The Boy Back Then

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The legion you flew on flew toward the lacrima. "Come on! Let's go!" You said. "If we can't stop it, everyone we know will die!" You said. The legion pushed against the island. "Give it everything you've got!" The Edolas you said. "This won't work! It's got too much mass and momentum!" Gray said. "If we fall, we'll do so with the rest of Magnolia!" Erza said. "Don't worry, we'll save you guys!" Lucy said. You ran toward the island. "Out of my way!" You said. You pushed it back with your elemental powers. "(Y/n)!" Happy flew over to you. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." you smiled. "Help me out, would ya?" You asked. Happy smiled. "Aye, sir!" He said. Then he helped push it back. "They're still gonna collide!" Gray said. "No!" Lucy said. "Give it all you've got!" Erza said. You grunted as you keep pushing the island. "It's not gonna end this way!" You said. "Don't give up! We can still push this thing back!" You said. Suddenly Gajeel joined in. "Gajeel, what are you doing here? You should be using your magic to turn the others back to normal. Get back up there." Erza said. "If you wanna deal with the black cat be my guest!" Gajeel snapped. "We don't have time to worry about the lacrima or the cat so just push!" Gray said. "We have to stop it! Or everyone from Magnolia will be lost forever!" Lucy said. "Coco, (Y/n), what are you two doing?" Lily asked as he looked over. "Lily. Oh. You're still in one piece. I'm glad. Who needs enteral magic power when you can have enteral smiles?" Coco asked.

"What kind of nonsense is that? The two of you need to get out of there!" Lily shouted. "These people can't stop Extalia's destruction!" Lily said. "Don't be so sure! If there's one thing Fairy Tail wizards always prove, is that's nothing's impossible!" You said. "Aye, Aye, sir!" Happy said. You grunted as you continued to push the island back. "It's getting pretty tight here!" Lucy said. "Just keep pushing guys!" Gray said. "Use every ounce of power you have left!" Erza said. "They must be mad. Do they honestly believe that their human strength alone can prevent this massacre?" Lily asked. Carla then flew over and pushed the island back. "Carla it's you!" Happy said. "I'm not giving up! I'll protect Fairy Tail and Extalia! I can't just watch my homes be destroyed!" Carla said.  "Huh?" Happy asked as Nadi flew over and pushed it back. "Why are you here?" Carla asked. "Because I want to protect my home as well. Your courage inspired me." Nadi said. Lily gasped as he saw all of the exceeds flying over. "What is this? What's going on?" Lily asked. Carla gasped. "They all came." She said. Wendy along with all of the exceeds flew over to help. "exceeds aren't afraid to protect our land with our paws." One said. "This is for beloved queen. Who was willing to give her own life to protect Extalia!" Another said. "And for Wendy and Carla who risked their lives to save us from ourselves!" Said another. "Here goes. Everyone get ready to push with all your might!" Wendy said. "Chagot, your wing is too fragile! You shouldn't be here!" An exceed said as she flew over.

"No. My fate will be the same as my people. We survive or fall as one." She said. "Ma, I think I'm hallucinating." Lucky said. "Everyone In Extalia has come together." Mari said. All of the exceeds helped push the island back.  The queen soon began to fall. "You're majesty!" One said. Suddenly Lily flew and caught her. "Pantherlily." She said. "Tell me you're majesty, have you finally grown weary of lying?" He asked. "I'm so sorry I've hurt you." She said. She felt one of his tear drops and looked at him. "You know, no matter how much I tried to hate it, Extalia is still my homeland." Lily said. "Lily." The queen said. "But, it's not use now. Even with all these exceeds working together, there's no stopping it. Forgive me. Please! This is all my fault! It didn't have to happen!" Lily said. "I could've stopped the humans, but I did nothing!" He sobbed. Chagot put her paw on his arm. Lily looked at her. "Don't worry. I'm certain that you're words will reach them. "Just keep pushing!" You said. "Give it your all, guys!" "Push!" "We can do it!" "This won't be the end of us!" Gray said. "Quitting is not an option, not for Fairy Tail!" Erza said. "We will stop it! No matter the cost!" Lucy said. "Let's push too, Lucky!" Mari said. "Aye, sir!" He said. "Aye, sir!" Happy said. "AYE SIR!" All of the exceeds said. "This is it! Give it your all!" Wendy shouted. All of you together finally pushed it back. "They've actually pushed the lacrima a safe distance away." Lily said. Suddenly the lacrima began to light up. "What now?" You asked. Everyone gasped.

"Did we win?" Wendy asked. "I have no idea." Carla said. The exceeds held you and your friends in the air. "The lacrima." Erza said. "It disappeared. Does that mean-" Gray asked. "What happened to all of our friends?do you think they're-" Lucy asked. "Don't worry. They're all safe and sound." Mystogan said. The Edolas you and Lily gasped. "Sorry for the delay, but finding an adequate anima vestige to restore everything took longer than I thought." Mystogan said. "Without your efforts I never would have made it in time. You have my gratitude." Mystogan said. You laughed. "Everybody's back to normal?" Happy asked. "Yes. By passing through the Anima again, the lacrima will return to it's original form in Earth Land. It's finally over." Mystogan said. "We really did it?"
"Well I'll be. We saved Extalia with our very own paws." "Great job, everybody!" Coco said. "Lily. Long ago you saved my life. I'm glad I could return the favor today." Mystogan said as he took off his mask. "Yes, and I couldn't begin to thank you, my prince." Lily said. "Our long lost prince is home at last." Coco said. "He's what?!" You asked. Suddenly Lily was shot down. "No, not my cat!" Gajeel said. "Lily!" Mystogan said. You all gasped. "We're not down here! Destroy every last one of them!" Knightwalker shouted.

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