Moon Drip

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Deliora..." Gray said. "You sure this is the demon your master sealed away?" Natsu asked. "There's no doubt about it" you said. "I wonder why it was transported all the way from the northern continent to Galuna island" Happy said. "You don't think this demon could have something to do with the island's curse do you?" Lucy asked. "I wouldn't be surprised if it did. It may be enclosed in ice but that thing's still alive" Gray said. "Sweet! Give me a go at it! I ain't afraid of no stupid demon!" Natsu said. "You know, brute force isn't the only way to solve a problem Natsu" Lucy said. "A Little fire oughta do the trick!" Natsu said. You sent Natsu a death glare who noticed your anger and looked at you with confusion. You then punched Natsu straight in the face and he fell backwards onto the floor. Happy looked at you in shock. "(Y/n) just punched Natsu!" He cried. "Well this wouldn't be the first time she's done that" Lucy said. Natsu put one of his hands on his sore face. "What's the deal?! What'd you hit me for (Y/n)?!" He asked. "We don't want you or your flames anywhere near it! If that ice melts and Deliora is revived... there's no way we'd be able to stop it" Gray said. "Come on. Do you really think a huge chunk of ice would be that easy to melt?" Natsu asked. You looked at Natsu before turning away from him. "No" you answered. "Hey, are you okay?" Lucy asked as she put a hand on one of your shoulders. "I'm the one who got hit for no good reason! Watch your temper (Y/n)!" Natsu said. "Please. You're one to talk" Happy said. "Many years ago, our master Ur casted a spell called iced shell on this demon. Enclosing it in a form of ice that can't be melted. It's so strong that even the most powerful flame spells have no effect on it. If they knew that the ice couldn't be melted  then why did they bring it here?" Gray asked.

"Well maybe they didn't know. They might've brought it here to try to melt it somehow" Lucy said. "But why would they do that?!" You asked. "Um... I have no idea" Lucy said. "I just don't get it. Who would bring Deliora here and more importantly why?" Gray asked. "We need answers. Let's go find those guys" Natsu said. "Yeah, okay" Lucy said. "No!" You said. "We're gonna stay here and wait" Gray said. "Wait for what?" Happy asked. "For the moon to come out" you said. "The moon?!  But it's the middle of the afternoon!" Natsu yelled. "Forget that! If I have to hang out here all day I'll die from boredom" Natsu said. "But (Y/n), why does the moon matter?" Lucy asked. "I have a feeling that the curse on this island and Deliora are somehow connected to it" you said. "And I heard those guys we saw earlier say something about collecting moonlight" Gray said. "I heard that too" Lucy said. "I guess waiting till nightfall is the only way we're gonna find out what's going on" she said. "I'm not waiting! We got work to do!" Natsu said before quickly falling onto the ground and falling asleep. You sweat dropped. "Well that was fast" you said. "Aye" Happy said. "Must be nice. He doesn't have to worry about anything but eating, fighting and sleeping" Lucy said. "Aye. That's Natsu for ya" Happy said in agreement. "I gotta admit I'm a little bit jealous" Lucy said. Lucy looked at you sitting over by Deliora. 'Ur...' you thought to yourself as you had flashbacks.


Your 7 year old self breathed heavily as you stopped to catch your breath. "Are you gonna be able to keep up, (Y/n)?" Ur asked. She turned around. "I warned you. Training with me can be tough" she said. You looked at her. "Yeah. But I'll do watever it takes" you said.

~Flashback ends~

"Aw. I know I agreed to wait but this is so boring" Lucy whined. "Aye" Happy said. "Oh I know!" Lucy said. Lucy grabbed one of her gate keys. "Open! Gate Of The Harp constellation! Lyra!" Lucy said. Pink clouds and stars appeared and out came a spirit wearing a big blue dress with yellow and pink hearts on it and long brown hair. She also held a harp in one of her hands. "Oh wow! I haven't seen you in forever Lucy!" She said as she waved at her. Lucy smiled. "Hey Lyra" she said. "Say how come you never call me anymore? It's not fair! I would love to help you out! But you ignore me, meanie" Lyra said. "Meanie huh?" Lucy asked. "You're the one who told me you were only available three days a month" Lucy said. Lyra gasped. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. Happy sweat dropped. "Great. Another weirdo" he said. "So what would you like to hear me sing? Any requests?" Lyra asked. "Nope. Whatever you want" Lucy said. "Do you know any songs about fish?" Happy asked. "Kay. I've got a song I think you're gonna love Lucy!" Lyra said. "Lyra has the most beautiful singing voice" Lucy said. "Well Mira's a singer too you know and she sings songs about fish for me" Happy said. Lyra began to strum the strings on her instrument.

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