Fairies in the Wind

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"I can understand cars and boats but why'd they want to hijack a train?" You asked. "It doesn't really seem like it'd be a very good choice for gateways since it can only follow the train tracks it's on." Happy said. "Yes that's true but they are quite fast" Erza said. "Then I guess it's up to us to figure out where those Eisenwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why" Gray said. "You're naked Gray!" You said. "Am I?" He asked. "The military's already been called to action so it should only be a matter of time before someone catches them" Lucy said. "I hope that's the case, Lucy" Erza said before driving off again.

Time Skip

"Stop Erza! You're going way too fast! You're gonna overload the S.E Plug!" Gray said. "There's no telling how many innocent people could die if Lullaby's song is played! I can't slow down! We have to stop Eisenwald before it's too late!" Erza said. "But at this rate you're gonna use up all your magic power before we even start fighting" Gray said. "Well then I'll just have to rely on hand to hand combat. Besides I've got you, Natsu and (Y/n) as backup" Erza said. "I feel like there was something important I was supposed to to tell you Lucy" Happy said. "Oh really? Well What is it?" Lucy asked. "I don't remember" Happy said. "It was just something about something I was supposed to tell you" Happy said. "Um... you're-" "totally sick for real" Natsu mumbled. "That's it!" Happy said. "Are you kidding me?!" You asked. "Careful Natsu! You're gonna fall out" Lucy said as Natsu leaned far out the window. "That's what I'm aiming for" Natsu said. "Um... so if it wasn't Lucy's totally sick then what the heck was it? Something weird like that" Happy said. "Lucy's... weird? Hungry? Fishy? I like fish! Wait... weird... weird... weird..." Happy said. "Why are you saying she's weird?" You asked. "What's that up ahead?" Erza asked.

Time Skip

"We ask that you please stand back!" A police said. "Excuse me what's going on?" Erza asked the police officer. "Why would I tell you, lady?" He asked. Erza punched him in the face. "What's going on?" She demanded. The other police flinched. Erza punched him to the ground. "What's going on?!" She asked. "Seems like her questioning method's a little counterproductive" you said. "Erza's got her own way of getting things done" Gray said. "Where are your clothes?" Lucy asked. "The Eisenwald guild's inside. Let's go" Erza said. "Right!" Gray said. "So I gotta drag this one around?" Lucy asked referring to the fire wizard on her shoulder. "Sorry" Natsu mumbled.

Time Skip

"A small army unit stormed in earlier but they've yet to return. I'm guessing that they've been caught in battle with the Eisenwald forces" Erza said. Lucy gasped as she saw the army unit out cold on the floor. "They've been completely wiped out!" Happy said. "They were up against an entire guild of wizards. A small contingent like this would never stand a chance against such a powerful group" Erza said. "Welcome. Step into our parlor Fairy Tail flies!" Erigor said. "Whoa. There's so many of them" Lucy said. "You fiend. I take it you're Erigor?" Erza asked. Erigor only chuckled. "Come on Natsu! We need your help!" Lucy cried as she shook Natsu. "Good luck. Between the train, Magic Mobile and your shaking it's a motion sickness triple combo" Happy said. "I'm not a vehicle!" Lucy said. "Hey you. It's your fault I got in trouble with Erigor" one of the wizards said as he glared at you. "Huh?" Natsu asked as he recovered from his motion sickness. "We're not threatened by any of you. Tell me what you're planning to do with Lullaby!" Erza said. "Oh. You haven't heard yet?" He asked. He chuckled and flew higher into the air. "What do all train stations have?" He asked. "He flew" Lucy said. "It's wind magic" you said. "You plan to broadcast the Lullaby's song?" Erza asked. Erigor laughed. "Thousands of nosy onlookers have flocked to this station to get a glimpse of the action. Who knows. If I raise the volume high enough I may be able to extinguish the entire city with my melody of death" he said.

"What reason do you have to commit such a heinous crime against the innocent people of this town?" Erza asked. "This is a cleansing of all the fools out there who fail to appreciate the rights they hold so dear. Who remain willfully ignorant to the plight of those who've had their rights stripped away. They've committed the sin of turning a blind eye to the world's injustice. Therefore The Reaper has come to punish them" he said. "But killing them isn't gonna help you get your rights back it's only gonna make things worse!" You said. "That's the whole reason you were kicked out of the wizard league in the first place!" You said. "At this point we've given up trying to regain our rights. We want power. Then we will be able to wash away the sins of the past and take control of what happens in the future!" Erigor said. "You guys are completely insane!" Lucy said. "We're rolling in a new age of darkness" one of them said. "Course by the time it gets here you flies will be long gone!" He said as a purple circle of magic appeared under him. Multiple black ropes appeared from the circle and went towards Lucy. "Lucy!" You screamed. Then you jumped in front of her and stopped the attack with a rainbow dragon crushing fang attack. "You again?" He asked. "Oh, wow. Looks like we've got ourselves a party here huh?" Natsu said. "No, Natsu, these are the guys we have to fight!" Lucy said. Natsu chuckled. "Like I said. It's a party" he said. 'The Fairy Tail flies flew right into my trap. Everything is going exactly as planned. But I will not rest until they have heard Lullaby's melody of death. Then we'll finally have revenge against those who wronged us' Erigor thought. "This is the strongest team Fairy Tail has to offer! You'd better be ready!" Lucy said. "I leave them to you. Show them the terror of the dark guild Eisenwald!" Erigor said to his guild before vanishing in thin air. "He disappeared!" Lucy said. "Natsu and Gray go. I need you to stop him" Erza said. "Hmm?" They both asked. "If the two of you work together not even Erigor The Reaper can defeat you. I'm leaving him in your hands" Erza said.

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