Human Gate + Dead End Of Despair + Tears Of Love And Vitality

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You, Gray, Cana and Lucy continued walking together. Suddenly Lucy's keys lit up. She gasped. "Is there something wrong?" You asked. "Don't tell me Loke's in trouble." Gray said. "Nah uh. He was just telling me he won!" Lucy said. "Really?" Gray asked. "I knew he could do it." You said. "He said he doesn't want to go into all the details right now. But apparently Capricorn switched over to our side. Also, he says the fight really took it out of him. So he's gonna try to recover his strength by going back to the celestial world." Lucy said. "What?" Gray asked. "It makes sense. I mean he has been using his magic power to stay in the human world all this time." Cana said. "But that ain't fair at all! He promised he'd be my partner! And now he's backing out on me?!" Gray asked. "He says to tell you he'll make it up to you later." Lucy said. "What?! Forget him! You tell that four eyed fink I don't need his help to make S Class!" Gray said. "Okay, let's get moving, you guys." You said. "It's about time." Gray said. 

"Hold on. I have an idea. Well, if we want to find the other six creeps, it might be easier if we split up." Cana said. "You think?" Gray asked. "Are you crazy?! I don't want to risk running into one of them when I'm all by myself!" Lucy said. "Oh, don't worry! (Y/n) and I will be there to protect you, Lucy!" Cana said. "But I thought..." you said. "I see. So when you said let's split up, you really meant let's ditch Gray." Gray said. "You're jealous. You just want to see us compare cup sizes, don't ya?" Cana asked as she wiggled Lucy's boobs. "That's not true and you know it! Geez! I just don't think splitting up is a good idea. 'Cause we're a lot stronger together than we are on our own." Gray said. Cana let go of Lucy. 

"Listen, Gray. The only reason I suggested we split up to search for the enemy is because I want to get back to the S Class trials. And in order to do that, we have to wipe them out. But I know exactly why you're so against it. You're scared!" Cana said. "Cana!" You said. There was a short silence between the four of you. "Hm, fine. Have it your way." Gray said. "Let's go ahead and split up here." Gray said. "Wait!" You said. Gray looked at you. "I'm coming with you. I don't want you going by yourself. Lucy already has Cana and it wouldn't be fair if I want with them instead." You said. "What?! But (Y/n) you're really powerful, not to mention really smart too. We need you!" Cana said. "No, you don't. You have Lucy. If anything Gray needs me more because he's going by himself." You said. "Fine. Whatever." Cana said. "Be careful out there you guys." Lucy said as you began to leave with Gray. "Right back at ya." Gray said. "Let's go, (Y/n)." He said. You nodded. "Right." You said.

Time Skip

"Oh yeah. Splitting up was an absolutely brilliant idea. We haven't run into a single person yet, friend or foe." Gray said. "I wonder what Cana's problem is anyway. I've never seen her in such a rotten mood." He added. "It's probably this whole S Class thing. She's really serious about becoming S Class this year." You said. "Who isn't?" Gray asked. "Good point." You said. You and Gray suddenly both heard rustling in the bushes nearby. "What was that?" You asked. "Don't know. Let's find out." Gray said. "Someone's coming." You said. You and Gray both saw Ultear walking around. You and Gray both gasped when you saw how similar she looked to your mentor, Ur. 'What?!' You asked. Gray began following her. "Gray?" You asked. "That girl. She looks just like Ur. Don't you think (Y/n)?" Gray asked. You nodded. "Yeah. She does." You said. "I want to find out more about her." Gray said.

Time Skip

You and Gray hid behind a tree, keeping an eye on Ultear. Suddenly something pink latched itself onto Gray. "What is that? It's hurting my arm!" He said. You gasped. "It's a sensory link!" You said. "A what?" Gray asked. "A sensory link. It was made by a kind of lost magic. I don't know why, but I think someone is targeting you." You said. Gray gasped. "Targeting me? You think it could be one of those creepy kin guys we heard about earlier?" Gray asked. "I don't know. But, I do have lots of different types of magic. I can try my best to break the spell." You said. "Well if you can do it quick, (Y/n)! My face is feeling really flushed all of a sudden!" Gray said. "All right! Just hold still!" You said. Suddenly Gray screamed in pain and grabbed his right arm. "Gray, are you alright?" You asked. "I'm fine. Just do it. Quick!" Gray said. You nodded. "Right." You said. You suddenly put your hands out. Suddenly the pink bracelet like thing on Gray's arm began twitching for a bit. Gray watched as the spell began to turn white, then disappear and reappear a few times, before finally you were able to remove the link. 

Gray gasped, then he smiled at you. "Thanks, (Y/n)." He said. You smiled back. "No problem." You said. "Are you all right? Do you need any healing?" You asked. "No, I'm fine. But we should get going." He said. You nodded. As you and Gray got prepared to leave, suddenly two pink sensory links attached to your arm, and Gray's arm. You gasped. "Seriously?!" Gray asked. "Uh oh. Now I've got one too. The caster must've realized I was able to undo their spell!" You said. "Well you can just undo it again, right?" Gray asked. "I'll try." You said. You began using your magic to try and remove the sensory links on you and Gray. Right as you were about to undo the spell, you felt a terrible pain in your side, and you gasped and collapsed to the ground. Gray must have felt it too, because he clutched his side in pain and grunted. You did your best to undo the spell a second time, but while trying to undo it yourself, both links vanished. You gasped. "They're gone." You said. "Gray? Are you okay?" You asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He asked. "You're crying." You said. "What?" He asked. Then he pointed at you. "So are you." He said. "What the-" You said as you wiped your eyes, to find out Gray was right. "That's weird. What do you think could have happened to our attacker?" You asked. Gray shrugged. "Who knows." He said.

Gray gasped as he saw Ultear behind you. "(Y/n), look out!" Gray said. You gasped and quickly stepped back, beside Gray. "Stay back!" You said. "Were you following me, little ones?" Ultear asked. "Who are you?" Gray asked. "Surely you two have noticed the resemblance. There's a perfectly good reason that I look so much like your master, Ur. I'm her daughter." She said. You gasped. "Well that's news. You're not here to kill Gray, are you? 'Cause I'm warning you, you lay a finger on him and I'll beat the living crap out of you!" You said protectively, as you stepped in front of Gray. "I can handle myself, (Y/n)." Gray said.

 "No, (Y/n). Actually, I've wanted to meet both of you for a long time. Please don't worry. I'm a friend. I want to make things right." Ultear smiled at you. "You're on our side?" You asked. "That's right." She said. "About Ur..." you said, you were ready to explain. "I know. You don't need to say anything. Her death wasn't your fault. I don't blame anyone." Ultear said. "My mother was simply protecting her pupils. I'm very proud of her." She said. "Sure, whatever you say. This might sound harsh but I honestly don't care what you think of me or (Y/n). If you're as proud of her as you say you are you've got a funny way of showing it!" Gray said. "Are you referring to (Y/n)?" Ultear asked. "Damn straight! You say you're proud of her, but now you're trying to steal (Y/n)'s powers in order to do something just as bad as Deliora did!" Gray said. "You have it all wrong, Gray." Ultear said. "Do I?" Gray snapped. "Like I said, I'm going to set it right. Trust me. This is Ur's will." She said.

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