The Girls And The Ghost

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"Jellal. I don't understand" you said. "That guy is bad news. What's he doing here?" Happy asked. "What are you talking about? Do you know him too?" Wendy asked. "Well it's not like we're friends. "He tried to kill me, (Y/n) and Erza, and a bunch of other people. He's the one who got The Magic Council to fire the Etherion canon" Happy said. Wendy looked down. "I know. I heard about that" she said. "But I thought Jellal was ancient history" Happy said. "He is indeed a shell haunted by a restless ghost. Full of miserable ideals. But also a man who's given you and (Y/n) the greatest gift" Brain said. "What? He did?" Happy asked. "What does that mean?" He asked. "This is your opportunity to return the favor and revive him" Brain said. "Don't do it! No matter what this guy says don't wake him up!" Happy said. Wendy shook as tears threatened to fall. "Please don't do it" Happy begged. "You can't!" Happy said.

Brain took out a dagger and placed it under one of Jellal's arms. "So are you two refusing?" He asked. You gasped. "No, please stop!" You cried. You fell to your knees. "Please. I beg you" you said. Brain lifted his hand up and caused a mini explosion next to you and Wendy. Wendy whimpered. "Revive him. The two of you have the power to do so" Brain demanded. "No. That's the last thing you want to do. They're planning to use him to steal Nirvana" Happy said. "But we have to repay him. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for him" Wendy said. You gasped and Wendy began to cry. "He... was so kind to us." Wendy said. "I've heard all of those horrible stories about what he did. But I don't believe them" Wendy said as she stood up. "I swear they're true. I was there. I saw it!" Happy said. "He's not the kind of person who could do that!" Wendy said. "But he did, Wendy" Happy said. "Please just give us a little time to think about it" you begged. "Why? Tell him no!" Happy said. "Very well. You have five minutes" Brain said. 'Natsu I hope you're on your way. We really need you right now' Happy thought.

Time Skip

"(Y/n)! Wendy! Happy!" Natsu cried. Happy gasped. "Natsu!" He said. "Racer, intercept them" Brain said. "Gladly, boss" Racer said as he raced away. "Miserable fools" Brain mumbled. "Time is up" Brain said. "Please don't do it you guys" Happy begged. Brain shoved Happy into the wall and knocked him to the ground. "Look, yours and (Y/n)'s magic can bring him back. So will the two of you help your friend or leave him like this?" Brain asked. "You must!" Brain shouted. You got up and sighed. "Don't worry, Wendy. I'll heal him." You said as you began walking over to him. "You sure, (Y/n)?" Wendy asked. You smiled and nodded. "Yes. You need to save your energy." You said. You walked over to Jellal as Brain was smirking. You bent down and began using your Sky Dragon Healing Spell on Jellal. "Happy!" Natsu shouted. "Wendy! (Y/n)!" Carla shouted. Happy gasped. "Are you here?" Natsu asked. "Answer me, children!" Carla shouted. "Natsu!" Happy shouted. Natsu gasped. "That's him!" He said. "Natsu!" Happy said again. "There! That cave!" Carla said.

"No" Natsu whispered. "What?" Carla asked. "But how?" Natsu asked. "Natsu..." Happy said. Brain smirked. Natsu and Carla entered the cave. "I'm  sorry. Please forgive me." You said. Natsu gasped as Jellal turned around and looked at him. "Jellal..." Natsu said. "I had to. For Wendy." you said. "Wendy, (Y/n), you used your healing magic on him? What were you thinking? You know what that does to you" Carla scolded. Wendy panicked. "I didn't do anything! I swear it was (Y/n) who healed him!" Wendy said. "(Y/n)!" Carla scolded. "I don't know why you're here or where you came from..." Natsu growled as flames surrounded his hands. "But you don't belong here!" He shouted as he ran toward Jellal. Jellal looked at him and lifted his hand up. A bright beam of yellow light came out from his hand and knocked Natsu to the floor. "Natsu, no!" Happy said. "Thankfully your condition hasn't diminished your power" Brain said. Jellal looked at him and lifted his hand into the air. Another bright beam of yellow light came from under the ground and attacked Brain. Happy ran over to Natsu. "Natsu!" He said. Happy watched as Jellal left the cave. "Come on! You got to get up!" Happy said. Natsu sat back up. "Yeah. All right. Let's rock. Bring it on!" he said. "He just left" Carla said. "That coward!" Natsu said. "I'm aware that the two of you have some kind of history, but our first priority needs to be taking Wendy and (Y/n) back to the others as soon as possible" Carla said.

Natsu growled. "You do want to save your friend don't you?" Carla asked. "Come on" Happy said. "Man I hate that guy!" Natsu shouted. "But you're right. Let's go okay?" he said. "Aye sir!" Happy said. Happy and Carla flew you, Natsu and Wendy out of the cave. Gray's eyes widen when he saw Carla and Happy carrying you, Wendy and Natsu. "Natsu found em" Gray said. "But how? Brain would never let them slip away like that" Racer said. "How did they get past him?!" Racer asked. "They probably just beat him senseless!" Gray said. "Well, end of the line!" Racer said and he raced in the air. "Hey! Look out!" Gray shouted. "Huh?" You asked. You looked down to see Racer. Racer kicked Happy and Carla to the ground. You fell to the ground and saw Wendy falling. You got on your hands and knees and speed crawled over to Wendy and caught her before she fell to the ground. "Happy! Carla!" You shouted.

Happy and Carla groaned as they laid on the ground. Natsu grabbed Wendy, Happy and Carla and made a run for it. Racer ran after him. "I told you it's the end of the line!" He said. You glared at him. "Ice make: rampart!" You shouted. A giant wall of ice blocked the way and Racer crashed into it and fell to the ground. Natsu looked at you and Gray. "You got him?" he asked. "Hurry" you said. "(Y/n) and I can handle this guy by ourselves" Gray said. "I don't know. I can tell you've burned through a bunch of your power" Natsu said. "Just go! We got this!" You said. "Thanks, guys" Natsu said. "We won't let him pass no matter what it takes. Go! Erza's life depends on it!" Gray said. Natsu started to run away. "Okay fine! But once she's healed we're coming back for ya!" Natsu said. You and Gray smiled. "Yeah. We know you will" you said. Racer put his hand on the ice wall. "Impressive. This is the second time that you stopped me" he said. "And it's certainly not gonna be the last. You know ice has the power to slow everything down don't you?" Gray said. Racer grunted. "By the time we're through you're gonna be really slow, pal. Cause we're gonna freeze you dead in your tracks forever" you said.

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