!" Natsu said. Gajeel smashed into him. "You must have been hit in the head one too many times if you think you stand a chance against me when you're all busted up like that!" Gajeel said. "Chill out, Gajeel." Levy said. "Whatever! It'll be a cinch! 'Cause I'm a lightning flame dragon drag-" Natsu suddenly gasped in pain. "Hey, you all right?" Gajeel asked as Natsu collapsed. "Natsu!" Levy said. "Don't go passing out on me, ya whip!" Gajeel said.

"Fainting must be a side effect of consuming non flame magic." Erza said. "Anyway, I think it's about time we go back to base camp." Wendy said. "If we don't get some rest soon our bodies won't be able to hold up." Carla said. All of you began to walk back to the base. "Then let's go back." Lisanna said. "Hey, wait! Are you guys gonna make me carry Natsu?" Lucy asked. "I can carry him for you if you want." You said. "May I be of assistance?" Capricorn asked. "Please allow me to carry both of you, my lady." Capricorn said as picked up Lucy and Natsu. "Well that works." You said. "Thank you, Capricorn. I really appreciate your help." Lucy said. "Excuse me, Lady (Y/n), are you a guild mate of Lady Lucy?" Capricorn asked. "That's right. I guess you could say I'm her role model." You said. "Well in that case." Capricorn began talking to you from behind Gray and Cana. "What are the two of them going on about back there?" Cana asked. "I dunno but they seem to be getting along great." Gray said.

Time Skip

"Oh wow! I feel so much better!" Happy said. "You want me to take care of your injuries next?" You asked Levy. Levy waved her hands. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. You could probably use some down time." She said. "Nah. I can't tell you how amazing I feel now that the Tenrou Tree is back to normal." You said. "There you are, Gildarts! Come and fight me-" Gildarts hit Natsu on the head and he fell over. "You need your rest, kid." He said. "he's out now." Laxus said. "Hey, (Y/n)? Can I get a little help here?" Natsu asked. "You've gotta wait your turn, Natsu." Bickslow said. "Yeah, man up." Elfman said. "You can go next, Lily, 'cause I'm more worried about you than me." Gajeel said. "Well I don't see why because you're the one who's covered in bandages from head to toe." Lily said. "Uh oh. It looks like you've got quite a line forming now." Levy said. You smiled at her.

"It's alright, Levy. I don't mind at all." You said. "I can take over for you." Erza said as she came dressed as a nurse. You sweat dropped. "What's with the nurse outfit?" You asked. "Wait a minute, you don't have any healing powers." Carla said. "That's true, but differences in ability don't matter in battle. It's our hearts that will be tested." Erza said. "Whaddya mean battle?" Wendy shivered. "Way to go, you scared Wendy." You said. "This can't end well." Levy said. Erza took a seat. "All right gentlemen, who's up next? If you tell me where it hurts, I can decide whether I should take your temperature first or just go ahead and give you an injection." Erza said. "Does she really think we're gonna fall for the "hot nurse" routine?" Gray asked.

"We ain't that hard up." Gajeel said. Natsu nodded. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! No cutting!" "You gotta wait in line like the rest of you jerks!" "Stupid boys!" Carla said. "It appears tying bandages is a lot more difficult than one might think!" Erza said as she tried to wrap bandages on Gray and Gajeel. "Ow! Are you trying to kill us?!" Gray and Gajeel asked. "I'm in shock! I can't believe I've been begging Gray to punish me and he's the one who likes to be punished? I'm such an idiot!" Juvia said. "Uh, Yeah. Pretty sure that's not what's happening here." You said as you sweat dropped. "Gajeel!" Levy growled. 'Someone's jealous.' You thought as you saw how angry Levy looked.

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