Lost Magic + Fire Dragon Vs Flame God + Arc Of Embodiment

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"You're getting in my way! Wind Blade!" Cana attacked the dark guild members with her cards. "Holy crap. She's pissed. She destroyed those guys." Loke said. "Too bad. It's their fault. They shouldn't be trespassing on sacred ground!" Gray said. "Hear that?! Hope you're ready for more!" Gray said as he attacked the dark guild with a hammer made out of ice. More of them were about to attack Cana. You sent them away with an Earth Dragon Wing Attack. "Cana, stay focused! Would ya?" You asked. "Yeah, sorry about that. 

Thanks, (Y/n)." She said. The five of you stood back to back. "C'mon! There's no end to em!" Gray said. "Are they crawling out from the ground too?" You asked. "They may be a lot, but they're pretty weak over all." Loke said. "That doesn't help if the attacks never stop coming." Lucy said. "She's right. We can't keep this up." You said. "With these numbers they'll eventually wear us out." Cana agreed. "And once we run out of magic, they can defeat us with ease." You said. "If I summon Taurus or Sagittarius we might even the odds." Lucy said. "That's too much of a gamble. If they have more reinforcements you'd just be wasting power." Loke said. "Now I'm mad. And if they think they can take us with a bunch of masked wearing clowns, they're dead wrong." Gray said.

Time Skip

Everyone was panting except for you. "Not good. I'm almost completely out of power." Gray said. "Same here. But I think we put most of em down." Loke said. "All right. Let's take out the rest of them and go look for the others." Cana said. "But what if they're fighting these guys too? The only one who could help is (Y/n)." Lucy asked. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But right now we gotta-" "wait!" You interrupted. "I sense something." You said. Suddenly they disappeared. "Are they turning invisible on us?" Gray asked. "Maybe they were just supposed to distract us and they succeeded." Cana said. You sweat dropped. "Or they all left, because of him." You pointed. "They're incapable of defeating you. So there's no need for them to continue fighting. But your fight is far from over. Prepare to battle." "That's..." Lucy said. "A goat? Wearing a suit?" Cana asked. "He's a celestial spirit." You said. Lucy gasped. "He's the gate of the goat key. Capricorn." You said. "Are you okay?" Gray asked you, noticing your concern. "Yes. But be careful. This guy is on a whole other level than the others we were fighting." You said.

"I don't understand. What's going on?" Lucy asked. "How come we haven't been able to land a single hit on this goat freak?" Cana asked. "Come on, (Y/n)!" Gray said. "Right!" You said. The goat kicked both of you back. "This guy is strong. He's able to fend off all five of us." Gray said. "I've had enough! I'm not about to waste my time getting all worked up over a stupid goat!" Cana said. Cana gasped as the lightning attack missed him. "What the? How'd I miss him again?" Cana asked. "What's his secret? It's not like he's using some sort of magic to dodge us. And from what I can tell, he doesn't seem to be reading our moves like cobra." You said. "I can't explain it, but I got this feeling. I just know that none of our attacks are gonna hit him. I keep thinking what's the use of fighting if you can't win? We're screwed!" Gray said. "Very perspective of you. You are powerless against me in battle. No matter how many times you try to attack, you'll never be able to hit me. You might as well give up. There's nothing you can do. But revere and worship me." Capricorn said. "There it is again. I keep feeling this strange pressure." Lucy said. "Man, I wish I knew what's going on. Where's this sense of hopelessness coming from?" Gray asked.

Time Skip

"What you're talking about is genocide." Loke said. "Only 10% of the population will be allowed to live?" You asked. "You honestly think that will work? People will fight to the end. Til there's no world left." Lucy said. "perhaps. Then again, Hades has yet to reveal the full extent of his plan. He dreams of a heaven for those attuned with the abyss of sorcery. The black wizard will be ours. And once he is the world you know will vanish. Once all the fire and dust have settled, it will be reborn." Capricorn said. Gray got into his ice make stance. "You talk too much. All I care about is making you pay dearly for coming into our house and acting like you own the place!" Gray said. "My comrades and I have two missions. The first is to seize (Y/n) and then deliver her safely to master Hades. And the second one is, to wipe Fairy Tail from existence." Capricorn said. "You think you can wipe us out?" Gray asked. "Let's put that theory to the test." Gray said. "Wait." Loke said, stepping in front of Gray. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Covering your retreat. Since he's just one of the seven kin, it's safe to say there's a six pack of nasty somewhere out there. I'll hold him off while you hunt down the rest of his crew." Loke said. 

"Do you got a screw loose? The five of us combined couldn't take him down and you want to go solo on him?" Gray asked. "That's because his magic was sapping your strength. Human enslavement magic. It's ancient and powerful stuff." Loke said. "Human enslavement?" Cana asked. "It's also known as Ruler's magic. It temporality reduces the combat abilities and magic power of any human it affects." You said. "That is correct. Celestial spirits are immune to it. So we can fight evenly." Loke said, changing into his spirit form. "We'll stay here and help." You said. "I don't think so." Loke said. Loke pointed at Capricorn. "How about it, sea goat? Feel like going toe to toe with a superior fighter? Let's do this!" Loke asked. "I accept your challenge." Capricorn said. To be honest, Leo, I was beginning to wonder whether you remembered that you were a celestial spirit." Capricorn said. "Get out of here, I can handle it." Leo said. "We can't." You said. "I hate to admit it, (Y/n). But he's right." Cana said. 

"We're just a burden without our full magic power. Loke knows what he's gotta do now. So let's make sure that he can." Gray said. "Loke!" You said. He looked at you. "Don't worry, beautiful. I got this fight in the bag. Just focus on finding the others and stopping them." He said. "You can't except me to leave you here to fight one of your own kind!" You said. "Get out of here, now!" Loke snapped. You gasped. "I get the feeling there's more to this fight than Loke's willing to tell us." Cana said. "There's definitely some bad blood between the two of them. Time for us to go so come on. You have faith in him, right?" Gray asked. You nodded, then began to run with the others. "Alright then. We gotta hurry. I'm worried about the others!" Gray said. "Loke!" You said. He looked at you. "Win this. Please promise me that you'll come back safe and sound! Promise me!" You said. "(Y/n)!" Gray called. You ran after him.


Haha! Did ya like the little Fairy Tail Zero moment with Y/n and Zeref in the last chapter? I thought it would be fun to add that in. And for the reader to come in contact with Zeref in some way. I thought it would be cute for Y/n to have Mavis's moment with Zeref in this story. Hope you enjoy! :)

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