Dragon Sense

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"You pathetic traitor. You're not a noble exceed. You're just a lousy fallen. To think you would forget your debt to our king. And dare betray his orders." Knightwalker said. "It's the Edolas Erza!" You said. "The one called Knightwalker." Happy said. "Lily!" Coco said. "Heartless broad. You're gonna pay." Gajeel said.  "No, we have to do something to help Lily!" The Queen said. "It's too dangerous, Chagot." The exceed holding her said. "Don't worry, your highness. I'll go down there and take care of him for you." A purple exceed said. "Scarlet." Knightwalker said. "Ugh. Too heavy." The exceed holding her said. "It's Knightwalker." Erza said. "Let me handle this. I've had enough of your insolence, Captain Knightwalker. How dare you point your sword at me. The royal prince of Edolas." Mystogan said. "The prince?" You asked. The king laughed. "You, the royal price of Edolas? Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you as my son. "That's the king's voice." Coco said. "Yeah. Where is he?" The Edolas you asked. "You have some nerve. You can't run off for seven years and then suddenly waltz back in as though nothing happened. Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been in Earth Land sealing all of the Animas. You're a traitor. And as such you must be punished for your actions. "Where's that voice coming from?" Wendy asked. "I have no idea but he certainly sounds angry, doesn't he?" Carla asked. "Come on. Show yourself, bucko!" Natsu said. "Come out and face us!" Happy said. "Your Anima plan has failed. Please surrender peacefully. You've no reason to fight anymore." Mystogan said.

"Ridiculous. Who says I need a reason to fight?" The king asked. Suddenly a giant green light came from the ground. "Do you guys hear that? It sounds like it's coming from underground." Gray said. "Feel the magic power building up in the air?" Lucy asked. "This is not a simple fight. No, this is retribution. The extermination of all who would dare to oppose their king." The king said. "What is that thing?" You asked. "Some kind of magic weapon?" Gray asked. "Since you and your meddlesome friends insist on standing in my way, I've no choice but to obliterate each and every one of you! Regardless of who you are!" The king said. "Father please." Jellal said. "I'm not your father. I am the king Of Edolas!" The king said as his weapon opened. "If I dispose of you here and now, I'll no longer worry about you stealing my Animas in Earth Land!" The king said. "I'll be free to create another giant lacrima, and fuse it with the exceeds. Limitless magic power will be mine!" The king said. "Oh no." Chagot said as the weapon transformed into a dragon. "Try as you might. There is no stopping me!" The king said. "I am the king! My power is absolute!" The king said as the dragon roared. You all gasped. "All of that magic. Can you feel it?" An exceed asked. "I can. And I recognize that form." Said another. "No, this can't be happening!" "Is that what I think it is?" "Dorma Anim." Chagot said. "The Dorma Anim. From our old language, it means Dragon Knight. It's enhanced dragon armor." Mystogan said. "A dragon?" You asked. "Certainly looks like one. Don't you guys think so?" Happy asked. "Is it magic armor? It's unlike any I've ever seen before." Carla said.

"It's an enhanced armor made from an anti magic lacrima called wizard canceller. It's bad news for us, because our attacks won't have any effect on it. The king must be inside of it. He's controlling the Dorma Anim's every move." The Edolas you said. "As your king, I order you to capture the exceeds at once!" The king said. "Yes, sir!" The army said as they took out weapons. "Hurry! Fly for your lives!" Mystogan said. All of the exceeds began to fly away. "They're getting away!" Knightwalker said. "Magicalizing canon charged and ready!" "Fire!" The exceeds screamed as they were turned into lacrima. "Fly away, hurry!" Chagot said. "We must flee, my queen! It's too dangerous here!" "Everyone, try to stay strong!" Chagot said. "After them!" Knightwalker said. "Yes, Captain!" The army said. "Do your best to protect the exceeds from the royal army. I'm going to try and take down Knightwalker." Erza said. "You got it!" Lucy said. "Well, look at you. Good job. I thought riding this legion would make you nauseous. Did Wendy cast a spell to help you with your motion sickness?" You asked. "Oh geez! Why would I be nauseous when I'm not even riding on a vehicle? This guy's lending us a hand as our alley. Man, you're cruel." Natsu said. "I'm sorry. That's my mistake. I thought you looked like you were gonna barf, but it's just your ugly face." You said. "We've gotta stop that monster. Quit bickering and help me out, losers." Gray said. "Hey! Who are you calling a loser?!" Natsu asked. "I wouldn't go near that thing if I were you. Your magic is useless against it." The Edolas you said. "We'll just have to dodge it's attacks. We must do what we can to protect the exceeds.

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