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You and Gray gasped as you saw the demon again. The last time you saw it was years ago. And back then you and Gray were only little children. You grabbed some of the water that was once your master. "Thank you" you said quietly as the water slipped through your fingers. "Hey!" Natsu said as he ran over. "What are you two doing here?" He asked. "Natsu?" Gray asked. "There's only one thing we can do now. We gotta take that thing down" Natsu said. Lyon crawled towards you. "None of you are strong enough. But I am. I will defeat it" Lyon said. You glared at him. "Lyon" you said. "I'm going to surpass Ur finally" Lyon said. "You can't fight. You can't even get up off the floor" Natsu said as he pointed at him. The demon roared again. "I've waited so long for this moment" Lyon said. "She was strong. But still not strong enough to kill that demon" Lyon said as he weakly stood up. "I'm going to do the one thing Ur never could. Finally. My dream will be fulfilled" Lyon said. You knocked him on his shoulder and he fell back to the ground. "You've caused enough trouble" you said. Then Gray walked into the water over to the demon. "I'll clean up the mess you've made" Gray said. Gray got into the stance. "Iced Shell!" Gray said. "Don't do it Gray! Do you have any idea how long it took me to melt that ice?!" Lyon asked. "Sealing it again isn't going to stop me! I will not rest until I've finally defeated Deliora!" Lyon said. "I can't worry about the future! I have to do this to keep it from killing us all right now!" Gray said. You stood in front of him. "(Y/n)!" He said. "Why don't you let me handle this?" You asked.

"Don't be stupid! Just get out of the way!" Gray said. "If I didn't let you do it before why would I let you do it now?" You asked. "I'm not gonna let you go out like that" you said. "Go ahead and cast the spell. But I'm not moving" you said. Gray gasped. "(Y/n)" he said. Deliora roared again and went towards you. "(Y/n)!" Gray screamed. You glared at the demon. "I'm not giving up till the bitter end!" You shouted as you lit up your left hand with flames. You punched the demon with your left hand with the flames and both hands collided. Then the demon began cracking into pieces. Lyon gasped and Gray watched in shock. Then the demon fell to the ground in pieces. "What the?" You asked as you watched the falling demon. "What? No way" Lyon said. "But that can't be!" He said. "Deliora... was already dead. For 10 years, Ur has gradually depleted the demon's life force. And what he just saw, was nothing more than it's last dying breaths. My dream is dead. There's no hope now. I will never surpass Ur" Lyon said as tears fell from his eyes. Natsu smiled. "Man, your teacher was pretty awesome" he said. 'I've freed you from the darkness Gray. I've sealed it away forever' Ur's words came back to him. Gray began to cry. "You've saved my life again. Thank you, Ur" he said. You looked at Gray for a moment, then you smiled at him. You went to Gray's side and hugged him. Then you and Gray walked over to Lyon. Lyon looked at you confused but you held out your hand to him. Lyon was a bit shocked at first, but smiled and then took your hand and you helped him up with the help of Gray and smiled at Lyon.

Lucy smiled and waved as she ran over with Happy flying next to her. You smiled and you and Lucy hugged each other. "Oh yeah! That's right! We won!" Natsu said. "Aye sir!" Happy said. "You know, I was kinda worried for a while there. But it all worked out thanks to your amazing teacher" Lucy said. You smiled. "We totally finished an S Class Quest all by ourselves!" Natsu said jumping up and down. You smiled and giggled at him. "You think Master Makarov will let us in the second floor now?" Lucy asked excitedly. Erza sent them all a death glare. Everyone but you froze in shock. "Oh no! You're still gonna punish us huh?" Lucy asked. "Isn't there something that you're all forgetting about? You came to this island to help the villagers. The request was for you to return them to their original forms" Erza said. "You still haven't completed your S Class Quest yet" she said. "Oh yeah. You're right" you said. "But I don't understand. The curse should be lifted now cause Deliora's dead" Lucy said. "Wrong. This curse you keep talking about never had anything to do with the demon. The villagers have been affected by the intense magic energy released from the moon drip spell. In other words Deliora's death isn't going to change their current situation whatsoever" Erza said. "What- oh no" Lucy said. "Well, then we'd better go and change them back" Natsu said. "Aye, sir!" Happy said as he gave him a high five. "Yeah, but we don't know how" Gray said. You gasped and looked at Lyon. "Lyon, do you know?" You asked. "To be quite honest, I don't have a clue" Lyon said.

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