The Power Of Feelings + I'm With You

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Jellal!" You said. "Well, hello. I take it your memory has returned?" Zero asked. "Yes." Jellal smirked. "You shouldn't have come here." You said. "You'll pay for what you did to Erza!" You shout as you run towards him. Jellal lifted his right hand. "Stop." He attacked you with fire, but you quickly put up a shield and blocked the attack. "(Y/n), listen to me. Only you can stop Zero." Jellal said. You gasp. "Huh?" You asked. "What?!" Zero asked. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but as an elemental dragon slayer, can't fire amplify your magic?" Jellal asked. "Yes, but why?" You asked. "Lair. Judging by your actions, your memory has not been restored." Zero said. I didn't lie to you. Only my memories of (Y/n) have returned. I'm determined to stop Nirvana. Wether or not the rest of my memories return will not affect my goal." Jellal said. "I don't understand. What happened to you?" You asked. "When I awoke, it was a thought my memory had been completely wiped clean." Jellal said. You gasp.

"Although I have no recollection of behaving like a vile cretin, it seems that was the case. I've brought harm upon not only you and Erza, but all of Fairy Tail. It's time to make amends. I want to help you protect Wendy's guild. I want to stop Nirvana. I know we can do it as long as we work together." Jellal said. You gasp. "You're telling the truth? You really don't remember?" You ask. Jellal nodded. "Yes. I can't seem to remember anything except for you for some reason. Though I don't know why." Jellal said. "Would you mind doing your catching up with each other later? If you don't mind, I was in the middle of a good fight here!" Zero sends the Dark Capriccio spell toward you two. You gasp, and Jellal quickly jumps in front of you, protecting you from the spell. You gasped. Jellal grunts in pain, then falls down. "Why Jellal?" You asked. Jellal looked at you. "(Y/n), let me give you the power you need to defeat him." A colorful light lit up in his right hand. "I've never seen anything like it." You said. "I'm not asking you to grant forgiveness, all I want is to give you strength. Because I believe in you. Erza trusts you more than anyone, and so, I shall as well." Jellal said.

You grab his hand, and the colorful light surrounds you. You quickly ate the light. "You've made a grave mistake, by eating that light, you now share the sins of your mortal enemy." Zero smirked. "A couple of sins don't scare me. Everyone in Fairy Tail has their share." You said. But the real sin is turning your back on someone when they just wanna help." You said. "Especially when they'll give you the power to fight evil!" You said. Your body surrounded in multiple elements, then you charged right at him and hit him in the stomach. Zero grunted in pain. You grab him and threw him into a corner of the room. Zero sends more green magic toward you, and you quickly block the attack. You then surrounded your hands with multiple elements and punch him multiple times. Then you kick him in the stomach. "Elemental Dragon: Roar!" You sent him into the air with a powerful element roar and send him into a wall. "So much power. No, she can't be." Zero said. A picture of a dragon appeared in front you. "Dragon force." Zero mumbled.

Zero stands up. "I never thought you'd have it. Dragon Force is the final form of dragon slayer magic. From what I understand, it gives the slayer destructive power comparable to that of the most formidable dragon." Zero smirked. "I'm intrigued. So show me." He said. "You sure you want me to do that?" You asked. "Yes. Let's see the dragon's power." Zero said. "Alright, but I warned you." You said. You quickly charge at him. You punch him, and send him flying. He quickly lands on his feet on the floor. "You're no match for dark gravity." Zero said. He slams the floor, and you quickly fall in. "Don't tell me I've already defeated the mighty dragon slayer." Zero mocked. "Well?" He jumped down. "(Y/n)." Jellal said. "Yikes. That was close." You said. You quickly stand up. Zero attacks you again, but you jump up and dodge. "Zero Slash!" Zero uses Dark Capriccio as a whip and attacks. You continued to jump and dodge. You used another Elemental Roar, but he quickly blocked it away.

Zero comes to punch you as green magic comes out. You used your own fist and blocked. "Dark Delete!" Several spheres of darkness are fired continuously from Zero's hands. You quickly dodged them as well. Zero was then able to hit you. You fly backward. You and Zero charge toward each other with your fists, and both collide, which created an explosion. You decided to finally end the fight. "Infinity Dragon..." you said. Zero's eyes widened. "What?!" He asked. "Explosion." You said. A bright light appeared, and hit Zero. There was a giant explosion. You had destroyed the lacrima, and defeated Zero.

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