Heaven's Game

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You all ran through the halls after Simon as he led the way. "Something's interfering with my communication with Wally and Milliana!" Simon said as he tried to get through to them with his magic. "I can't even tell where they are now" he said. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "He's talking about telepathy communication" you explained. Sho looked worried and stopped walking as he looked down. Erza looked at him with concern. "Is something the matter, Sho?" She asked. "I'm fine. Everything's fine now that you and (Y/n) are here" he said as he smiled slightly. She smiled back. "Juvia, are you absolutely certain that we can trust this guy?" Gray asked as he ran alongside her. "I mean, I understand that he wasn't actually trying to kill us at the resort, but still" he said. "I won't make excuses for my actions" he said. "I didn't think you could hear me" Gray said. "Any wizard who is incapable of surviving that would never have a prayer against Jellal. I never doubted that Natsu could handle the attack. I was confident he would survive" Simon admitted.  "Oh yeah? Well what about me?" Lucy asked. "None of you can comprehend the full extent of Natsu's ability. Once he awakens the true dragon's power within, evil will fall in his wake" Simon said.

"I welcome you to the tower of heaven. My name is Jellal and I am the ruler of this tower. I see the players have been arranged" Jella's voice announced from the speakers. "Say what?" Gray asked in confusion. "So he knows we're here. He could be lurking anywhere in the tower, waiting for us" Simon said. "I'm delighted you've come all this way to see me. Shall we play a round to heaven's game?" Jellal asked. "I don't wanna play your games!" Natsu shouted at the speaker. "What do you mean, Jellal?" Wally asked. "The rules are really quite simple. I wish to use (Y/n) as a sacrifice in my ceremony to resurrect Lord Zeref" Jellal explained. "No! I won't let you!" Sho shouted. "If I succeed, the gates of heaven will open, crowning my victory. However, if you can manage to find a way to stop me, you'll be the winners of the game" Jellal said.

"To make things a little more interesting, I've enlisted three knights to battle on my behalf. "Three knights? Who could they be?" Simon asked. "The only way you'll be able to get to me is if you can defeat them. In other words, a three on eight battle royale. And there's one more surprise, The Magic Council has the satellite square focused directly on this tower. And it's highly likely they will attack" Jellal said. Lucy gasped.  "At this very moment, they're in the midst of voting on whether they should fire an Etherion Blast" Jellal said. "Hey, that wasn't in the deal you hooded freak! If that thing hits us we'll all be goin' to hell!" Vidaldus protested. "Now, now, Vidaldus. You wouldn't be having second thoughts?" The pink haired one asked. "Not on your life, boss. Finally! This is the rush I've been looking for! A real dangerous thrill ride to get my blood pumpin'!" Vidaldus said.

"There's no telling how much time is left. Should the Etherion strike, complete annihilation is imminent. No players left to win; game over" Jellal said. "What kind of messed up game is this?" Lucy asked. "But that doesn't make any sense to me. Why would The Magic Count resort to such drastic measures?" Erza asked. Sho gasped and quickly trapped you inside a card. You gasped in surprise. "(Y/N)!" Gray cried. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Simon demanded. "Now then, let the game begin" Jellal said. Sho held the card you were in protectively. "I won't let him lay a finger on her!" Sho said. "Please Sho, let me out!" You begged. "I'll beat Jellal all by myself if I have to!" Sho declared as he ran off. "No! You can't do it alone!" Simon called after him. Natsu heated up his hands. "All right, now I'm all fired up!" He said.

"We're gonna have to go to the very top of tower to find this Jellal guy, aren't we?" Happy asked. "But why would we wanna do this to us? If they really fire that thing, it's gonna be curtains for everybody" Wally said. Natsu looked at him. "We were all just a bunch of stupid kids looking for our own little taste of freedom" he said as a tear fell from his eye. Natsu smiled. "I don't know what kind of freedom you guys have been looking for-- but what we've got at Fairy Tail is pretty awesome" he said. Wally gasped. Natsu turned around and smiled at his exceed. "Hey Happy, I'm not feeling this game so how about we bend the rules?" He asked. "Aye sir!" Happy said. Happy grabbed him and flew him up. "Let's skip ahead and and go straight to the finish line, buddy!" He said. "Aye sir!" Happy shouted. Wally smiled. "He's a stand up guy" he said as he watched him take off. "And that is one dandy scarf" he said as he collapsed onto the ground.

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