The Phantom Lord

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Natsu laughed. "Was that an awesome job or what?" He asked. "Well the client sure seemed to think so" Happy said. "Face it, you guys are just lucky that I decided to come along" Gray said. Natsu turned to him. "We're lucky that you begged to come with us? How do you figure?" He asked. "Because you were about as helpful as one of Erza's suitcases" Gray said. "You better watch your mouth or I'll pack you like a suitcase, pal" Natsu said. "That doesn't make any sense" Gray said. Erza shoved them away from each other. "That's enough, boys" she said. Erza looked at Gray. "Now please get dressed for crying out loud!" She said. "For crying out loud! Why does this keep happening to me?!" Gray asked. "A bit of advice here Gray. Never get in a fight in your underwear" Happy said. You and Lucy sweat dropped. "Hey, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but..." you said. "What's up?" Natsu asked. "When we took this job we were originally thinking it'd be more of a two wizards mission you know?" You asked. "So why did y'all have to come with us?" Lucy asked. "Aw, come on. Isn't it obvious?" Natsu asked. "No I don't think so" you said. "We're Fairy Tail's strongest team. So we got to stick together" Natsu said. "Aye sir!" Happy said. "And don't you two forget it" Gray said. Lucy smiled. "Yeah we are!" She said. "No job is too tough, not for me, (Y/n), Happy, Erza, and old droopy drawers here" Natsu said. "Don't call me that" Gray said.

"Hmm. We are quite a capable bunch" Erza said. "True that!" Happy said. "You forgot about me!" Lucy shouted. Natsu laughed. "Lighten up. I'm just messing with you Loopy" Natsu said. "Well I don't appreciate it and that's not my name!" Lucy said. "Please forgive me. I truly didn't mean to upset you. I let myself get carried away. It will not happen again. If you would like, you may strike me now" Erza said. Lucy sweat dropped. "That's okay. I really don't think it's in my best interest" Lucy said. "Smart move" Natsu and Gray said. "Are those Fairy Tail wizards?" Someone asked. "I guess they don't know yet" someone else said.  "I feel so bad for them" whispered another. "Why is everybody staring at us?" You asked. "It's not the good kind of staring" Happy said. "It feels like pity" Erza said. Erza then gasped as she saw the guild hall in the distance. "What?! Why does the guild look so bizarre?" She asked.

Time Skip

"No way" Gray said as all of you stood in front of the guild hall, which was torn apart by a bunch of Metal Rods. "What's happened to it?" Erza asked. You and Lucy covered your mouths in shock. "No, I don't understand" Lucy said. "Our guild..." Natsu said. "Someone did this to our guild!" Natsu said. You gasped. "But who would do such a thing?" Erza asked. "It was Phantom" Mira said as she stood in front of the torn up guild hall. "Are you serious?" Gray asked. Natsu turned and looked at her. "You mean Phantom did this?" He asked. "We couldn't do anything to stop them. They got us good" Mira said. Mira led you, Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Erza and Happy to the basement of the Fairy Tail guild hall. "We've never been on the best terms with those Phantom jerks, but come on" Jet said. "Want to teach them a lesson?" Droy asked. "Back off you guys. Don't you think we're in enough trouble already?" Levy asked. "Yo! What's up, kids?" Makarov asked. "Uh, hi" you said awkwardly. "Sorry we weren't here sooner" Erza said. "Why the heck are you all just sitting around down here?!" Natsu asked. "How'd it go, Lucy? You and (Y/n) finish the job like good girls?" Makarov asked, ignoring Natsu's comment. "Yeah, I guess so" Lucy said. "Master, do you understand the gravity of the situation?" Erza asked. "The guild hall has been completely destroyed" Natsu said.

"There's no need to get yourselves all worked up. It's not the end of the world or anything" Makarov said. "What?" Natsu asked. Makarov took another sip from his cup of alcohol. "It just goes to show you how cowardly those dunderheads in The Phantom Lord guild really are. They struck when no one was here. Is that anything worth bragging about?" He asked. "Nobody was here?" Erza asked. "It was after everyone had already left for the night" Mira said. "I suppose we can be thankful for that. At least no one in our guild was hurt in the attack" Erza said. "We shouldn't trouble ourselves worrying about people who don't even have the guts to face us head on. Forgot about those fools" Makarov said. Natsu angrily punched the wall. "Ain't gonna happen, Gramps! We can't just let them trash our place and get away with it!" He said. "I'm not talking about this any longer. We'll handle job requests down here until the upstairs is repaired" Makarov said. "We shouldn't be worrying about jobs right now!" Natsu shouted. "Natsu! That's enough out of you!" Makarov said as he spanked you from behind. You sweat dropped. "And you spanked me because?" You asked. "Hands to yourself, master!" Mira scolded. Makarov quickly reeled his hand back and chuckled nervously before jumping off the wooden box he was standing on and walking away. "Where're you going old man?!" Natsu shouted. "Ah, keep your dress on. I got to take a leak" Makarov said as he walked away. Natsu sighed. "I don't understand why he's being like this" he said. "Listen. This is just as hard on him as it is on you. He's mad, but conflict between the guilds is strictly forbidden by The Council" Mira said. "It's not fair! Those Phantom creeps started it!" Natsu said angrily. "I know but that doesn't matter" Mira said. "Just let me go!" Natsu said. "If the master's decision is to not retaliate then we must respect it" Erza said. Natsu growled.

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