New Guild

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"The big day is finally here, folks! The Grand Magic games will be getting underway shortly! This is going to be a year to remember!" The announcer said. "Wow, would you listen to that crowd." Erza said. "I didn't think there'd be so many people watching." Lucy said. "The city is full of wizards from all over the country. Of course folks want to see them in action." Gray said. "Purple is so lame." Natsu said, looking at his outfit. "l'd rather wear my regular clothes instead of this crap." He said. "Purple or not, you'll just have to deal. Unless you want to tell Master why you think the clothes he picked are so 'lame'?" You said. "You won't hear me complaining I think they're adorable." Erza said. "And comfy. Skin tight." Gray said. "It's not skin tight; you're half naked!" Lucy shouted. "Uhh.... I don't really care about the color. But I doubt I can squeeze into this thing." Elfman said as he held Wendy's. Natsu pointed and laughed at him. "Oh man, that's perfect!" He said. "Well, you could use it as a sock, I guess." You said. "Did you spend those three months bench-pressing a mountain range?" Gray asked. Elfman frowned. "She's the one who should be standing here with the rest of you, not me. Do you think she'll be all right?" He asked.


"You found them?" You asked as you all came in. You gasped as you saw Wendy and Carla in bed. "Wendy!" You said as you ran to her. "Where the heck were they?" Natsu asked. "Lisanna and I found them in the palace's gardens." Happy said. Wendy's eyes moved. "You with us?" Natsu asked. Her eyes then opened and she looked at you. "(Y/n)." She said. "What happened out there?" You asked. "It's all just a big blur. Sorry. I wish that I could remember." She said. She grunted in pain. "What's wrong?" You asked. "She appears to have magic deficiency syndrome." Porlyusica said. "Porlyusica!" Lucy said "Wait, what are you doing here?" Lisanna asked. "Something wrong with cheering you on?" She replied. "No, ma'am!" Lisanna said. "Calm down, I wasn't scolding you, child. Don't be so nervous, I'm not going to eat you." Porlyusica said. "Right." Lisanna said. "I'm here because I was concerned. I heard what happened and thought I might be of help. Now." She said as she put her hand on Wendy's forehead. "A moment ago you mentioned, "magic deficiency syndrome." Erza said. "Yes. It's a condition of weakened physical strength brought on by an acute case of magic depletion. They've both had nearly all of their magic power sucked out. Don't worry; they'll fully recover with enough bed rest." She said. "Who did this to you?" You asked. "It's still a big blur for the most part. But, I remember seeing a weird, black animal." Wendy gasped as she remembered, then covered herself with her covers and cried.  "Wendy." You said. "I'm sorry. I let you down. I trained so hard to help you but now. I'm just useless!" She cried. "Hey, Elfman." She said. "Please take my place. Win for me." She said. He gasped. "Sure! You can count on me, kid." He said. "All right. Everybody needs to leave. They can't heal if they don't get proper rest." Porlyusica said. "Let's go. There's nothing we can do here. We might as well try to focus on the Grand Magic Games." Erza said. "You're right. That's the only way we're gonna become number one again." Happy said.

Time Skip

"The person who attacked Wendy, do you think they're taking part in the games as well?" Natsu asked. "I'd say there's a big possibility." You said. "You gotta wonder too, if they did it to weaken our team, or for some other reason." Gray said. "Keep your eyes on the prize for now." Elfman said. "Winning this thing is the best way to get revenge for Wendy." He said. "We're just moments away from the start of the Grand Magic Games, folks! I'm lead commentator. Chapati Lola, and I'll be handling the play-by-play while former Council member Yajima provides commentary! Mr. Yajima. Glad to have you with us sir." Lola said. "Glad to be here." He replied. "And let's not forget our special guest A member of Blue Pegasus and current holder of the title "Miss Fiore"'; the ravishing Jenny Realite!" Lola said. "Blue Pegasus is bringing home the gold this year!" She said. "Ready? Let's go." You said. You and your team then began walking out. "Now, the time has come to meet our competitors! First up, in eighth place: an old school bunch of wild wizards from Magnolia! They had luck in the prelims, and now they're raring to take back first place by force! It's Fairy Tail!" Lola said as Natsu put his fist up. The crowd began booing. "What the hell?" Natsu asked. "I didn't see that comin'" Gray said. "I wanna go home now." Lucy said. "Who would've thought they'd make it this far after losing every year? Securing a spot in the prelims was no small feat for them. Will the Tenrou Team's sensational return help Fairy Tail become Fore's greatest guild?" Lola asked. "Aw." Lucy said. "Don't let it get to you." You said. "I'm proud of them. Way to go, kiddos! Now get out there and show 'em what you can do." Yajima said. "Cheer 'til you bust a lung! Hooray! Hooray! Fairy Tail's number one!" Makarov said. "The cheers of our comrades are all the support we need." You said.  Lucy nodded in agreement. "Fairy Tail's number one!" Makarov shouted. Gray gasped. "Hey, do you see that?" Natsu asked. "Look!" Lucy said. "I see it!" Erza said. "No way." You said in disbelief. "Hooray! Hooray! Fairy Tail is number one! Woo hoo!" Mavis shouted. Everyone from the guild stared at her dumbfounded. "Master Mavis, What in the world are you doing here?" Makarov asked. "What else? I came to cheer you on, silly!" She said. "Yes, I can see that, but aren't you, you know, dead?" Makarov asked. "There's no way I was going to miss this! You don't need to worry. Only those who bear our guild's emblem can see me." She said. "Yeah, well, that's not really what I was concerned about." Makarov said. "I'm sorry. I couldn' help myself. It's so dull being stuck on Tenrou Island!" She replied. Natsu laughed. "Even Master Mavis came out to cheer for us?" He asked. "We've got this in the bag." He said. "At least the ghost likes us." Gray said. You smacked him. "Ow! What the heck was that for?" He asked. "Don't be like that Gray, show some respect! She's our guild's first master!" You said. "Sorry. Sorry." Gray said. "Next up, the team that came in seventh place in the pre-lims. The rowdy army of hellhounds. Quatro Cerberus!" Lola said. "Let's get wild, ya with me?" One of their members said as the guild walked out. "I expect a win this year, fellas. Don't disappoint me." Goldmine said. "And coming in sixth is a guild filled to the brim with the fairer sex! The dancers of the great, blue sea. Mermaid Heel!" Lola said as the guild of females walked in. "I didn't know there was a guild full of ladies!" Happy said. "In fifth place! With azure wings that glimmer in the darkness. It's Blue Pegasus!" Lola said. "Hey guys! Do your best!" Jenny said.

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