For Pride's Sake, the River of Stars

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"Stop right there, Coco. Even you have better sense than to hand something this important to an enemy of the kingdom. This key belongs to his majesty." Sugar boy said as he stole the key. "Sugar boy!" Coco said. "He took it!" Natsu said. "Oh no." Lucy said. "Give it back!" Coco said. "Stop right there! You hear me?" Gray asked as he rode on a motorcycle, with you behind him. "Of course I hear you. I just don't care." Sugar boy said. "You're only gonna make this worse!" You said. "Gray! (Y/n)!" Lucy and Natsu said. "Listen up you guys. There's no need for you to worry about mister big chin here. This once's ours. Everything else is up to you!" Gray said. "You two are like persistent rashes. You just keep on coming back, don't ya?" Sugar boy asked. "Come back here and say that to my face!" You said. "I need to deal with you quickly." Sugar boy said as he took out a sword. "With my Rosa Espada!" He said. The floor began sinking again as you and Gray rode on the motorcycle. "I said stop!" Gray said as you and Gray chased after Sugar boy. "How in the heck are you even able to keep sliding across the floor like that?" You asked. "I just do it, girl." Sugar boy said. "Uh, okay." You said. "Then tell us what the key is for instead." Gray said. "It activates The Dragon Chain Cannon." Sugar boy said. "What is that?" You asked. "Sorry, the rest is classified." Sugar boy said. "All you really need to know is that I can't let either of you have it." Sugar boy said. "It belongs to the kingdom." Sugar boy said. "So what you're saying is we can't let you get away with it either." Gray said as he put his hand out. "Ice make floor!" Gray said. "Is an icy floor truly the best you can come up with?" Sugar boy asked.

"I can make anything softer. With my Rosa Espada." Sugar boy said. Gray chuckled. "Huh?" Sugar boy asked. Then he slipped on the floor. "You can make it just as soft as you want, buddy. It's still gonna be too slippery for you to control yourself." Gray said. Sugar boy crashed into the wall, and you and Gray jumped off the motorcycle. "I'll show you again." Sugar boy said. He then softened the motorcycle. You quickly jumped in the air. "The key!" Sugar boy said. "Now shatter!" You said as you froze the key. "What gives?" You asked. "I'll admit, this is cold. Nice try, Ice Girl." Sugar boy said. "Don't call me that!" You said. "But seriously though, why isn't this thing cracking?" You asked. Get real, chump. This isn't just some flimsy piece of junk, you know. But it is very cold. Now I'm not practically found of holding hands with girls. So, would you mind letting go?" Sugar boy asked. "Speaking of hands, haven't you realized that I have the upper one right about now?" You asked. "Hmm. What do you mean by that, Ice Girl?" Sugar boy asked mocked. "Would you stop calling me that already?!" You asked. "Listen pal, the way I see it is, although your people need this key, me and all my guild mates don't." You said. "Hmm?" Sugar boy asked. "If I can't break it, I'll just make it unusable." You said. "Huh?" Sugar boy asked. "Now freeze!" You said.  "Don't forget. It will in fact freeze, but my Rosa Espada can soften anything it touches." Sugar boy said.

"Don't be so sure. One wrong move and you'll turn this key of yours into a pretzel." You said. "Well, finely tuned is my middle name." Sugar boy said. "What the heck is that supposed to mean?!" You asked. "Precision. I shall simply have to cut you away." Sugar boy said as he held his sword. Sugar boy went crazy with his sword and slashed at the ice. "Your ice won't help you now!" He said. "So you wanna fight, huh?" You asked. You froze the key again. "I'll just go ahead and freeze you along with it! But I'm never gonna let it go!" You said. "Not without your arms, punk!" Sugar boy said as he used his sword again. You and Sugar boy went back and fourth, fighting over the key. "Let it go now!" Sugar boy said. "Come on, freeze!" You said. Finally, you managed to crack it. "What the?! No way! You cracked the key!" Sugar boy said. "Yeah, you bet I did. Now watch it shatter into pieces." You said. "Stop it! Right now! You're really gonna break it!" Sugar boy said. "I'll do whatever it takes to save my friends!" You said. "Here it goes!" You said as you broke the key more. "Wait! You don't understand what you're doing!" Sugar boy said. "You and your friends need it. They need it just as much as we do!" Sugar boy said. "Oh yeah?" You asked. "Let's just call it a quick truce for now before it's too late!" Sugar boy said. "Why would I do that?" You asked as you shoved Sugar boy into a wall. "Why? Because you need it too. It's the only way that you'll ever be able to turn your friends back to normal." Sugar boy said.  "Oh is that so? You're full of crap." You said.

"It's the truth! The Dragon Chain Cannon fires condensed dragon slayer magic. If you knew what the kind of power could do in our world, you'd see why you needed that key. Blast that lacrima with the Dragon Chain Cannon and you'll turn all your little friends back to how they were. Do you finally get it now? That's why neither of us can afford to let this key break. You may need it more than I do." Sugar boy said. You still broke the key more. "You don't know anything. We have four dragon slayers in our guild, myself included. Why the heck would we need to use some stupid cannon when we have the real thing?" You asked. So sorry about your key. But it's history." You said. "By the time it would take them to shatter that lacrima, it'll be too late. As early as tomorrow, it will begin transforming into pure magic power. Our plan was to drive it into Extalia before that happened. Yeah, with four dragon slayers you could probably save a few more of your friends, but there is no way you could save all of them. In fact, most of them will not survive. And what's more, neither of those scores of innocent civilians that the Amina absorbed along with your precious guild mates. What about them?" Sugar boy asked. "Now, let go." Sugar boy said. Then you broke it. He gasped. "You just told me all I needed to know!" You said. "You... you broke the key! Are you crazy?! I wasn't bluffing you know!" Sugar boy said. You smirked at him. "Do you realize you've doomed your friends to be destroyed?!" He tried to slash you, but you quickly dodged. "You're wrong. We're taking them all back with us! We're going back to our world!" You said. "Ice blade: seven strike dance!" After creating ice blades jutting back from both of your forearms, you rapidly slash Sugar boy seven times.  "You've made a horrible mistake, Ice Girl. One that you'll surely regret forever. That was the only thing that could've saved them. And like a fool you went ahead and demolished it anyway." Sugar boy said. "Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this?" You asked. He gasped as an exact copy of the key appeared in your hands.

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