The Three Dragon Slayers

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Gajeel laughed as Natsu had a ball of fire surrounding his body. "Guess it ain't too hard to catch a Salamander if ya use the right bait" Gajeel said. "unlike you Phantom creeps, I watch out for my friends. I won't let you lay a hand on either of them!" Natsu said. "Natsu" Lucy said. "Stay back. This could get ugly" Natsu said. You stepped in front of Natsu. Natsu's eyes widened and his fire went out. "No Natsu, let me handle him" you said. Gajeel gasped in surprise. "What? But (Y/n)-" Natsu began. You turned around. "Gajeel and those other Phantom Lord jerks hurt Lucy. And Levy. And I need to get them back for what they've done to my friends" you said. Natsu was shocked. "But (Y/n)-" he started. "There's no need to worry about me. I can handle these Phantom Lord creeps by myself. They may be strong but I'm much stronger. Don't forget that Gajeel may be a dragon slayer but I'm a dragon slayer too. I could outmatch this trash any day" you said. Gajeel smirked. "You sure sound confident" he said. "Don't forget that I was able to catch you before. And by any means I could definitely do it again" he said with a smirk. "He does have a point, (Y/n)" Natsu said. "Don't worry, I got this" you said before glaring at Gajeel. "You know, I knew you were a dragon slayer because when I sniffed you out earlier I could smell it. But when I tried to define which element you were, my nose caught all kinds of scents. So tell me, which dragon slayer are you, really?" Gajeel asked. "If you must know, I have all the elements" you said. Gajeel gasped in surprise before smirking. "Is that so? Well then, fighting you should be a challenge" he said. Gajeel smirked,

"And I love myself a challenge" he said. You smirked back at him. "That so?" You asked. Gajeel transformed his arm into a large iron club and went towards you. You jumped into the air and dodged the attack. "Iron Dragon: roar!" You shouted. A tornado of iron went towards Gajeel and crashed him into the wall. He stood back up on the wall. "Iron Dragon: Club!" You shouted as you lunged at him with your iron arm and smashed him into the wall. The Phantom Lord members screamed and ran away. Gajeel jumped into the air and glared at you. You jumped into the air and glared back at him. Then you punched him in the face with iron and sent him flying. Gajeel crashed into the wall again. Gajeel rubbed his sore chin. Then he gasped as he saw you above him.

"Iron Dragon: Talon!" You shouted as you landed a kick on him. Gajeel put his arms out and shoved you. You gasped and flew into the air. "Whoa" Lucy said. Happy walked over to her. "Hey, are you alright?" Happy asked. Lucy smiled. "Happy" She said. Lucy looked back at the two of you fighting. "Is something wrong?" Happy asked. "No, it's just, I've never seen (Y/n) like this" Lucy said. "Aye. She's more fired up than ever before" Happy said. "I'd sure hate to be that other guy" Happy said. Gajeel cracked his neck. "For being Fairy scum you sure are cocky" he said. "You're the only scum I see, pal. As payback for hurting Lucy, I'm gonna use my magic power to destroy that ugly iron face!" You said. Gajeel chuckled. "Sounds like fun. So give it a shot" he said. You glared at him.  "Fire Dragon: roar!" You shouted. A tornado of fire shooting towards Gajeel. Gajeel jumped into the air and dodged. "Iron Dragon: roar!" Gajeel said. Both dragon roars collided and made a big explosion. You glared at Gajeel as he smirked at you. "Sky Dragon: Wing Attack!" You shouted, from behind him. Dajeel turned around as you generated a large whirlwind from each of your arms, which twisted and rotated and hit Gajeel. "Iron Dragon: club!" Gajeel shouted, as he tried to hit you with his iron arm. You dodged his attack. You jumped into the air. "Iron Dragon: claw!" You shouted, large winds coming from your feet. Gajeel screamed and crashed to the ground. You jumped into the air. "Earth Dragon: Crushing Fang!" You said, cloaking one of your hands in a whirlwind and striking Gajeel. "Iron Dragon: Sword!" Gajeel said, turning his left arm into a sword. Gajeel tried to hit you with his sword multiple times, but you dodged each time.

Then Gajeel was able to land a hit on you and you screamed as you crashed into the wall. "(Y/n)!" Lucy cried. You stood back up and glared at the iron dragon slayer. "Water Dragon: iron fist!" You shouted and punched Gajeel. Gajeel was sent flying. Gajeel turned his right arm into a large spearhead, and large numbers of iron spears are fired towards you. "Water Dragon: Monsoon Sphere!" You said. Creating a powerful spinning barrier that began to form around you. The water spinning around you. When the iron spears hit the barrier, they were sent flying instead of hitting you. Some of them went back towards Gajeel and he gasped, jumping into the air and quickly dodging his spears. You smirked. Your barrier disappeared, and you got into a stance. "Water Dragon: Bombardment!" You said. You generated water in two of your hands and brought them together over your head, creating a giant ball of water above your head.

The water slowly starts to form multiple peaks that are in what appear to be a tentacle form, taking the shape of an octopus. Then, the peaks of water begin to move around rapidly, as you tried to land hits on Gajeel. Gajeel tried his best to dodge them all, but was hit with some of the tentacles, and crashed into the wall. Then you grabbed Gajeel with one of the water tentacles, and tossed him around the room. Then you released him from the tentacle of water and smashed him to the ground. "Water Dragon: Burst!" You said. Shooting out multiple rapid fire jet streams of water towards Gajeel, hitting him with the streams of water. Gajeel turned his right arm into dragon scales, and punched you. "Ice Dragon: Breakdown Fist!" You said. Forming your hand with ice and jabbing Gajeel sending him flying with extreme force. "(Y/n) stop" Lucy begged. "Ice Dragon: Freezing Drill!" You said. You jumped in the air and surrounded one of your legs, making it look like an ice shaped drill and spun around piercing Gajeel.

"(Y/n) please, stop" Lucy begged. "Forest Dragon: Vine Whip!" You said, turning one of your hands into a vine and smashing Gajeel into the wall. "(Y/n), let's just go. Go with them. I'll hand myself over, they can take me back, and you can join their guild like they wanted, I'm sure they'll accept you in and treat you like family like we do if we promise to go with them" Lucy said, as tears fell from her eyes. "Lucy..." Happy said. Lucy looked at her. "You know that she would never let that happen" Happy said. "Forest Dragon: Solar Cannon!" You said. Gathering a lot of solar energy and concentrating it with the crystal flowers in your arm, unleashing an enormous blast of energy towards Gajeel. "Forest Dragon: Spiral Roar!" You shouted, a large forest tornado hitting Gajeel. Gajeel was thrown back to the wall. Gajeel chuckled. "Hey (Y/n), take a look at your guild hall. We're doing some redecorating" he said darkly. You gasped as you saw the guild hall that was once Fairy Tail's now crushed into pieces onto the ground. You began to cry as tears escaped your eyes. How could this happen? 'It's my fault. This is all my fault' you thought as more tears fell from your eyes. 'I should have listened, I should have listened to Lucy. We should have just handed ourselves over and surrendered. If we had, then none of this would be happening...' you thought. 'We could have stopped all of this' you thought to yourself. More tears fell from your eyes as you started crying. 'I can't believe this' you thought. Lucy ran over and hugged you. You gasped, and turned over and looked at Lucy. She was crying just as much as you were. You hugged her back, and looked back at the now destroyed guild hall.

"No..." Natsu mumbled, memories of his childhood at the guild hall came running back to him, as he stared at the fallen guild hall in shock. Gajeel chuckled and laughed darkly, you growled at him, and Lucy gasped, stepping back. Gajeel continued to laugh, and you sent him a death glare. Lucy stood frozen in shock, and you suddenly lunged for Gajeel. "Earth Dragon: Soiled Grip!" You shouted. You grabbed Gajeel and slammed him down to the ground by the throat shortly before punching the ground causing a solid pillar to launch Gajeel high into the air. He is then blasted with a powerful punch, to which your hand is now entirely of rock. Everyone watched you in shock. "Levy, Jet, Droy, Lucy, Gramps, all of my friends. My guild, Fairy Tail" you said.  "I don't know how many more people you need to hurt before you're satisfied, but it ends now" you said. "There's no way. I can't lose to her. It's impossible! She's nothing but Fairy scum!" Gajeel said. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my friends! Messing with Fairy Tail is the biggest mistake you've ever made!" You said. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art!" You said. Everyone gasped in shock. "No way!" Boze said. "This girl's learned a secret technique?" Sue asked. "Shattering Light: Sky Drill!" You shouted. You moved your arms in a counter-clockwise direction, causing the wind wall around you to contract inwards around Gajeel, sending him flying upwards into the air and crashing back down to the ground. Gajeel was now out cold.

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