A Star Removed From The Sky

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Natsu shoved someone against the wall. "Man, these guys don't put up much of a fight" he said. "So who did you losers steal from? Old ladies and little kids?" Gray asked as he held his foot over someone. "Don't act like this is over! You'll be sorry! Just you wait!" "Yeah. Lord Debon is gonna make you pay!" "(Y/n) beat up that jerk a long time ago" Happy said. "I'm all finished upstairs" Erza said as she stood on top of the staircase. "Sweet! Nice work, Erza!" Lucy said as she gave her a thumbs up. One of the bad guys screamed and tried to run away but Erza took notice. "Get back here!" Erza said as she kicked him to the ground. Erza placed her right foot on his butt. "Unfortunately, it seems you still haven't learned your lesson" Erza said. Suddenly your cow spirit appears from nowhere. "I've been bad! Please teach me a lesson too, mistress Erza!" He said. You held his gate key in your hand. "And away you go! Bye!" You said as you sent him back to the spirit world. All of you stood inside the building around the now knocked out group of thieves. "Well, that was a waste. I was hoping they might be a challenge" Erza said. "I wanna fight some more!" Natsu whined. Gray sweat dropped. "I know how ya feel, but save it for the next job" he said. Happy held a small gem in his right paw. "Check out this gem I got! Pretty cool don't ya think?" He asked. Lucy turned around and gasped. "Stealing from thieves is still stealing!" She said. You then noticed Loke standing not far off. "Hey. Isn't that Loke over there?" You asked.

"What's up, guys?" Loke asked as you all walked over. "Just beating bad guys and being awesome" Natsu said. "Same old. Same old" Loke said. Loke then gasped and flinched when he saw you and Lucy walk over. Lucy waved. "I'm glad we ran into you. Thanks so much for finding my-" she was cut off. "Sorry, but I better hit the road. So long!" He said as he ran away. You and Lucy both sweat dropped. "What is that guy's problem?!" You asked. "I don't know what you two did but you two really freak him out" Gray said. "Yeah. He avoids you two like the plague" Natsu said. "It's not our fault he's crazy!" Lucy said. "Guess we might as well head home" Gray said. "I dunno. I was thinking since we finished our job early for once what do you say we stop by a spa and take it easy?" You asked. "(Y/n)" Erza said. You flinched. "Uh, yes ma'am?" You asked. Gray, Natsu and Lucy sweat dropped. "I think that's a fine idea" Erza said. All of you sighed in relief.

Time Skip

"I don't get it. Why is Loke so afraid of me and (Y/n)?" Lucy asked. "Nice moon tonight" Erza said as she stood up. You and Lucy looked at her. "The bath's nice too" Erza said. "You're bathing in your armor?!" You asked. "I'm more relaxed with it on" Erza said. "Really? Doesn't it feel kind weird?" Lucy asked. "Now that you mention it, it does" Erza said. "I may need to reconsider my definition of relaxation" she said. "Yeah. I don't think "taking it easy" is your strong point" you said. Erza requipped. "Wow! You look just as awesome without your armor" Lucy said. "Is that so? Then perhaps I should walk around the guild like this" Erza said. You sweat dropped. "That was a joke" Erza said. "Right..." you said.

~Time Skip~

"Let's get this party started!" Natsu said with a big smirk on his face as he held two giant pillows. "Aye!" Happy said, as he held a giant pillow with both of his paws. Gray turned around. "Come on, man. I'm trying to sleep here. Why don't you take your party outside?" he said. "It's a sleepover! You know what that means, right?" Natsu asked. "You gotta bust out your pillow flu!" He said. "Or are you too scared?" He provoked Gray as he pointed at him. "Of you? Yeah, right" Gray said. Erza held two pillows as well. "My armor is equipped with only the most powerful pillows!" She said. "Most powerful?" Lucy asked. "Whatever Erza, you're going down!" Natsu said as he threw a pillow toward her. Gray sighed. "Grow up, you guys" he said. Natsu grunted as he lunged a pillow in her direction. Erza quickly jumped into the air and dodged.

The pillow then hit Gray hard in the face instead. Gray gasped in shock as the pillow fell off his face and onto the floor. Gray glared at Natsu and stood up from his sleeping bag. "You're in for it now!" He said. Gray smirked as he saw a pile of pillows next to him. "Oh. Would you look at all these pillows?" He asked before chuckling. Gray screamed as he tossed a pillow at Natsu which hit him in the face and knocked him over. Gray chuckled as he held two pillows. "You're next, Erza!" He said. Erza caught the pillow before it hit her face. "Not too shabby" she said. You and Lucy laughed at the fighting trio. You smirked. "Alright. My turn" you said. You grabbed two giant pillows and tossed one at Gray. Gray screamed as the pillow hit him and he fell to the ground. Next, you tossed the second pillow in Natsu's direction.

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