Natsu Devours A Village

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"Aw Jeez! Come on Happy! Don't tell me that you got us lost again! We've been walking for forever and a half and we still haven't found Magnolia yet!" You shouted. "Why are we following a cat anyway?!" You asked. "What do you mean again? How rude! I wasn't lost last time! So this is the first time I've gotten us lost!" Happy said. "First time or not let's just try to make it our last okay?" Lucy asked. Happy groaned. "Man, I want some food" Natsu said. "We all do. Talking about it just makes us hungrier" Gray said. "I can't help it if I'm hungry jerk!" Natsu said. "No! But you can stop running your mouth can't you?" Gray asked. "Listen up!" Makarov shouted. "We need some food..." he said. "Yeah! We know!" Gray and Natsu said. "Enough!" Erza said. Then her stomach growled. "Your stomach's trying to tell you something isn't it?" Natsu asked. "No it's not. You're hearing things" Erza said. "Uh, yeah. Real convincing Erza" Gray said sarcastically. Happy squealed and gasped with excitement. "What are you excited about?" Natsu asked. "Down there! Look Natsu! Look!" Happy said as he pointed down. You all looked down to see a bunch of flying fish. "I can fly!" One of the fishes said. "You can fly!" Another fish said. "Those are wing fish! They're a legendary delicacy! And they're super yummy from what I hear!" Happy said. "Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!" Happy said. "A legendary delicacy?" Gray asked.  "Wing fish huh?" Erza asked. "Sounds good to me" Natsu said. "Well done Happy. You make this old man very proud" Makarov said with tears of joy in his eyes as he put one of his hands on Happy's shoulder. "Guys, enough with the growling stomachs" you said. But then your stomach growled. "You were saying?" Gray asked. "Shut up" you said. "Now. Time to fish!" Happy said. "Aw come on you stupid fish. Just shut up and let me eat you" Natsu whined as you all held your fishing rods down the cliff hoping to catch some fish. "We gotta fish harder guys!" Happy declared. "I don't know. Are you sure these things really taste that good?" Lucy asked. "Be quiet and fish. Anything edible will do" Erza said. "I didn't know you were that hungry" you said. "You're going in my belly! Right now! You hear? Happy's gonna eat you fish!" Happy shouted. "Whatever I give up" Happy said. "That was fast" Lucy said. "Well I couldn't catch a single fish" Happy said. "You really want to eat one, don't you?" You asked. "You shouldn't give up so easily" Lucy said. You smiled at him. "You can do it, little guy" you said. "I can't help that I'm little!" Happy cried as he ran away. "What?! I thought we were cheering you up!" You said.

Time Skip

"That was harder than you'd think" Erza said. "All that trouble for one fish" she said. Natsu used his flames and fired it up. "Go ahead and eat it, Happy" Natsu said. "But that wouldn't be fair to you guys would it?" Happy asked. "It's way too small to split up. If we had a bite we'd just want more" Gray said. "Hurry up and eat it before we change our minds!" Makarov said. "Okay! Don't mind if I do!" Happy said as you all watched with jealousy. Happy took large giant bites as he ate the fish. "Who knew that one fish could bring so much joy?" Lucy asked. "I never thought I'd be jealous of a cat" you said. "Gross!" Happy said. "Are you kidding me?!" You shouted.

Time Skip

"I hate to say it but..." Natsu said. "All that fishing..." Gray said. "Made me hungrier" Makarov said. "A village!" Erza said. "Houses" Gray said. "And that means there must be..." Happy said. "Food!" You all cheered as you ran toward the village. "There's no one here" Gray said. "It does seem awfully quiet, doesn't it?" Lucy asked. "Maybe they're taking an afternoon nap or something" Natsu said. "Hey! Anybody here?!" Natsu asked. "We're starving like crazy out here! Somebody cook us some dinner!" Happy said. "Wow, Happy. Ever hear the word please?" You asked. "You really think the whole town's taking a nap?" Gray asked. "Well it's either that or they all got drunk and passed out" Makarov said. "I think that only happens back at the guild" Lucy said. Makarov chuckled. "We do love our spirits don't we?" He asked. "You guys can hang out here all day if you want! But I'm gonna find a kitchen to raid!" Natsu said as he began to run off. Gray ran ahead of him. "Shame on you for even thinking about robbing this place Natsu!" Gray said. "You're just mad I thought of it first!" Natsu said. Natsu banged on a random person's door. "Hey! Anybody home?!" He asked. Natsu banged on the door again. "Come on! Give us something to eat! We're dying!" Natsu begged. Natsu opened the door and looked around. "Looks like nobody's here" Gray said. "Who cares? There's food!" Natsu said as he noticed plates of bread on the kitchen table. Natsu grabs a piece of bread and sniffs it. "Good! It still smells fresh!" Natsu said.

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