Battle Of Fairy Tail

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You and Lucy were balancing on the edge of the road. "How many times I gotta tell ya? Watch out, girls!" A boat driver said as he passed by. You yelped as you nearly fell in, but Lucy quickly grabbed you and pulled you back. You sighed in relief. "Thanks, Lucy. That was a close one." You said. Lucy smiled back. "No problem, (Y/n)." Then she sighed. "This sucks. We haven't been able to find a recent job lately. If we can't pay rent, we'll get kicked out." Lucy said. "What? You think it'll all work out?" You asked. "Well, that's a positive attitude if I've ever seen one." Lucy said.

Time Skip

You and Lucy quickly searched around your apartment, making sure nobody else was there. "Looks like we're alone for once. I wish we could just come home without having to search the place for weirdos." You said. "You know, we've been through an awful lot lately. I think I deserve a nice long bath." Lucy said. You sighed. After Lucy had taken her bath, you were next. It felt so good and relaxing. "Ah, back from the dead. Pretty cute for a zombie, don't ya think?" You asked. Then you sighed. "It's a shame that there's nobody here to laugh at my jokes." You said. You looked down and saw Plue in the tub. You picked him up. "Hey, you get all wrinkly in the tub just like I do. Who would've known?" You said. "Aw, Plue, you're so cute!" You said.

Time Skip

After getting out of the bath, you got your pajamas on, brushed your teeth, did some writing, and then got ready for bed. "Time for bed." You said as you got into your (F/c) sheets. You gasped when you noticed a scarf in your bed. "This better not be what I think it is!" You said as you grabbed the scarf. You pulled on the scarf, and Natsu and Happy fell out of your bed. You screamed. Lucy walked into your room. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" She asked. Then she saw Natsu and Happy on the floor. Lucy growled. "G'morning." Natsu said as he got up. "Don't play cool! What are you doing in my bed in my room with your cat?!" You asked. "Aye." Happy said. "Go away!" Lucy said as she pulled his scarf off.  "Five more minutes." Natsu said as he lied down on your bed. "You must be dreaming." You said. "Give Natsu his scarf back you meanie." Happy said. "Is it that important to him?" Lucy asked. "I've never seen him without it. He never takes the thing off, huh?" You asked.

"Nope. He got it from Igneel. So it means a lot to him." Happy said. "Hm." Lucy said. You looked and saw Natsu groaning in his sleep. "Hey, are you sure he's gonna be okay?" You asked with concern. "Aye. He's probably just feeling a little sickly 'cause he ate all that Ether-Nano." Happy said. "Oh. Is that bad for him?" Lucy asked. "Aye. One time he ate a bunch of Laxus's lightning and the same thing happened." Happy said. "So, eating anything other than fire makes him sick?" Lucy asked. You nodded. "That's right. That's how magic works, Lucy." You said. "Wait. Why would he ever wanna eat Laxus's lightning?" Lucy asked. "Well, he didn't wanna eat it. They fought, and Natsu got his butt whooped pretty bad." Happy said. Lucy gasped. "Wow, I had no idea he was that powerful." She said.

"Aye. He's super duper strong. Who knows? Maybe Erza or (Y/n) might be able to beat him now." Happy said. "Actually, Mira was pretty tough back in the day. She even had the nickname The She Devil." Happy said. "But she's so sweet!" Lucy said. "We should have a big tournament to decide who's the strongest. It might be fun to find out where you stand, huh?" Happy asked. "I don't need to know." You said. "Yeah. Same here." Lucy agreed. "And besides, I don't like the idea of ranking my friends." Lucy added. "I wonder how Gray and Elfman would do. Gajeel and Juvia are pretty awesome too." You picked Happy up. "Yeah, I get it. Now it's time for you to head home, kay?" You asked as you opened the window and put him there. Lucy noticed something in his bag. "What've you got here?" She asked. "Oh! I forgot I was supposed to show that to you two. You need money for rent, right?" Happy asked.

"Fairy Tail is gonna be part of the Harvest Festival." Happy said. "How's that help us?" You asked. "Check it out at the bottom of the page." Happy pointed. You and Lucy looked. "Miss Fairy Tail contest?" Lucy asked. "Aye. And as you can see, the winner gets 500,000 jewels." Happy said. You got excited. "Oh my gosh! If we could just win that prize money, we could cover rent for the next seven months!" You said. "Even though Mira and Cana are entering the contest too. You both might still have a shot at it." Happy said. "If Mira's competing we don't stand a chance. She's a bikini model for Sorcerer Weakly." Lucy said. "Aw, but wait. We're younger than she is which makes us the exciting new models!" Lucy said. You sweat dropped. "If you say so." You said. "We can do it. Yeah! Bring it on! That prize money is as good as ours!" Lucy said. "So you're against ranking your friends unless there's money involved, is that it?" You asked.

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