Earth Land

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"Why are you so fascinated with July, 7 777?" Lucy asked. "It's because that's the day that the dragons that raised me, Natsu and (Y/n) disappeared. So I guess it's just always on my mind." Wendy said. "I wonder what happened because according to Natsu apparently Gajeel's dragon Metalicana disappeared that very same day." You said. "Do you have any thoughts on the matter?" Carla asked. "Maybe they all went on a dragon picnic." Lucy said. "An interesting idea. I actually never thought of that one before." Wendy said. "Then again, now that you mention it, I've always been afraid that they all just decided to abandon us." You said. "But if that's the case then where do you think they've been hiding all this time?" Wendy asked. "Hey, Carla!" Happy said. He jumped onto the table holding a fish with a bow on it. "Look! Isn't this the biggest mackerel you've ever seen? Thought you might be hungry so I caught it for ya." Happy said. "Thanks but no thanks. It smells. And I don't care for fish." Carla said. "Oh, I see. Then tell me what you like and I'll fetch it for ya." Happy said. "Get away from me!" Carla said. Happy gasped. "I don't have time to waste on someone so annoying." She said. Then she jumped off the table and walked away.

"Hold on a minute, Carla!" Wendy said. "Hmph!" She said. "She's never been friendly but that was downright harsh. You okay, Happy?" You asked. "What's your problem? Why are you so mean to Happy?" Wendy said. "I despise that name. The irony of it turns my stomach. They're all such ignorant fools." Carla thought. Then she walked off. "You know it seems Carla treats Happy the worst out of everyone. Do you have any idea why?" Lucy asked. "Trust me I wish I knew." Wendy said.

Time Skip

"Carla!" You shouted. "Carla! Where are you?" Wendy asked. You saw Carla walking by. You and Wendy quickly ran over. "We've been looking all over for you." You said. "Oh, (Y/n). You're going to catch a cold. Being out in this mess without an umbrella." Carla said. "Same goes for you." Wendy said. She glared at Carla. "Carla, why are you so mean to Happy and the rest of them after all they've done for us? Could you at least try to be a little bit nicer to everyone?" Wendy asked. "I don't see the need for it." Carla said as she turned away. "Long as I'm with you two they're just complications." Carla said. "Geez. I don't understand you sometimes." You said. Suddenly you and Wendy looked to see a very familiar person walking by. "Who's this?" Carla asked. "Hello, Wendy, (Y/n)." The voice said. Wendy's eyes widened. "Wait. I know that voice." She said.

Carla gasped. "I never considered the chance you'd join this guild." The guy said. The man removed his mask. You and Wendy gasped. "Jellal, it's you!" Wendy said. "Impossible! I saw you get taken into custody myself!" Carla said. "The man arrested in the Nirvana incident wasn't me." Mystogan said. "What?" You asked. "Then how do you explain your uncanny resemblance?" Carla asked. "My name is Mystogan of Fairy Tail. When we first met, seven years ago, I was unfamiliar with the ways of this world. I told you two my name was Jellal." Mystogan said. "This world?" You thought.  "You mean..." Wendy said. Mystogan nodded. "You're our Jellal. I was afraid you had forgotten all about me. I can't believe you're really here. We missed you." Wendy said. She began to cry. "I wish we'd disobeyed and kept following you back then!" Wendy said.

"And I wish I'd been able to let you both follow me." Mystogan said. "I'm sorry, but we don't have time for a tearful reunion right now." Mystogan said. "Huh?" You asked. "Do as I say." Mystogan said. Then he grunted and fell forward a bit. "You two have to leave this city as quickly as you can!" Mystogan then collapsed. "Jellal!" You said. "I was unable to complete my mission. The Anima has grown much to large. And now, it's impossible for me to contain it on my own. Very soon, Magnolia will cease to exist." Mystogan said. "No, it can't just vanish. There has to be something we can do!" Wendy said. "I'm sorry, Wendy. But the city's destruction is unavoidable. You and (Y/n) need to evacuate right now." Mystogan said. "What about everyone in the guild?" You asked. Mystogan gasped. "What's gonna happen to them?! Tell us!" Wendy said.

"Please! We won't move till you tell us!" You said. "Very soon, all of them will perish." Mystogan said. You and Wendy began to run back to the guild. "No, girls!" Carla said. "Somebody's gotta warn them!" Wendy said. "There's no time for that. You need to get to safely immediately." Mystogan said. "We would never abandon our friends!" You said. "I have a home again. And if it's going to vanish I'm going with it!" Wendy said. You and Wendy ran off. "And what about you? I don't suppose you could convince them?" Mystogan asked. Then he grunted in pain. "I honestly don't know." Carla said. Then she ran off.

You and Wendy kept running toward the guild hall. Suddenly Wendy tripped and fell. "Wendy! Are you alright?" You asked as you helped her up. "Yeah. I'm fine." She said.  You both gasped and looked up to see s tornado like hole in the sky. Then you both ran quickly toward the guild hall again. "Get out! Something bad's happening! You have to leave!" You said. Suddenly light surrounded the guild hall and sucked it up. Your eyes widened. "Get out! Right now!" Wendy said. You both screamed as the light pushed you back. The light continued to suck up everything in the city until there was nothing but clouds and bubbles left. You and Wendy were in shocked silence. "No." Wendy said. "The guild hall. It's gone." You said.

"And the city. All of it. Where'd it go?!" Wendy asked. "But how? How can a city vanish like that?" You asked. "Is anybody out there?! Answer me!" Wendy shouted. Only her echo replied. Suddenly you gasped as you saw a lump in the ground. It suddenly got bigger. "What is that?!" You asked. Natsu then bursted through the ground. "Uh, is this a dream?" Natsu asked. "Natsu." Wendy said. "What's going on? Bubbles? Whoa, where are we?" Natsu asked. "Natsu, do you have any idea what happened?" You asked. "Nope, not a clue." Natsu said as he stood up. "This is all that's left." Wendy said. "Huh?!" Natsu asked. "A giant hole opened in the sky, the guild hall, the town, and everything else got sucked into it!" You said. "I haven't seen anyone! I'm afraid you me and (Y/n) are the only ones who made it out alive!" Wendy said.

"Uh, girls, don't panic, but I think you may have a couple of loose marbles in here." He said. "We do not!" Wendy said. "Hold on. You think the three of us were left behind because we're dragon slayers?" You asked. "That's exactly why." Carla said as she flew over. "Carla! You're safe. I thought I'd lost you!" Wendy said. "In fact, we're lucky you're both dragon slayers or you'd have suffered the same fate as the others." Carla said. "Not that I care. All that matters to me is that you and (Y/n) are alive." Carla said. "Carla." You said. "Alright I can't take your attitude anymore! You're saying the others disappearing isn't important?! Wait! That crazy story you told me was true?!" Natsu asked. You nodded. "Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!" Natsu shouted. "Don't waste your breath. There's no one left to hear you. They've been taken by the Anima, and therefore no longer exist." Carla said.

"Anima?" Wendy asked. "That giant hole in the sky? It's actually a gateway to Edolas. The world on the other side." Carla said. "Edolas?" You asked. "Would you quit talking nonsense already? I don't understand a word! Tell me where they went!" Natsu said. "Clam down!" Wendy held him back. "Okay. What's going on? How do you know this stuff?" You asked. "Come to think of it, why didn't you get taken by the storm too?" Wendy asked. Suddenly Happy flew over. "What happened Natsu?! Everything went poof! I'm freaking out!" Happy said. "Happy!" Natsu smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay." You said. "The answer I appear so informed about Edolas, is because I am from there." Carla said. "Huh?" You all asked. "As is the one you call "Happy" Carla said. Happy gasped. "Wait. You can't be serious." Wendy said. "I'm sorry, child. But it's true. The tomcat and I are to blame for this atrocity." Carla said.

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