Time Begins To Tick + Enter the Neo-Oración Seis!

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"Coco... you've been corrupted! You wretched traitor!" "Don't do it." Dan said. "You will not be allowed a tribunal! The only thing that awaits you... is justice!" Byro said as he held his staff in the air, ready to strike her. "Coco!" Lucy shouted. Lucy ran to try and save her from the blast, but you quickly put up a shield in front of Coco, blocking the attack and beat Lucy to it. Lucy and her team gasped. Erza then jumped in front of Coco. "You!" Byro said. "The chance to cross swords didn't present itself before, but at last we meet. Prepare for battle!" She said. "Titania." Byro said. "Do not speak my name! It disgusts me to hear it said by someone who would turn on their allies!" Erza said as she changed into her normal outfit. "You're despicable!" She said. "Erza!" Natsu and Lucy said. "We're not in the habit of putting up with bullies like you, old man!" Gray said. You and Lyon stood beside him. "Gray! And (Y/n)! Wait... why's Lyon here?" Happy asked. "Come on. Is this old timer really giving you that much trouble, Charcoal breath?" Gray asked. "Chill, Frostbite! I'm just playing around with him before I kick his butt so keep yours outta this!" Natsu said. "Everyone made it. And they found the other clock pieces." Lucy said. "Even Gajeel's here!" Natsu said. "Carla's group hit pay dirt too!" Happy said. "And with our piece, we've almost got the whole set!" Romeo said. "As you can see, we've obtained all five clock pieces. Save one. Hand over what you stole from (Y/n) and we'll leave in peace. I'll only ask once." Erza said. "Then you'll have to take it from me, Titania." Byro said. "You're outnumbered, Byro. We'll take them alright, and seal them. Now, be smart. It's over. Surrender it!" Erza said as she summoned a sword and pointed it at him.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Byro said. "The Infinity Clock was originally Zentopia property. Destiny demands that we watch over it." He said. "What?" Coco asked. "Is that true?" You asked. "Well, to be honest, I'm not so sure." Dan said. "You guild rats have become too involved in this. You've glimpsed into a darkness that the world should never know. Because of that I cannot allow you to leave here alive." Byro said as the clock piece in his hand began to glow. "Enough! Prepare yourself!" Erza said as she attacked him. You and the other members of Fairy Tail used their magic to attack him too. "No! Don't attack! Magic won't work!" Lucy said. Natsu tried to attack him too. "What the heck are you doing?!" Lucy asked. "Such fools." Byro said. He swung his staff. "What happened?! Did he just block all of them?!" You asked. "Even with our numbers?" Erza asked. "Magic attacks don't work on him." Natsu said. "This will be interesting." Erza said. "I think you mean annoying." Gray said. "Right? Now I'm just a lame ol' average talking cat." Happy said. "One spell of a thousand, it makes no difference. In my presence, wizards cease to be wizards entirely." Byro said. "There's still one option left." You said. "If we can't use magic we'll use our fists." Gray said. "How arrogant. I've been trained to fight barehanded against fifty opponents at once. You won't even warm me up." Byro said. "Well, well, sounds like Octo Geezer's fired up too!" Natsu said. "Please stay focused. He's a very proficient fighter." Erza said. "Sounds like a challenge." Gray said. Suddenly the clock piece in his hand glowed again. You then heard a loud ding sound and saw your father. "Dad?" You asked. Then you heard a voice. "Don't!" You turned and saw the girl from the storybook. You gasped. "I told you, don't do it." The girl said. You turned around to face her. "Time has ticked. And now chaos has come." She said. You then saw the clock piece. "No. Is this the beginning of the end?" You asked. The clock piece the lifted into the air along with the other clock pieces. "Big sis!" Michelle said. "Look! The clock!" She said. "I see it. But what's happening?" You asked. Then it glowed after all of the pieces came together, and you heard a loud clock ticking sound that echoed through the entire world. "My ears are bleeding!" Natsu said. "That's some alarm clock!" Happy said. "The tomb is collapsing!" You said. "It can't be. Why now?" Lucy asked. "This ain't the time to space out! Let's scram!" Gray said. "Wait a second. That smell..." You said. "Keep your guard up!" You said. "We're in real hot water now." Natsu said. As the clock kept ticking, your eyes widened as you saw former enemies appear from the dust.

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