Mest + Black Wizard + Iron Soul

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"Alright. I believe all our winners are here now." Makarov said. "Oh, yeah." Lucy said. "Well?" You looked at the Master. "In that case, these are the results of thus far!" Cana and Lucy defeated Freed and Bickslow in combat, nicely done ladies." "They beat Freed, how?!" Gray screeched, you gaped in shock. "Natsu and Happy surmounted the obstacle known as (Y/n)! Good job!" "No way! Those two?!" Gray once again expressed his shock vocally. "Yeah, but I didn't really do much of anything..." Happy added on. "Levy and Gajeel chose the 'Serenity' route. Well aren't you lucky?" Gajeel's face was twitching. "Well I think it's sucky!" Gajeel scowled as Levy threw out a peace sign. "Gray and Loke defeated Mest and Wendy in combat. Way to go, boys!" Gray deadpanned, "Juvia didn't even make it through the first round?" You reeled back seeing the Master's face. "What's with the creepy look on your face, Gramps?!" You shrieked. "Unfortunately, luck wasn't on Juvia and Lisanna's side today... 

Their route led to 'She Who Knows No Mercy!'" "Ah..." Gray said. "That sucks," Gray paled. "Elfman and Evergreen aren't here, whatcha think happened to 'em?" Lucy asked. "Well, by process of elimination... the only other route..." They both paled, realizing it was Mira. "Mirajane..." They both muttered. "I feel sorry for them." Levy sweat dropped. "I could take her but those two had no chance," Gajeel smirked. "Don't count us out yet...!" Evergreen said. "Didn't think we could beat my big sis, did ya?" It was Elfman, who was being held up by Evergreen. "Guess who's moving on to round two?" "My word!" 

Master gaped. "How the heck did you beat Mira?!" Happy exclaimed. "A real man... doesn't brag about his win..." Elfman muttered. "Let's just say that we took full advantage of catching her off-guard," Evergreen quickly said. "'Off-guard', you say." The Master cleared his throat, "Back to the trial... as it stands, there are six teams left: Natsu and Happy, Gray and Loke, Levy and Gajeel, Cana and Lucy, and Elfman and Evergreen! Congratulations on passing the first round!" Makarov said. Now that everyone's here, let's move on to the second round!" You glanced at the Fire Dragon Slayer, who looked really down. "Natsu," Happy approached the male, "I hate to see you so down in the dumps!" "I'm not. I'm just doin' some thinkin'..." "You're thinking?! You never do that! Be careful, you might hurt yourself!" "Jeez! How little do you think of him, Happy? So much for being his best friend." You said. "Hey! I'm a great friend to have!" Happy said. "If you say so." You said.

Natsu suddenly stood up, catching everyone's attention. He then pointed to Gray, "Gray! Cana! Levy! Elfman! Only one of us is gonna be a S-Class Wizard, and that's me!" He said. "Yeah right, there's no way I'm losin' to you!" Gray said. "Not gonna happen." Levy said. "Challenge accepted! 'Cause I'm a real man, baby!" Elfman said. "Aw yeah, I'm all fired up now!" "Aye sir!" "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make you a S-Class Wizard, Cana!" Lucy exclaimed, pumping her fists. "Better hope you won't fight me 'cause I won't go easy on ya," Loke smirked; pushing up his shades. "Big talk for a bunch'a wimps," Gajeel scoffed. "What the heck did you call me?!" Elfman shouted, only to double over in pain. Evergreen held him, 

"Come on, Elfman! Pull yourself together!" She said. "Well we know who's not gonna make S-Class." Gray said. "Listen! I'm about to give instructions for the second part! The next stage of the S-Class trials start now!" Everyone turned to the Master. "Huh?" Everyone asked. To pass the next round, you must search the island for the grave of Fairy Tail's founder, Mavis Vermillion!" Makarov said. "I forgot she was buried here..." you said. And we gotta find where that is..." Cana said. "Come on, Gramps! That's almost too easy!" Natsu said. Happy popped up, "No joke!" He agreed. "You have six hours to find it or you fail. No excuses! Is that challenging enough? Very well," the Master turned around and began walking away. "I'll be waiting for you at Mavis' grave." "You ready?!" Natsu yelled, "Let's gooo!" "Aye sir!" Happy said.

Time Skip

You yelped, as the beast's claw almost landed on you. "Water Dragon's Crushing Wave!" You stomped your foot and a giant wave washed the giant monster away. You sighed in relief. "Huh? A girl?" A male's voice asked. You gasped and quickly looked to see a young man with black hair, wearing a black robe. "I'm confused. Why have you come to such a desolate place?" Zeref asked. "I was under the impression that this island was uninhabited." Zeref said. "Well I'm afraid not. You are trespassing. This island is for members of the Fairy Tail guild only." You said. "I'm trespassing? Forgive me. I didn't know this island was controlled by a guild." Zeref said. "Well, it is." You said. You were about to step forward, but Zeref's eyes widened. "No, stay back!" He said. He quickly put his hand out. "If you value your life please don't come any closer to me. I'll leave the island peacefully. Please just don't come near me." Zeref said.  He gasped and grabbed his head. "No. Here it comes." He said. "Predatory death." Zeref said. "I can't stop it!" He said. You gasped and suddenly put up a shield and blocked the curse, also protecting everything close to you as well. Zeref gasped and his eyes widened. "(Y/n)?" Zeref asked. "You know who I am?" You asked. Then you gasped when you recognized him. "No. Wait. It can't be." You said. "You're..." you said. "The Black Wizard Zeref.." You said.

Zeref smiled. "That's right, and you're (Y/n)... The daughter of the Dragon Queen, Starlight." "That's right." You said. "So this is Ankhseram black magic." You said. His eyes widened. "I've only read about it in books, it's a kind of ancient curse, some people call it the curse of contradictions, the greater the compassion you have for the living beings around you, the more potent your release of death energy. Conversely, if you have no regard at all for living things, then you'll release no death energy into the environment." You said. Zeref gasped. You quickly covered your mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure you already know all that." 

You said. "It's okay. Your knowledge is impressive. You're the only other person I've ever met who understands my curse. I usually avoid people at all coasts. I won't risk their lives for the sake of my loneliness." Zeref said. "Do you live in this forest?" You asked. "No. I try to keep moving. I want as little contact with living things as possible. The less I interact with them, the better." Zeref said. "Living this way is awful. It's difficult not to feel like a villain when everything I touch dies." Zeref said. "It's very kind of you to stay and talk with me, but I don't want to make you sad." Zeref said. "I'm sure it must get lonely for you." You said. "Yes, it can be trying. Thought conversing with you has made me happier than I've been in a while. I can't remember the last time I spoke with anybody." Zeref said. You smiled. "I'm glad I could help. Maybe we can talk more sometime." You said. Then you teleported elsewhere on the island.

Time Skip

You had been walking around the island for a while now. Starting to see three figures, you recognized the long-haired male as Gajeel, who was looking quite injured and another male who was dressed in samurai armor, about to stab him. "Sky Dragon's Wind Cutter!" You said, sending the enemies back. "What're you doing here?!" Gajeel snapped. "This is my fight! Not yours! Go find your own!" He said. "Geez. I'm just trying to help." You said. "I don't need your help, kid. Now get lost." Gajeel said. "It's clear that you do. So shut up and let me help you." You said. Gajeel growled. "Fine. But don't mess this up, kid." He said. "I won't." You said. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art..." The samurai started to run, trembling at the sight of the large sword Gajeel made with just his arms. "Karma Demon..." "IRON GOD SWORD!" The Iron Dragon Slayer collapsed to the ground, leaving you just stare at the male. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art!" You said. "Raging Sea: tsunami!" You said. You create a powerful torrent of water that attacks the enemies. "Gajeel!" You looked towards the direction of the voice, seeing Levy with Erza and Juvia. 

The small blue-haired girl ran towards the both of you, crouching beside Gajeel as soon as she got there. "Oh, please tell me that you're okay!" Levy cried out, tears threatening to fall. "Told ya I could handle those chumps by myself, didn't I...?" Gajeel asked. "Don't forget that I was here to help you." You said. "Yeah. Yeah." Gajeel said. You fools don't stand a chance... Our main fighting forces are right at our heels. Wizards whose power far exceeds my own... They are known as the Seven Kin of Purgatory!" The samurai cackled. "The Seven Kin are coming?" Juvia muttered. Levy gasped beside you. Erza held her hand out, "We must put the trial on hold! Right now... prepare for battle!" She fired a red flare into the sky, "Condition: Red! We shall intersect them at once!" Erza then requipped into her normal armor. You heaved him over your shoulder, "Levy, you take him to the base camp. I'm only helping you since you're a bit injured since I healed you, right? You should be fine." "Okay..." As you approached the other two, you heard Juvia ask, "So, now what? What do you think we should do?" "First thing we need to do is locate Mest and Wendy. I'm afraid they may be lost and unable to find our base camp." Erza said. You handed Gajeel over to Levy. "I'll take Gajeel and meet you there in a bit." "Yes, thank you, Levy." You said. "Hey, I'm gonna go. I'm going to check on Lucy." You said. Erza nodded. "Very well." She said. Then you teleported to her location.

Time Skip

"Why does this have to happen now?! I swore that this would be my last trial! I'm serious! If I don't make it this year I'm leaving the guild forever! I won't give up! I'm gonna see this through to the very end!" Cana said. Lucy gasped. "Cana." She said. "Would you take it down a notch?" Gray asked. Lucy gasped. "Everyone feels the same way you do." Loke said. "Where did you come from?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, no kidding. What are you doing here?" Cana said. "We've kind of been fol-" Gray quickly covered Loke's mouth. "Just a coincidence, okay?" He asked. "But that's not important right now. If we're really under attack, then we gotta focus on that." Gray said. "He's right." You said as you walked over. "(Y/n)?!" Lucy asked. "Where'd you come from?" Gray asked. "I wanted to check on you guys once I found out we were under attack." You said. "We should get to the emergency rendezvous." You said. Loke moved Gray's hand away. "She's right." He said. Lucy sighed. "As if the trial wasn't hard enough." She said. Cana sighed.

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