You're my best friend, i'll love you forever.

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Song title: you get me so high.

Enid was tired of Wednesday. She was tired of her being so...Wednesday! Shes beautiful, really. Shes got those alluring perfect black eyes shoots glares at her when she says anything remotely stupid. Her soft, dark lips that shoot insults and comebacks when she makes an idiotic comment. Her silky, soft hair that she threw knifes at Enid for touching. Shes beautiful, but oh-so-deadly.

Then why did she find herself drawn to the danger? The danger of loving Wednesday? The danger of getting rejected in the worse way possible? Wednesday was just so....fascinating. Everything about her. Her elegant movements when she practices archery or fights in fencing. The smooth hand and arm coordination, making the cello she plays every night sound heavenly.

Wednesday was mesmerising. Flawless. Too flawless . Enid could never have Wednesday. So then, why was Wednesday holding Enid in her arms, telling her in a soothing and uncharacteristic voice that Ajax was never good enough for her? Why was Wednesday attempting to actually comfort her instead of throwing daggers at Enid for disturbing her?

Enids sobs came to a stop after a while. These thoughts had an effect on her. Enid knew-knows- that shes madly inlove with Wednesday, but now that Wednesday is holding her, assuring her that she is good enough, shes wondering if maybe, just a small chance, that Wednesday may be feeling the same way.

"Enid, are you okay now?" Wednesday asks, snapping her out of her trance. Enid looked up at Wednesday. She nodded, giving her a weak smile. Wednesdays eyes moved to look around the room around them, obviously avoiding eye contact. Maybe. Maybe she does like me. Enid thought as she looks into Wednesdays searching eyes.

Enid buried her face back into Wednesdays chest. "Thank you." Enid said, her voice muffled. Her voice was coarse and incomprehensible to Wednesday.

"Did you say something, Sinclair?" Wednesday asked, clearly not hearing what she said.

Enid lifted her head. "Thank you. For...this."

Wednesday looked at Enid. Something. Something in her eyes. Not her usual deadly glare. It was soft, a glint of adoration in her eyes. Enids breath caught in her throat. Stop looking at me like that! Enid wanted to scream and shout, forcing Wednesday to stop, but she couldnt.

"Your welcome. It is normal for roommates to do such things?" Wednesday finally replied. Not only did she reply, but she also initiated a conversation.

"Well... yeah but not this...close." Enid forced the words out her throat, not wanting to make it weird. Even though it was, infact, weird that her roommate that hates being touched and attempted to murder her for accidentally gazing her hand was holding Enid in her arms.

"....if you feel uncomfortable, i can go." Wednesday said, already moving. Enid stopped her. "No. Please stay." Enid whispered. Wednesday stared at her. 1.2.3 seconds too long. "Okay." she finally breathed out.

They stayed like that, in each others arms, soaking in each others scent. Each others warmth. the small rise of their chests as they breathed in sync. Everything. Took in each other.


Enid hummed lazily, her head buried into Wednesdays rising and falling chest.

"...we are on the floor. We am going to have a terrible back ache tomorrow if we don't move."

Enid snuggled closer,whining and groaning in protest. "But your so warm and soft..." Enid blurted out in her calm and sleepy state. She realised what she had said, but was too sleep-deprived to even react.

"...sleeping on your bed would be much cosier than sleeping on a body filled with bones and flesh." Wednesday retorted.


"Yes, Sinclair?"

Enid wrapped her arms around Wednesday hips. "Please..." she whispered.

She felt Wednesdays chest stop rising and falling for a few seconds. It resumed before she started talking.

"Lets.. go to my bed."

She felt Enid frown against the chest. She lazily got of off Wednesday, rubbing her eyes, fighting the urge to fall asleep right then and there.

Wednesday got of the floor,stretching her arms and cracking her back before she walked near her bed. She got in the middle of her bed. She looked up at Enid, waiting for her to join. Enid rushed to Wednesdays bed. She looked down at Wednesday.

"...theres no space, Willa.."

"I thought you said you want to 'cuddle', which is what you would call it."

Enids face flushed. She was willing to do that??? Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!! Well it isn't like we weren't doing that on the floor but that was because-

"Uh-yea-haha-this is totally normal for friends to do." She mumbled under breath. She climbed on top of Wednesday, her head on Wednesdays chest and her feet slightly hanging of the bed. Their original positioning, but with Wednesdays back straight this time. It was much more comfortable for Wednesday now.

"Are you okay, Wednesday?"

"Why wouldnt i be?"

"Your heart is beating...unusually fast.."

"....go to sleep. We have classes early."

"Its a weekend, Willa..?"

"Go to sleep or i'll put you to sleep forever."

Enid chuckled. She stuffed her face into Wednesdays soft skin belonging to the goths neck.

"Good night,Willa." Enid said tiredly.

Wednesday placed a hand on Enids head, playing with her hair lightly. She ignored the fact it wasnt night, it was actually afternoon. But Enid seemed to tired to listen to Wednesdays petty chatter. "Night, Sinclair."

915 words <3

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