Just do whatever!!

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You glared at Lyon. "How pathetic. You're the only one still standing, Toby?" Lyon asked with his arms crossed. "Those Fairy Tail wizards, they're quite impressive. Especially the one we have right here" Lyon said as he turned around and smirked at you. You glared at him. "Hey, can we keep that whole shocking myself thing a secret?" Toby asked. "This unfortunate turn of events could put the resurrection of Deliora in jeopardy" Zalti said. "Zalti. You're stealthy as ever" Lyon said. "If all goes as planned, the demon should awaken at some point tonight, thanks to (Y/n)'s magical power. You no longer even need the moon drip. But we have to keep an eye on those wizards. Something tells me that they might come back to retrieve their missing friend" Zalti said. "As always you seem remarkably well informed. No mind. I can't say I'm worried. Those fools may be strong, but they're no match for me" Lyon said as he generated ice on his right hand. "I was hoping you'd say that. So it's very reassuring to hear. But still, allow me the honor of joining you in battle for old time's sake" Zalti said. "Hold up, I didn't know you were a wizard too" Toby said. "Yes, it's been a while since I've used it. But I've dabbled in a practical form of lost magic" Zalti said. "Lost magic?" You asked. "Sure. We could use another wizard" Lyon said. Suddenly the pyramid began shaking. "Huh?" You asked. "It's an earthquake!" Toby yelled. Then the pyramid began tilting. "I don't think so" Lyon said. "It's all coming down!" Toby cried.  "What is the meaning of this?" Lyon asked.

"We're in trouble" Toby said. Zalti smirked. "I should have known Salamander would make the first move" he said. "Natsu!" You cried. "It appears we have a visitor, sir" Zalti said as he looked through the hole Natsu had made. Natsu laughed. "You know I usually end up breaking stuff by accident. It's kind of funny how hard it is when I'm trying to do on purpose" Natsu said. Lyon glared at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I came back for (Y/n). And once I have her I'm knocking this place over!" Natsu said. "Then you won't be able to shine moonlight on that demon you've got underground or use (Y/n)'s magic" Natsu said. "Insolent fool. Just who do you think you are? You dare challenge me?" He asked. Then you crashed your ice cell to pieces and glared at Lyon. Lyon gasped. You chuckled. "Oh. He dares alright" you said. "Okay. Would someone please explain what's going on?" Toby asked. "Because I'm lost" he said. "Evidently, this boy is the reason the temple is now titled. I assume that he destroyed the support pillars on one side. Doing so caused the temple to shift in that direction. This, in turn, will prevent any moonlight from shining on Deliora" Zalti chuckled. "Not that we need that anymore" he said. Flames came out from under Natsu's feet. "So you're gonna fight us or what?" Natsu asked. "Flames shoot from his feet?" Lyon asked. "When we fought that guy, he was able to shoot fire from all over his body" Toby said. Natsu screamed and shoved Lyon into the air. Which turned out to be a fake Lyon made of snow which cracked into pieces.

"What the? He's fake?" Natsu asked. Then he turned around and saw Lyon standing behind him. "Ice Make: eagles!" He shouted. "You can't dodge them in midair!" Lyon said. Natsu fell to the ground and shot the eagles from the ground. Then he jumped into the air and shot flames from his feet. Lyon ducked just in time. "What kind of ridiculous magic is this?" He asked. Lyon jumped into the air as flames went toward him. "Fire Dragon: roar!" Natsu shouted from the air. Zalti put his hand out and Natsu fell to the ground before his attack could hit Lyon. "Natsu!" You shouted. Lyon jumped back to the ground. "Very fortunate Cold Emperor. Luck is on your side" Zalti said. Zalti then trapped you back in the ice cell by putting it back together. You tried to break it again but to no avail. "Can we keep the whole Toby got charred thing a secret too?" Toby asked. "What did you do?" Lyon demanded. "Whatever do you mean?" Zalti asked. "Don't play dumb with me. Your magic had to have caused that hole in the floor and put back the ice cell" Lyon said. "Don't you have ever the watchful eye? Please allow me to explain my actions, sir. You're the only one strong enough to defeat Deliora. So it's imperative that you remain safe until it's resurrection" Zalti said. "Are you suggesting that I could fall victim to such paltry magic?" Lyon asked as he froze the temple. "Leave me. I can take care of this myself" Lyon said. Natsu glared at Lyon. "Once I finally defeat the demon everyone will worship my name. Cold Emperor Lyon. I've worked to hard to let a brat like him tarnish it" Lyon said. "As you wish" Zalti said.

"So you want to try to defeat Deliora?" Natsu asked. "The thing looks half dead already. So let me get this straight. You're going to all this trouble to melt that ice just so you can fight it? That's pretty messed up if you ask me" Natsu said. "I must rise above Ur's legacy" Lyon said. "I will not rest until I've fulfilled my dream!" Lyon said as he sent flying eagles made of ice towards Natsu. Natsu jumped into the air and dodged them. "Why go this far? Can't you just challenge her and be done with it?" Natsu asked as he dodged all of the ice attacks that came his way. "Well, I would if I could, but Ur has been dead for years" Lyon said. Natsu gasped. "I didn't realize that she ended up dying when she sealed it" Natsu said. "Yes. But she'd still be alive if it wasn't for (Y/n)!" Lyon said. Then an ice eagle appeared behind Natsu and attacked him. "Look, I don't know what happened to you in the past, but I do know what you're doing in the present. And it's hurting a lot of innocent people. And since you don't seem to realize that yourself, I'll have to knock some sense into you!" Natsu said as he generated flames on his right hand.

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