The Final Showdown on Galuna Island

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Gray was preparing to finish his iced shell spell. "Please stop!" You cried. "Iced shell-" he began, but was cut off by you stopping his spell by a punch in the face. "Stop it!" You cried. Gray froze in shock. Lyon gasped in shock. You glared at Gray and panted as he stood there frozen. "(Y/n)!" Gray shouted. "Don't you see what you're doing?" You asked. "(Y/n) look-" Gray began, but you cut him off. "I didn't let Lyon cast iced shell back then and I won't let you cast it either! You still have your whole life ahead of you! Casting that spell would just be pointless" you said. "(Y/n) I-" Gray said. "No more excuses. You're staying with us and that's final. We can't lose you, Gray!" You said. Gray gasped. "(Y/n)" he said quietly. Suddenly the pyramid began to shake violently. You gasped. "What now?" Natsu asked. The pyramid then moved and went back to how it was standing before. Zalti ran into the pyramid. "Pardon the interruption" he said. "I should have known. I take it you did this?" Lyon asked. "Indeed I did, sir" Zalti said. "That weirdo fixed it all by himself?" Gray asked. "And after I went to all that trouble to mess it up, too" Natsu said. "Hey! So what'd you do to fix it, huh?" Natsu asked. Zalti just looked at him and laughed. "Tell me how you did it, you jerk!" Natsu said. Zalti began to run out of the pyramid. "Hey!" Natsu said. "Would you quit ignoring me you demon haired freak?!" Natsu asked. Zalti laughed as Natsu ran after him. "Get back here!" Natsu said. "Natsu!" Gray said.

Natsu stopped and turned around. "I'm gonna pound him a million. No, a billion times. I'll let you and (Y/n) handle that ice guy" Natsu said. You gasped. Then you smiled and nodded. "It'll look bad if you two lose again" Natsu said. "Yeah" You said. "And not just for you two" Natsu said. "We know what you mean" Gray said. "But for all of Fairy Tail!" You three said. You three chuckled. "My, my. What a boisterous group you are" Lyon said. Gray looked at him. "Tell me something. A second ago when I was gonna freeze us both for good you were counting on (Y/n) to stop me before I could finish, right?" Gray asked. "No. The opposite in fact. I never thought she'd be foolish enough to come near a spell like that" Lyon said. "So you were just gonna stand there and take the hit?" Gray asked. "Exactly. Because someone would come to rescue me. You on the other hand would be finished for good" Lyon said. "I should have known" Gray said. You glared at Lyon. "Certainly, it would be inconvenient to be sealed in ice but my allies are as devoted to my cause as I am. And as long as we're on this island, they could use moon drip to melt the ice whenever they saw it. "I didn't think of that. Guess the iced shell is completely useless here" Gray said. "Even so, the two of you still want to fight? After what happened last time?" Lyon asked. "Don't fool yourselves you could never-" Lyon was cut off. "That's enough" you said. "What?!" Lyon asked. "Just forget about Deliora" you said. "What kind of nonsense is this? Your threats don't work so you turn to begging? Does your guild have a dentist that removed your fangs? Or are you just cowards?" Lyon asked.

"Lyon, there's something we have to tell you" Gray said. "What is it?" Lyon asked. "Ur is still alive" you said. "The iced shell doesn't kill it's caster" Gray said. "It uses their body to form the barrier" you said. "The ice keeping Deliora sealed away which you've been trying to melt is actually master Ur" Gray said. "She isn't dead. She lives on as that ice" you said. "We're sorry that we never told you the truth back then. Ur made us promise to keep quiet" Gray said. "Of course" Lyon said. "It's over. There's no reason to go through with this anymore" you said. Lyon placed a hand on your stomach and sent a snow tiger through it. You gasped and fell to your knees. "(Y/N)!" Gray said. "You idiots. I know how the spell works. I can assure you she's not alive anymore. That's nothing more than I chunk of ice" Lyon said. You struggled to get back up. "You mean, you knew all along?" You asked. "Knowing is one thing, believing is another. And if you truly believe Ur is alive in there, you are even greater fools than I thought you were" Lyon said. "You knew the truth. And you still did this?!" You asked. You stood up and glared at Lyon. "And what of it?" He asked. You growled angrily and punched Lyon in the face. Lyon flew into the air and crashed into the wall. "Impossible! How can you move with that wound?" He asked. "I've had enough!" You said. "We wanted to save you. But we give up now" Gray said. "You want the title of Star Pupils for yourselves? Well I'm sorry, but I have to fight against Deliora soon. And I'd rather not waste my magic energy on either of you" Lyon said. You glared at Lyon. "Smoke Dragon: Crushing Fang!" You shouted as you lunged at him.

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