The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannon

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"Hey, Gray! (Y/n)!" Natsu said as he ran in. "What?" Gray asked. Natsu stopped in front of him. "Can't run from me forever can you, jerk?" Natsu asked. "We were busy taking out this clown." Gray said. Natsu grabbed Sugar boy and shook him. "All right you creep! Gimme that stupid key! I'm done playing with you!" Natsu said. "This would be a lot easier if you would just look over here for a second." You said. "Things are starting to go our way. But we're not out of the woods just yet. Hey, where's Lucy?" You asked. Natsu dropped Sugar boy. "Oh her? She's kind of stuck right now." Natsu said. "What do you mean, stuck?" Gray asked. "We got it, Natsu. I know this key is gonna work. You hear me? We can save our friends with this." You said. "Say what?" Natsu asked. "The king of Edolas wants to fire The Dragon Chain Cannon at the floating island the lacrima's on so it'll crash into Extalia. No good. But if we can hit the lacrima directly with the dragon slayer magic that the cannon fires, we can turn everyone back to normal." You explained. "I don't really understand, but it sounds like a plan to me." Natsu said. "I think the cannon is just up ahead of us." Gray said. "All right! Let's get to it!" Natsu said. "Hold on. There's one problem." You said. "What's that?" Natsu asked. "We can't get inside the chamber where they're keeping it." You said. "Sure we can. We'll just use our magic to blow open the door and barge right in." Natsu said. "That's not gonna work. Supposedly, it's made from some kind of wizard canceller anti magic lacrima. So it's not gonna be that easy." Gray said. "Well, I think we should give it a try anyway." Natsu said. "And if it doesn't work, then what?" You asked. The three of you turned to see Erza walking over. But it didn't look like the Erza you knew. It was Edolas Erza. "So, I found you. And it seems that you have the key." She said. "Whoa. It's Erza!" Natsu said. "Hang on. Something's not right." Gray said. "He's right. This isn't our Erza. She's from Edolas." You said. "No." Gray said. "I don't believe it. Our Erza lost?" Natsu asked.

Time Skip

"Edolas Erza" dragged you, Gray and Natsu toward the room with The Dragon Chain Cannon. "Glad to see your unharmed, Captain Knightwalker." One of the soldiers said. "You idiot. She's obviously harmed." The other said. "Do you need assistance, Captain?" He asked. "Don't trouble yourself." "Edolas Erza" said. "May I ask who these three are?" The other soldier asked. "Keys to The Dragon Chain Cannon." "Edolas Erza" said. "I don't understand." "Is his majesty inside?" She asked. "Of course, Captain." They began to open the door. "We're very close men. Everlasting power, is within reach." She said. She dragged you, Natsu and Gray into the room. "I've heard you've successfully retrieved the key. Is this true?" The king asked. "Not entirely your majesty, it was destroyed." She said. "Explain yourself." The king said. "Edolas Erza" tossed you roughly on the ground. "This one can fabricate a working copy." She said. "No way." You said. "And who is this?" The king asked. "She's an Earth Land wizard, sir." She said. You grunted. "Is that so? Is she one of the dragon slayers?" He asked. "She is indeed." "Edolas Erza" said. The king nodded. "Free her. Now. And have her produce this key immediately." He said. "Edolas Erza" cut the ropes off you and you stood up. "Get up, Earth Land wizard. And don't do anything rash." She said as she held the sword closer to Gray and Natsu as she held them. "You will activate The Dragon Chain Cannon." She said. You looked at the giant cannon. 'So this is it, huh? It's not quite what I imagined it would look like. This is gonna be way harder than I thought.' You thought. "Quit stalling." She said. "I got no other choice." You said. Then you created an extra copy of the key.  Everyone gasped.

"That's crazy." "Is that Earth Land power?"  You walked up to the cannon and put the key in. 'This is gonna be my only chance.' You thought as the cannon began to light up. "I need to get a direct hit on the lacrima with this thing. Because if I don't, it's over for my Fairy Tail friends. Not to mention all those other people.' You thought. Then giant red lights began to shine in the room. "Yes, this is a glorious day for our kingdom!" The king laughed. 'How do I aim this thing?' You asked. The king laughed. 'Where's the controls?!' You asked. "Prepare to fire!" The king said. 'No!' You thought. "Now's our time. Natsu, Gray!" Erza said.  "We're here." Natsu said. "What?!" The king asked. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu said. "Ice make: Lance!" Gray attacked the other side. "What's going on here?! What is this meaning of this?!" The king asked. Erza put the sword toward the king's neck. "I'm calling off the launch!" She said. "You traitor! How dare you?!" The king asked. "This is treason!" "Is she crazy?!" You, Gray and Natsu smirked. "You're playing with fire, Erza!" The king said. Erza changed into her regular armor. "My name is Erza Scarlet. I'm an Earth Land wizard!" She said. "Nice job. It got pretty hairy there, but thanks to you we're gonna be able to save em after all." Gray said. "They actually fell for it. Good old "plan d" device the royal army dummies!" Natsu said.

"I want you to aim the cannon directly at the lacrima." Erza said. "And I want you to fire it now at the original target." The king said. "Now what?" "What do we do?" "That's a low move, taking hostages like this." "We don't care what you think." You said. "Because we'll do whatever we have to if it'll turn our friends back to normal." Natsu said. "We're wasting too much time." Erza said. "What's our order?" "We have to protect our king!" "Fire it now!" The king said. "Forget about saving me and eliminate the exceeds!" He said. "Change the target. Aim for the giant lacrima." "You cowards. You're throwing away our chances for everlasting magic power!" The king said. "Scarlet!" Knightwalker said as she crashed into her. "It's Captain Knightwalker." The king said. "His majesty is free!" "Now! Reset to the original target!" "No!" You said. "Aw, crap!" Gray said. "I thought I was through with you, Knightwalker!" Erza said. "I don't give up so easily. Now prepare to fall!" Knightwalker said. "Fire!" The king laughed. All of you looked at the cannon in shock. "Attachment complete! Now smash it into the exceed's kingdom at once!" The king said. "We can't let this happen!" You said. Suddenly Lucy broke into the building with a giant monster. "Hey you guys!" She said. "Lucy?!" You asked. "Get on it's back!" She said. "Lucy!" Erza said. "Is that you?" Gray asked. "Holy cow! They turned you into a monster!" Natsu said. "Quit being ridiculous and get on right now!" Lucy said. "It's a legion." "What's it doing here?" "How could this happen? How is she in control of a legion?" The king asked. "It's because this one is mine!" The Edolas you said as Coco sat beside her. "(Y/n)." The king said. "Are we gonna be able to stop it with this thing?" Natsu asked as he held on.  "We'll never know until we try." Lucy said. "That's right." You said.

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