Turbulent Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus

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You sighed. "Aw, don't let it get you down, (Y/n). I'm sure you can find out what it means." Michelle said. "Hmm. Well it won't be easy." You said. "We've taken a new job request." Erza informed. "There are some bad guys stealing gold that we need to catch." Gray said. "I hope it's not The Butt Jingle Gang again." Lucy said. "Whoever it is, we gotta put a stop to em." Gray said. "Sorry, but I'm gonna pass on this one." You said. "We're having a hard time getting very far on figuring out what the inscription says." Michelle said. "Where's Natsu?" Erza asked. "No clue. I think he took off a while ago." Lucy said. "Well if that's the case, then we'll be leaving." Erza said. "Cool." Gray said. "Wait. Hang on a sec, when you say "we" are you talking about just the two of us going?" Gray asked. "Do you have a problem with that?" Erza asked. "A- a problem? Of course not." However, you could tell that Gray was nervous about just taking a mission with Erza. "If we hurry, we may be back before nightfall. So let's move." Erza said. Gray followed Erza out of the guild hall.

Time Skip

"This is crazy. What's going on here? Is there some kind of festival happening or something?" Natsu asked. "Everyone's getting their party on!" Happy said. You and Lucy walked up to him. "You do realize that this is all because of you, right?" You asked. "How so?" Natsu asked. "I'm having so much fun, and all of the food is wonderful." Michelle said. "Geez, does she have a hollow leg or something?" Lucy asked. "Seriously, what's the festival for?" Happy asked. "I'm being serious. It's because people heard about the big fight." You said. "And they decided to put together a festival the night before." Michelle said. "Huh." Natsu said. "Magnolia sure does love to party." Happy said. "I know that you probably don't care but we weren't getting anywhere figuring out that ancient language. So this seemed like a good way to unwind for a bit." You said. "I'm getting hungry again." Magnolia said. "Heh, heh, heh, I can hardly believe it! Oh! So cool! Ladies and gentlemen it has been too long! But your favorite reporter Jason is back! It's a reunion seven years in the making! And what a cool way to celebrate! Because this is gonna be the most insane awesome fight in the history of fighting!" Jason said. "Get off the stage!" Wakaba said. "It's time for you to bring out the real talent already!" Macao said.

"Without further ado, I'm honored to announce a woman that is the very definition of beauty! The lovely and super talented Miss Mirajane!" Jason said. The pink curtains pulled away to reveal Mira with a guitar. "Woo!" She said. Everyone cheered. "Are you boys and girls ready to rock?" Mira asked. "Bring it on, big sis!" Elfman said. "Light up the stage, Mira!" Lisanna said. "Well I hate to break it to you, but my poor throat has been feeling awfully sore all day." Mira said. "Aw..." the crowed said in disappointment. "Hey, Natsu, don't you think it'd be a good idea to at least do a little training before the big fight?" Happy asked. "That won't be necessary. I was just planning on hitting him hard with everything I've already got." Natsu said. "Of course. Why would I ever think that you would have any real strategy in mind?" Happy asked. "I wonder how Gajeel's gearing up for the showdown." Happy said. "You know he's gotta be really afraid he'll get beaten. So he's probably somewhere doing some kind of super crazy training." Natsu said. "Instead let me introduce a singer who's got soul and style. A true one of a kind performer like you've never seen. Put your hands together." Mira said as she stepped aside and Gajeel was sitting on the stage with a guitar. "What the heck is he doing up there?!" Natsu asked. "Doesn't look like training." Happy said. Everyone sweat dropped. "Thanks, folks. I appreciate you coming to see me tonight." Gajeel said. "I didn't come to see this crap." Wakaba said. "By special request I'd like to start with a little ditty I wrote myself." Gajeel said.

"You trying to tell me someone actually asked for this?" Macao asked. "I call it "Best Friend" here we go." Gajeel said. "Doesn't he know any other songs?!" Wakaba and Macao asked. Gajeel began to sing. "Um, I don't know if I like this side of Gajeel all that much. His singing is pretty bad." Levy said. "He's super bad!" Jet And Droy said. You and Lucy suddenly walked over.  "Oh my gosh, Levy! You're back in town!" Lucy said. "Yeah. Team Shadow Gear And I took on our first gig in like forever." Levy said. "You're just in time. I need your beautiful brain to translate an ancient inscription." You said.

Time Skip

"Oh sweet! This is written in Ancient Potamelian!" Levy said. "I've never heard of that." Michelle said. "So now that you've figured that out, do you know what it says?" Lucy asked. "Time ticks forward on toward inevitable chaos." Levy said. "Time ticks forward." You said. "On toward inevitable chaos?" Michelle asked. "Sounds familiar. I know I've heard it somewhere before." Lucy said. "You have?" You asked. "Hmm, yeah. But where?" Lucy asked. Lucy began searching through a pile of books. "It's not this one. Or this. Here it is! I found it!" Lucy said as she picked one up. Lucy opened the book. "It's in here. That spooky phrase. I was sure that I had read it somewhere before and it's in this book." Lucy said. "What's the book about?" You asked. "Well, lemme see. Basically, it's about an old clock that passes from one owner to the next over a long period of time. And a lot of mysterious things happen around it throughout it's history. Whoa, I think I get it, guys." Lucy said. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Check out this picture." Lucy said. You gasped as you saw the picture. "Wait a minute. This isn't just some random object. It's the hand of a clock." You said.

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