How can i hate her? Shes such an angel. Pt.2 😈

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Song title: heather 🥲

After they finished the details, Enid tried her best to convince Wednesday to do the face masks.

"Pleaseeee, Wends? I even made Thing buy a black charcoal mask for you! Youd look so pretty in it too!" Enid tried her hardest. Wednesdays mind stayed on "youd look so pretty in it too!".

"Fine." Wednesday said after a few seconds. Enid smiled and picked up the two face masks. One was cucumber, and the other was charcoal. "Ill put it on for you!" She said, dragging Wednesday to the bathroom by the arm.

"Let go of me before i chop your hand off." Wednesday said.

"Yes ma'am." Enid said, slightly frightened before letting go of her. Wednesday blushed a little but didn't let it show. "You don't mind me touching your face, right?" Enid asked as she opened the packet to the charcoal mask.

"...if its your last resort, then no." Wednesday replied. Enid smiled softly before squeezing some of the mask on her finger. "This is wash off, so after 25 minutes, you should be able to wash it." Enid said as she applied the mask onto her roommates cheek. "Are you okay,Wends? Your cheeks feel warm. Like-really, really warm." Enid said.

"Its the heat in this bathroom." Wednesday replied, not letting her embarrassment show. "Oh,okay! Anyways, my mask is only 20 minutes. Thats why im doing yours first." Enid said, an attempt of a conversation. Wednesday hummed. "Is yours wash off too?" Wednesday asked, encouraging the conversation. Enid shook her head. "Mines peel off." Enid said.

Wednesday nodded. "All done!" Enid said with a grin. Wednesday looked in the mirror.

"I look ridiculous." Wednesday expressed her thoughts out loud. "No! You look so cute!" Enid said, giggling after. Wednesday rolled her eyes before turning toward Enid. "Do you need help applying you mask?" Wednesday asked, staring at the mask in her hand. "Uh- if you could it would be easier...?" Wednesday noticed how Enid fiddle with the hem of her shirt. She was lying.

Wednesday looked at Enids face. She had a nervous smile on her face. She was definitely lying. "Give me the mask." Wednesday said. Was Enid lying to spend more time with Wednesday? Or to feel her fingers touch her face? And why was Wednesday aware of the lie but still willing to do it for her?

"What do these even do for you?" Wednesday asked. "They refine your pores and increases hydration in your skin! It can also prevent discolouration in different sections in your face. But someti...." Enid rambled on about the benefits of face masks.

Wednesday listened, interested in Enids passionate tone. "Intriguing." Wednesday said as she washed her hands. "Im finished." Wednesday announced. Enid looked in the mirror. She giggled. "Now we both look ridiculous!" Enid exclaimed, turning Wednesday by the shoulder to look in the mirror.

Wednesday nodded. The thoughts in her head were absolutely disgusting. Cute. Was her first thought. She nearly gagged at the thought. But it was also very fitting for Enid. She was... cute.

"Hellooo?? Earth to Wednesday?!" Enid said. Wednesday snapped out of her thoughts. Her disgustingly sweet thoughts. "I apologise. I was thinking of ways to get back at you for making me do this." Wednesday came up with an excuse. Enid laughed. "Come! Lets do each others hair!" Enid exclaimed. Wednesday stared at her.

"Awe, come on Wends! Pleaseee..?" Enid said, her own hands intertwining. "I didnt say no." Wednesday said before walking out the bathroom. Enid squealed and ran after her.

"Wait- why are you saying yes to everything? Are you going to kill me?!" Enid said worriedly. No, its because i tolerate you. Too much. Way too much. Wednesday wanted to say. But she didnt.

"No. I told you you are important to me, ill do anything to stop danger from reaching things that are important to me. Including you. If proving i...that your important to me means we have to paint our nails, wear silly face masks and play with eachothers hair, than so be it." Wednesday said. She was meant to say a simple no, but this seemed like a perfect moment for confessing.

"Wa-was that a confession?" Enids eyes seemed like they where going to pop out of their sockets and her cheeks where equivalent to tomatoes.

"I thought that was clear." Wednesday tried not to show any emotions, but shes sure her face showed at least a little pink. Or red.

"Oh-i-uh-i didn't think you would be the one confessing- uh- i like you too! Like a lot...since you got here. Well, not since you got here because you where a complete ass to me but-omg sorry the point is, i like you too." Enid rambled, her face and ears where a bright shade of red.

Wednesday blushed before taking a step forward. Enid swallowed before also taking a step. Wednesday opened her arms, offering a hug. Enid grinned before hugging her.

"Can i..kiss you..?" Enid whispered. Wednesday flushed. She pushed away from Enid. Wednesdays heart was beating fast, hard and felt as if it was going to jump out her chest. Wednesday nodded slowly. Enid sighed a breath of relief before smashing her lips onto Wednesdays. Even though it was rushed at first, the kiss slowly turned into a soft, gentle kiss. Wednesday placed a hand on Enid's cheek before pulling away to breath.

Enid had a huge grin on her face when they pulled away. "Will you be my girlfriend?!" Enid asked excitedly. Wednesday smiled a little. Which was very rare. "Yes, Enid." She answered. Enid smiled. "Also, you do know youre going to get the mask on your hand?" Enid said laughing. Wednesdays smile dropped and she tried to pull her hand away from Enids face. She looked at her hand. It was covered in the cucumber mask.

Enid laughed. "You have some of the charcoal mask near your nose." Wednesday said. Enid smiled before dragging Wednesday to the bathroom again. This time, Wednesday didn't threaten her.

"Wash your face then!" Enid said to the staring Wednesday. "Don't tell me what to do." She said, before collecting water into her hands before splashing onto her face. "Wednesday! I need to do your hair, making it wet would not be very pleasant for me!" Enid said, holding Wednesdays hair back. "Do your mask, Enid." Wednesday said, finishing washing her face. Enid peeled her mask off before washing her face.

"Can i braid your hair first? Pleaseee?" Enid said. Wednesday nodded, incapable of saying no to her...girlfriend. Wednesdays girlfriend was Enid. Enid was Wednesdays girlfriend. Thats unusual.

Opposites attract.

Poop 😘

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