O Living Ones + I'm Standing Right Here

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The four of you were pushed back. The king laughed. "You're pathetic. You don't stand a chance of winning. You stood up. "Everyone in this world is suffering because there's no magic power. I'd like to know why their crazy king seems to have more than his fair share of it." You said. The king chuckled. You'd be hard pressed to find a king who hasn't imposed a tax on his people. That's how monarchy works, my girl! The Dorma Anim requires a constant influx of magic power. So it's gathered from all over the world. That's why it was sealed away. It's a forbidden weapon. Now that I've activated it, the fate of this world is dependent on my victory." The king said. "Why should we believe you?!" Wendy asked. "You don't give a crap about what happens to this world!" Gajeel said. "Which explains why you're stealing all it's magic power." Natsu added. "One of the reasons I joined Fairy Tail was to help others. To be honest, I couldn't care less what happens to your stupid world. But I do care about whoever lives in it. So I'm going to kick your butt for them!" You said as your hands glowed with magic.  "Can't you see that you're just wasting your energy? There's no defeating my Dorma Anim! I have complete control over the magic power in this world! Therefore, I have the right to use it however I please!" The king said. He sent more attacks toward the four of you. "You should share it with your people instead of hogging it all for yourself you greedy geezer!" Gajeel said. "If you think you're indestructible then I've got news for you!" Natsu said. "You and that phony dragon of yours are about to go down!" He said. "Sky Dragon: Roar!" You sent a giant tornado of air toward the dragon. The king laughed. "How many times do I have to tell you not to waste magic power? I hate to think how much your attacks might be affecting my supply." The king said.

"What do you mean your supply?" Gajeel asked as he ran toward the metal dragon. "My magic power belongs to me. It ain't nobody else's. Got it?" Gajeel asked. "Iron Dragon: Club!" Gajeel struck the dragon. Suddenly the dragon lit up a red color and beams came out. One hit Gajeel and knocked him to the ground. "It's only a matter of time now. It will be mine. Your lives and power are my spoils of war!" The king said. "Not if we stop you!" You said. "Earth Land wizards are a fortunate lot indeed. They possess unimaginable power because they are born with an eternal spring of magic. Then there are the dragon slayers. Your power surpasses even the most absurd concept of limitation. That power will belong to me. With it, I can replenish this world's supply." The king chuckled. "It appears you couldn't live up to your namesake. As long as I possess the Dorma Anim I am god. My army will pave an inexorable path of conquest in both worlds! I will reign supreme!" The king said. All of you pant as you try to get up. "I see. There's some fight left in you! Your power is truly remarkable. And I shall savor every ounce of it. Prepare yourselves, dragon slayers!" The four of you screamed as you were lifted into the air from an attack. You grunted as you hit the ground. "I need more. I call to thee, oh heaven and earth. I ask that you relinquish all your magic power to the Dorma Anim." Suddenly purple and black light began to surround the metal dragon. "I feel it. The last remnants of Edolas's power are vanishing. That means your time is up. I must harvest your power immediately." The king said. "Salamander, you gotta roar. Girls, you too." Gajeel said. "All of us at the same time?" You asked. "There's no sense holding back. We gotta take down this walking scrap heap." Gajeel said. "Are you ready?" Gajeel asked as he stood up. "You bet I am!" Wendy said. "Let's go!" You said. "Yeah!" Natsu said. All of you prepared to attack together. "Fire Dragon..." Iron Dragon..." "Sky Dragon..." "Elemental Dragon..." "What? How can their magic power still be increasing?" The king asked.

"ROAR!" The four of you said. All attacks went straight toward the metal dragon. "We got it." Gajeel said. "No. I don't think so." You said. "Up there!" Wendy said. The king laughed. "How did something so big jump that high?" Gajeel asked. "Oh no. Our four on one attack didn't even touch him." Wendy said. "Then we'll try it again." You said. "You fools. Dragon knight: Diffusion Cannon!" All of you screamed as you were hit. The dragon landed on the ground. "For the world, for my beloved Edolas. You worms couldn't possibly understand our plight. You have an abundance of the one thing we desire most. The citizens of Edolas have no use for guilds. They would serve no purpose here. What they need is everlasting magic power. And I'm determined to give it to my people. I want them to experience the bliss you Earth Landers have kept for yourselves." The king said. "Not good, I'm out of power." Gajeel said. "Finally reached your limit, have you? You may be powerful wizards, but I imagine it would take time for you to recover the magic power you've exhausted. If you wish to surrender, this is your chance. Agree to supply my world with magic power and I will compensate you accordingly." The king said. "Don't you dare give you. You three hear me?" You asked.  They gasped. "This fight isn't over. What're you waiting for?! Hit me with your best shot!" You said. "With pleasure. I've let you pests scurry around long enough. You quickly dodged the dragon's foot. "(Y/n)." Wendy said. "What are you doing?" Gajeel asked. You tossed the metal dragon backwards. "Don't ever underestimate the dragon slayers!" You said. 

"You need to learn your place you piece of filth!" The king said. He tried to attack you, but you quickly dodged. "I am the king Of Edolas! Bow down before me!" The king said. "What's that?" He asked as Gajeel was about to strike. "You're the one who needs to learn your place, old man! Because in the end, it'll be on your knees!"  Gajeel struck the dragon with his iron. "What happened?" The king asked. "I locked your foot. Pull that jumping crap again and you just might lose it." Gajeel said. "Curse you!" The king said. "Come on, (Y/n)! You're our only hope left. It's all up to you now!" Gajeel said. "Wendy, roar at me with everything you've got!" You said. "Huh?" She asked. "Just do it, hurry!" You said. She stood up. "Okay." She said. "You insect. Let go of me." The king said. "Sorry pal, but that ain't happening." Gajeel said. Wendy gathered air around her. "Sky Dragon... Roar!" She said.  You rode on the attack toward the dragon. "No, it can't be! It can't end this way!" The king said.  "Infinity Dragon Secret Art! Eliminate!" You said. The dragon was shattered to pieces. Wendy, Natsu and Gajeel chuckled. The king screamed as he was thrown out of the dragon. "Someone please help me!" The king said. Then he fainted.  "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We totally took down the king!" Natsu said. "Hey, this is the point where we get to yell checkmate, right?" Natsu asked. "Natsu, you're actually supposed to say that before you take down the king." You said. "Heh, even I know that." Gajeel said. Suddenly there was a lot of shaking. "What's going on?" You asked. "Great. Enemy reinforcements?" Gajeel asked. "I hope not." You said. "No, up there!" Wendy said. "Look!" You said. Natsu and Gajeel gasped as the islands were falling. "The floating islands are falling. What the heck?" Natsu asked. "It's pure magic power." Wendy said. "Are you sure?" Natsu asked. "This ain't good." Gajeel said. "What will happen if it all disappears?" You asked. "I think we should head back to the royal city." Wendy said. "Any particular reason?" Natsu asked. "If the citizens start panicking, a lot of people could get hurt. We need to go out there and see if there's some way that we could help." Wendy said. "Yeah." You said. "All right. Let's go." Natsu said. "Wait for me!" Wendy said. Wendy, Natsu and Gajeel followed you on your way to the royal city.

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