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"I don't know why. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." Edolas Natsu cried. "Huh?" All of you asked. "Uh... what the?" Natsu asked. "Are you the same other me from just a minute ago?" Natsu asked. "Yes, of course I'm the exact same guy! But people say I'm like a different person behind the wheel!" Edolas Natsu said. "This world's Natsu is a total scaredy cat!" Happy said. The Edolas Natsu covered his head. "Please. You guys are freaking me out! don't scream!" He said. "Uh..." Natsu said. You smirked. "It's just like looking into a mirror, isn't it Natsu?" You asked. "I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry! But this is as far as I can take you." Edolas Natsu said. "How come?" Natsu asked. "The only reason I came in the first place is because my Lucy told me I had to!" Edolas Natsu said. "Aw, well, you don't have to do anything that scares you." Wendy said. Edolas Natsu smiled. "We definitely don't have room for a blubbering coward on our team." Carla said. "Don't be so rude, Carla!" You said. "Hey, what's your name, I bet it's Wendy, right?" Edolas Natsu said. "Right." Wendy said. "Oh wow. You're such a cute little girl. And you're Earth Land's version of me?" Edolas Natsu asked. "Are you just now figuring that one out?" Natsu asked. "Well my name is Happy. And this beauty is Carla." Happy said. Carla scoffed and looked away. "And I'm Lucy. But you already know my name, don't ya?" Lucy asked. Edolas Natsu hid behind the car. "I'm sorry! I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you!" Edolas Natsu said. Lucy growled. "Geez, Lucy. Give "scared me" a break, would you?" Natsu asked. "The Lucy that I know from here told me I needed to bring you this far, so I did." Edolas Natsu said. "Is that the place?" Lucy asked. "I think it's the royal city." You said. "It's so big." Wendy said. Natsu hugged his Edolas self. "You should've told us we were here sooner." He said. "Yeah. You're right. I'm so sorry!" Edolas Natsu said. "This is awesome. We'll be busting out our friends in no time!" Natsu said. "They're all down there trapped inside some giant lacrima." You said. "We mustn't waste time." Carla said as she began walking toward the city. "Hold on a second!" Wendy said. "Thanks a million, Buddy!" Natsu said as he waved to his Edolas self. "Say hi to me for me!" Lucy said. "Hey, wait! You're really doing it? Fighting the kingdom?" Edolas Natsu asked. "I don't know. We're just gonna try and get our friends back." Natsu said. "But if the kingdom decides it wants to get in our way, I guess we're gonna have to fight em." Natsu said. Edolas Natsu gasped. "Well, I hate to be saying this, but you can't beat them." He said. Natsu just chuckled.

Time Skip

You and the others were walking down a street. "They're so happy.  It's not what I expected." Lucy said. "I thought this place would be dark and scary." Wendy said. "Not exactly my idea of a dictatorship, that's for sure." You said. "And we got into the city without having to fight a single guard." Natsu said. "Compared to all of the other towns we've been to, it's like a fair." Lucy said. "I'm sure it's because they steal magic from everywhere and hoard it all here. Then they try to gloss over their crimes to make it more plantable to the general public." Carla said. Natsu came back riding a horse figure. "Well, it's not working for me." You said. Wendy gasped as she saw curtains nearby with lots of people there. "Hey, guys, it looks like there's something going on over here." She said. "Are they having a parade or something?" Lucy asked. "Oh! Like they're version of Fantasia?" Natsu asked as he ran over. "Aye sir!" Happy said. "We're here for business, not pleasure, remember?" Carla asked angrily. "What's the deal? Why's everyone cheering?" Natsu asked. "Hold on, Natsu!" You said. "Whoa. It's super crowed over here!" Happy said. "Geez." You said. Then you crashed into him. "Hey. If you're gonna stop in front of me like that, warn me!" You said. You then gasped as you saw a giant ice lacrima being guarded.  "No that's a lacrima." Wendy said. "A giant one, which means..." Lucy said. "All of our friends are inside of there." Happy said. "And if you look closely, you can see that there's a missing piece." Carla said.

"What?! You mean there's more of that thing somewhere?!" You asked. Suddenly the king and a very similar looking girl stepped onto the platform above. Everyone gasped. "Children of Edolas, it brings great joy to my heart to tell you that our Anima program has produced enough magic power to last another decade." The king said. "You didn't produce a darn thing! All you did was break into our world and steal it from us!" Happy said. "Please control your temper, tomcat." Carla said. "Let us rejoice together! Let us sing and dance! Let laughter roar through our sacred kingdom!" The king said. Everyone cheered. "The power within this lacrima belongs to all loyal subjects of our fair homeland! Today we hold our future in our hands to ensure it's prosperity into tomorrow and beyond! Therefore we must swear to protect this gift from heaven with our very lives!" The king said. "My dear children, today I shall make a solemn pledge to you as your benevolent ruler. The king then hit the ice with his staff. "I will bring you more power. So much more than you could possibly imagine." The king said. The ice cracked, and a few pieces fell. The people began chanting the name of Edolas. The Edolas you just looked away as the king held up his hands in glory. Natsu growled in anger.  He began to angrily march forward, but you quickly ran and grabbed him. "Stay strong." You said as tears came out. "It's them. Our friends! We gotta get them outta there!" Natsu said. "We will. Just wait. We'll get them all back. Natsu please." You said. The king laughed.

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