Im beggin', beggin' youuu!

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Song title:beggin'

"Please please please, Willa!!" Enid begged, giving her best puppy eyes.

"You didn't even let me answer before you started begging on your knees." Wednesday said, looking down at the girl, her face clouded with disappointment.she had her hands clasped together, as if she was praying for her to accept. It was absolutely pathetic.

Enid had asked her on a date and, before she could answer, she had gotten on her knees and begged, letting her puppy eyes take over her face. Wednesday cringed as she bent down to Enid's level. "Enid, before you start begging, let me answer." Enid nodded eagerly,awaiting an answer. "yes or a no!?" Enid asked, leaning closer in anticipation, only slightly bouncing on her knees excitedly.

Wednesday looked away from Enids pleading face. "I suppose i could clear an hour of my schedule..." Enid squealed in excitement, tackling Wednesday to the floor, her arms snaking around her waist, squeezing her and bombarding her with kisses all over her face.

"Enid Sinclair." Wednesday warned,a deadpan expression on her face, squeezing her eyes shut as Enids lips attacked her soft skin. "Eni-mm!" Enid cut her off with a kiss on her lips. Wednesday placed a hand on the back of Enids neck, letting her have a few more seconds of the kiss before slightly pulling her away. Enid understood immediately and forced herself off of Wednesday. Wednesday let Enid gasp for air for a few seconds before she spoke.

"Sinclair, give me a warning before you attack me with your....affection" Wednesday said breathlessly. "Im sorry,babycakes" Enid said teasingly. "Never. Say that again."


"Cara mia." She entertained Enids teasing.

Enids eyes widened at the nickname and the seductive tone of voice. "You cant just say that when youre not expecting affection!" Enid whined. Wednesdays eyes softened and she reached up to kiss her. Enid smiled into the kiss, leaning down so Wednesdays head hit the floor. Wednesday hummed, an indication to stop the kiss. Enid pulled away, their breaths mingling. "The date."

"Right." Enid looked down at both of their clothes. They both went out the same day, so they didn't have to get changed. "Lets go then!"  Enid exclaimed. They both got up.

"oh. You meant immediately?" Wednesday asked, her eyes widening.

Enid nodded excitedly.
"Oh! Wait here!" Enid rushed to her bed, bent down and reached under her bed. She pulled out 2 pieces of cloth. Oh god... its the...

"Snoods!" Enid squealed excitedly, handing the black one to Wednesday. Wednesday drew out a breath before she wrapped it around her neck and head. Enid grinned excitedly and did the same. Wednesday embarrassedly held out her hand. Enid smiled and held her hand, wednesday calmly walking out of the dorm as Enid bounced,clear excitement with every step.

One problem- no one knows theyre a thing yet. "Wait Willa." Enid said, stopping as her hand laid on the door handle. "No one knows yet." Enid said looking at Wednesday. Wednesday shrugged. "If its okay with you of course, i personally think it would be easier for you to show more affections towards me when we are in public if we openly admitted we are dating." Wednesday said, her eyes slightly softer than her usual deadly gaze.

Enid nodded enthusiastically and finally opened the door.

Enid gripped Wednesday's hand a little harder, clearly anxious by all the stares and whispers they where getting. Wednesdays thumb stroked her hand in soothing circles. "Its okay,Cara mia" Wednesday said in a comforting tone. Enid shot a small smile to her before she turned back to her original position.


Enid sat down opposite Wednesday. "Ooo what should we get, Willa?" Enid said, skimming the menu. "Ill order whatever you get." Enid looked up from the menu. "Why? Do you not like this place? Do you want to go somewhere else?" Enid nervously rambled. "No, i just know you have....a decent taste in food." Enids worried face turned into a grin. She reached over the table and gave Wednesday a kiss on the cheek. Wednesday coughed a little, blood rushing to her face. "Order."  She commanded, covering her face with the menu in front of her.


After Enid ordered and the waiter collected the menus of off the table, they talked for a little. None of them mentioned how everyone gossiped and shot looks at them.

"Thank you!" Enid exclaimed as the food was placed on the table. Another waiter came and placed a milkshake with 2 straws sticking out of it in between them. "On the house." he said before winking and walking away with the other waiter by his side. Wednesday and Enid looked at eachother with widened eyes and red cheeks. Wednesday cleared her throat. "I dont like sweets as you should know, so you could have the milkshake." Enid shook her head. "Milkshakes arent that sweet, you could handle it. Plus, i cant have all of that..!" Enid nervously chuckled. 

Wednesday picked up her fork and messed with her food. Enid did the same, instead she took a bite. Her eyes lit up. "Is it nice?" Wednesday asked curiously. Enid nodded. "Try it!" She urged. Wednesday looked down at the food and back at Enid. "Ive never tried this before." Wednesday said. Enid sighed dramatically and got up. She reached over the table, taking a spoonful of the food and putting it near wednesdays mouth.

Wednesday looked down at the food and back up at Enid. "No wa-" she was cut of by the spoon going into her mouth. Wednesday glared at her, chewing the food angrily. She swallowed the food-"i cant believe i got tricked by a Sinclair..." Wednesday said.

"I cant believe i tricked an Addams!" Enid grinned teasingly before she sat back down. "Well, is my effort worth it?" Wednesday nodded. "Its...tolerable." Enid smiled and took another bite out of her food. They finished their food, none of them touching the milkshake sitting in between them. The whipped cream on top of the milkshake slowly and sadly deflated into a small sheet of white. 

They both stared at the milkshake. "It would be a shame to...put that to waste.." Enid said nervously. "indeed." Wednesday agreed. They stared for a few more seconds before wednesday started to get agitated. "Okay,lets just take turns." Wednesday said. Enid nodded. Wednesday reached towards the milkshake, taking a sip. Her eyebrows raised. The chocolate was dark, making it slightly bitter. "Im impressed." Wednesday said. Enid smiled, taking a sip after Wednesday sat back down. She agreed after grimacing over how it was slightly bitter.

They went back and forth, until they where half way through the milk shake. Wednesday sighed when it was Enids turn. "It would be more efficient if we just drank at the same time." Wednesday insisted before she reached for her straw. Enids eyes widened in surprise, their noses bumped as they both drank the drink in-front of them. They maintained eye contact.

The milkshake was finished before they knew it. They sat back, Enid sighing in relief as Wednesdays body relaxed from its tense posture. Wednesday looked outside. "Its almost curfew. We need to hurry to our dorm." Wednesday stated truthfully. Enid nodded, getting up. Wednesday did the same, discreetly holding out her hand. Enid gladly took it, walking out the diner.


They returned to the dorms on time. They both had a much needed shower.



"My side of the room is colddd!"

"Yes, Enid, you may 'cuddle' with me."

"Thank you babycakes!!" Enid exclaimed before she skipped over to wednesday, who was laid down with her hands over her chest. She opened them, Enid diving into it. Wednesdays hands caressed Enids back as Enid got comfortable.


This is actually SO terrible im so sorry i promise i made better ones in the future 😦 im posting the bad ones now-when i was writing this i had absolutely no plan i just went with the flow 💀

1338 words 😋

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