The Wizard in Armor

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"Hey Mira! Can we get three beers over here please?" One guild member asked. "Be right with you!" Mira said. "So when are you and I gonna go on a date Mira?" Wakaba asked. "Would you leave her alone?" Laki asked. "Wakaba there's one small problem" Mira said. Mira then used a take over spell and transformed herself into an oversized old lady. "You already have a wife!" Mira said. "I hate it when you do that it's so creepy!" Wakaba said as he flinched when he saw Mira. Laki just laughed. "I wish I could drink in peace for once" Cana said. "Well if you didn't drink all day" Macao said. "I guess we should probably try to find another job" Natsu said with his face on the table. "Aye! We're running out of food money" Happy said. "If we'd taken that two million jewel reward we'd be sittin pretty" Lucy said. "And I can't let myself forget that rent's gonna be due next week. I guess I better find work too" you said. "Hm..." you said as you read the jobs off of the request board. "Find a magic bracelet, breaking a spell on a cursed cane? Reading someone's love horoscope, hunting a volcano demon?" You asked. "Jeez. I had no idea that wizarding jobs were so varied" you said. "Well let me know if you find one you two are interested in taking on" Mira said. "The master's away at conference so I'm covering for him" Mira said. "What kind of conference?" You asked. "One for guild masters" Mira said. "Every once in a while they all get together to talk about the state of things" Mira said.

"It's like The Magic Council but not" Mira said. "Excuse me Reedus? Could I borrow a light pen?" Mira asked. "Oui" Reedus said as he handed her the pen. "The Council, ERA, is the most powerful organization in the magical world" Mira said as she began to draw a chart in the air with the light pen. "It's only one step below the government" Mira said. "It has ten members and it's their job to uphold all magical rules and regulations. And if a wizard breaks magical law they would be tired by The Council" Mira said. "Then there's the different guild master leagues which are local groups who work together. Then the individual masters. It's their job to pass on the decrees of The Council" Mira said. "They also communicate with other guild masters on a regular basis. I guess you could say they're the glue that holds all of us together" Mira said. "Which is a pretty stressful job" Mira said. "Wow. I never realized that all of the different magical guilds were interconnected like that" you said. "It's important that we cooperate with one another otherwise our system would fall apart" Mira said. "And then the guys in black would show up" Natsu said. You and Lucy gasped. Natsu cracked up. "That was almost too easy!" Natsu said. "You trying to scare us to death?" Lucy asked. "But seriously. The guys Natsu's talking about exist" Mira said as she started drawing another chart in the air. "They're the dark guilds. They've chosen not to join any of the leagues" Mira said. "They're the bad apples and most of them are involved in magical crime" Mira said. "Wow" you said. "Would you two just go and pick us a job already?" Natsu asked.

You glared at Natsu. "You have got to be kidding me. What makes you think we'd want to do that?" You asked. "Well we are a team now aren't we?" Natsu asked. "Yeah! And we picked the job last time! It's your turn to pick! So get to it!" Happy said. You crossed your arms. "Just forget it cat. As far as I'm concerned our team has been disbanded" you said. "And besides you guys didn't actually want us you were just using (Y/N) last time because she has (H/C) hair" Lucy said. "Don't be ridiculous. That's not the only reason we choose you two" Natsu said. "We picked you because you're so nice" Natsu said, and you and Lucy looked at him in disbelief. "Hey (Y/n) I wouldn't stay with those losers if I were you. You'll get plenty of offers from other teams" Gray said. "Your clothes Gray" Cana said. Gray panicked when he realized he was naked. "Jerk!" Natsu said. Gray glared at Natsu. "Did you just call me a jerk Dragon Boy?" Gray asked. "And what if I did? What are you gonna do about it?" Natsu asked. "You mouth breather!" Gray said. "At least I'm not a coward!" Natsu said. "You're a spineless wimp!" Gray said. "You're a freak!" Natsu said. "Looks like they're at it again" Happy said. "Why don't you join the team of love with me (Y/N)?" Loke asked. "Later tonight? Just the two of us?" Loke asked. "Say what?" You asked. "You're just so stunningly gorgeous. I have to keep my shades on when I look at you" Loke said. "Or I'll be blinded by your dazzling beauty" Loke said.

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