Clash At Kardia Cathedral

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You arrived at the building Laxus was at. "Laxus!" You shouted. Laxus turned around and smirked. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. If it isn't miss (Y/n). One of the newest members of the Fairy Tail guild." Laxus said. "I'm not here for games, Laxus. I want answers. Why are you doing all of this?! Why are you going to such lengths to betray your friends?!" You asked. "Let's get one thing straight, (Y/n). The members of Fairy Tail are not my friends." Laxus said. "Well they should be! Especially if you strive to be the guild master!" You said. "Listen, kid. I'm already the new guild master wether they except it or not. I have one goal and that's to bring Fairy Tail back to it's glory. Nobody will ever talk bad about us again now that I'm taking over." Laxus said. "Even if people do, you can't let them get the best of you. People are going to talk bad about all guilds, it doesn't matter which one you're in. You can't control that. What you can control is how you let if effect you.

It's not important what everyone else thinks. What's important is we stick together no matter what. Even if nobody likes our guild. Because we're Fairy Tail. That's how we've always been." You said. "Be quiet! I will make Fairy Tail great again and there's nothing you can do about it!" Laxus said. "That's what you think! I warned you, Laxus. But if you're going to continue to harm members of my family then I have no choice. You'll pay for what you did to Gray, Lucy, and everyone else you've threatened." You growled. Laxus looked at you in amusement. "Oh? Does this little girl really think she can challenge me?" He asked. You smirked. "I'm sure I can handle it." You said. Laxus laughed. "Well, you're confident. I'll give you that. But confidence won't be enough!" Laxus said. "Lightning Dragon: Talon!" You said.

You kicked Laxus with lightning. Laxus actually took some damage. "What? Unbelievable." Laxus said. Laxus went to kick you, but you quickly dodged. "Lightning Dragon: Iron Fist!" You punched Laxus with a fist of lightning, pushing him back. "Unbelievable. How is this girl actually hurting me?" Laxus asked in anger. You smirked. "Not so little now, huh?" You asked. Laxus kicked you with a foot of lightning. You flew backwards, but landed on your feet. "Lightning Dragon: Roar!" You attacked Laxus with a tornado of lightning. Laxus grunted. Then he smirked. "Not bad, little dragon slayer." He taunted. "But you still need to do better than that!" He said. "Lightning Dragon: Heavenward Halberd!" You raise your hand and form lightning between them, forming a very large trident out of it. You then hurl this at Laxus. Laxus recovered, but was starting to get small injuries.

"Don't you see what's happened to our guild, (Y/n)?" Laxus asked. "What?" You asked. "Thanks to that old geezer Fairy Tail's nothing but a joke now! I'm trying to make things right!" Laxus said. Laxus tried to shock you, but you dodged his lightning attacks. "When I'm the new guild master our name will strike fear into people's hearts!" Laxus said. You kept dodging his lightning. Laxus looked at the screen. "There's only one minute, thirty seconds, until the thunder palace is activated. What the heck are you waiting for, old man? Are you really gonna stand back and watch all those people die?" Laxus asked as he looked at the screen. "I wouldn't worry if I were you. It's over. You know as well as I do it ain't gonna happen." You said. "What do you mean?" Laxus asked. You smirked. "You can blow up the town, but you're still not getting Fairy Tail. You're just upset that you can't back out of it now." You said. "The town will be fine. Erza's taking your spell down." You rushed toward him with your right hand covered in lightning. "It's not so easy sticking to your guns, is it, Laxus?" You asked. "Shut up! What the hell do you know?!" Laxus asked as his left hand was covered in lightning.

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