Tenro Tree + Freezing Fighting Spirit

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"This doesn't make any sense. You actually wanted to meet us 'cause you're really on our side?" Gray asked. "That's right. I have been searching for you two for such a long time. You are the beloved pupils of the ice wizard, Ur. And I am her long lost daughter. That means the three of us are practically siblings." Ultear said. "What?! Like brother and sister?! Give me a second to process this, I never knew we had a sister just roaming around!" You said. "Well, I did say practically. But with that being the case, I bear no grudge against either of you." Ultear said. "Seriously?! I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this! You do realize our guilds are sworn enemies!" Gray said. "It's true. I've sworn allegiance to Grimoire Heart. But there's more to life than guilds. Perhaps we can get passed our differences. We all share her guidance. She lives on inside of us." Ultear said.

Suddenly the giant tree on the island began to fall. Gray gasped in pain. "Are you okay?" You asked. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain on your side. You gasped and clutched your side. "What in the world is happening?" Gray asked. "It's Azuma." Ultear said. "That shaking. Do you know what it is?" You asked. "Azuma." Ultear said. Gray clutched his stomach. "Aw, man. I feel so dizzy." He said. "Me too." You said. "What the hell is going on?" Gray asked. "It seems as though the Tenro Tree has been uprooted. Now it will act as a garrote for anyone who bears the Fairy Tail emblem. It's only a matter of time." Ultear said. "So you knew about this. Was this your plan all along?" You asked. "It was an option. Master Hades choose to go with it." Ultear said.

Time Skip

"It seems as though your magic has been returned." Ultear said. "Ur's will. Huh." Gray said. "You can believe me or not you know. It's up to you." Ultear said. "As for me, (Y/n), Hades must fall. And we need your help in order for that to happen." Ultear said. I'm positive that with your magic, he can be defeated once and for all." She said. "Please, (Y/n). My mother and I both dreamed this would someday come to pass. Please make it happen for us." Ultear said. "Okay, I'll do it." You said. "You will?" Ultear asked. "That's right. I'll beat Hades." You said. Gray looked at you with worry. "(Y/n), no!" He said. "It might be the only way to stop them, Gray. To stop Grimoire Heart." You said. Gray gasped. "You know the spell I want you to use is fatal to whoever casts it." Ultear said. "I'm well aware of that." You said. "I know exactly what I'll be getting myself into by doing this." You said. "Then you can't, (Y/n)! I know you think it might be the only way, but that's not true! If we work together I'm sure we could defeat Hades!" Gray said. "Are you sure you want to take that chance?" Ultear asked. "Hades is a lot more powerful than you might think. And (Y/n) is the only wizard close to having a chance to win against him in battle." Ultear said. Gray gasped. "I'll do it." You said. "Thank you." Ultear said. "Don't. 'Cause I ain't doing this for you or for your mother either. It's for Fairy Tail." You said.

Time Skip

"Meredy." Ultear said. "Change of plans. We're leaving the island." Ultear said. Are you sure that we should leave so soon? I still haven't been able to locate (Y/n) (L/n)." Meredy said. "She is no longer of your concern, now Meredy." Ultear said. She gasped. "She isn't our enemy." She said.


"I don't get it. What the heck does (Y/n) have to do with Ur's will?" Gray asked. "Just hear me out, Gray. When I was a little girl, my father was killed by Hades." Ultear said. You gasped. "My mother kept tabs on Grimoire Heart, biding her time until the day came when she could avenge his death. After she died, I found her journal and that's when I discovered the truth. That day, I made a decision that I would infiltrate Grimoire Heart." Ultear said. Your eyes widened. "However, Hades was more powerful than I'd ever imagined. My mother perfected the Iced Shell, because that was the only way to take him down." Ultear said. "That's why she learned it?" You asked. "But even though her blood runs through my veins, I was never able to master it myself. I thought that was the only way you could defeat Hades. Until I found out about the other types of magic (Y/n) has. She has a powerful spell known as Divine Judgement. It can kill whoever the caster sees as evil. However, casting that spell can also cast the user their life. Just like Iced Shell." Ultear said. Gray gasped. "But that spell is far more advanced and powerful, and has a much better chance of stopping Hades than Iced Shell ever would. please, (Y/n). My mother and I both dreamed this would someday come to pass. Please make it happen for us." Ultear said.

~Present moment~

"She isn't our enemy in the slightest." Ultear said. Meredy gasped. "She's our pawn." Ultear laughed. "I just can't believe that she actually fell for that ridiculous story I told her. What a fool." Ultear laughed again. "If this goes as planned I'll get rid of Hades and (Y/n) in one fell swoop. It almost couldn't have come together more perfectly!" Ultear said. "Get rid of Master Hades? But why?" Meredy asked. "With him gone I can become the guild's new master. Hades, (Y/n), and anyone else I please, I will have all of them right in the palm of my hand. Oh, silly me. I'm getting carried away." She then saw Juvia on the ground. "Who might this be?" She asked. "That's Juvia. A close friend of Gray and (Y/n)." Meredy said. "Hmm." Ultear said.

Then she summoned a sword. Meredy gasped. "What are you doing?" Meredy asked in shock. "Preparing to kill her, obviously." Ultear said. "But she's not a threat. She's unconscious." Meredy said. "Be quiet. This will limit (Y/n)'s options for the future. She can kill herself with her spell, seeing her dear friend lying dead on the ground like this will only drive her towards the inevitable." Ultear said. Meredy gasped. Ultear was about to strike Juvia, when ice suddenly stopped her attack. Ultear gasped. She watched as you carried Juvia away from her. "I knew something was rotten with you!" You said. "Well. Well. Did you? And when did you two finally catch on?" Ultear asked. "From the second you opened your mouth, we knew everything that came out would be crap!" Gray said.

"Is that so? The two of you were just playing along the whole time, trying to figure out what my true motives were? Bad kids." Ultear said. "I made a promise. I swore that I would never use a spell like that ever. Or let any one else use that kind of spell either." You said. "We don't care if this is Ur's will or not. Because we've got a will of our own." Gray said. "And it says our friends and the two of us are gonna walk the path of life!" You said. "My, my. I guess neither of you are so loyal to your master after all." Ultear said. "I thought I could count on (Y/n) to eliminate Hades for her sake. It's such a shame. Here I was, hoping that I wouldn't have to fight you myself. I'm surprised. That witch loved the two of you even more than her own daughter." Ultear laughed. "I'm afraid I might enjoy killing the two of you so much my heart will explode with joy." Ultear said. "You need to show some respect for your mother." You said. "And since she's not around, we'll have to teach you that lesson for you!" Gray said as he took off his purple shirt. "You're such a fool. You've made an extremely grave mistake in threatening me like that. For I am the leader of The Seven Kin Of Purgatory! And scum like the two of you are no match for me!" Ultear said. You quickly generated ice on your left hand and knocked her down.

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